White Cornerbacks


Aug 6, 2005
I read the 'about us' section and am still trying to decide if it's serious or a joke...

Does anyone really deny the fact that Blacks are generally better at that position?? I would be more likely to believe that there's a tooth fairy than to be convinced otherwise in the face of such abundant and obvious evidence (64 out of 64--not one White, Chinese, Hispanic, Native American, etc etc). Are you also aware that of the 100 fastest times ever recorded in the 100 meter sprint--all are Black??

There are dozens of physiological reasons for why this is, but they make alot of people on both sides a little uneasy. That's old school thinking people--accept reality, embrace it and deal with it.
A giant leap from olympic class sprinting to football. Why not Olympic class weight lifting to football??? Your logic is flawed. Most recievers today are outmuscling the weak and puny 64 out of 64.
bizzman asked us to learn statistics.. and yet 0 out of100+ fits his model of racial differentiation.. sounds like he does not have a distribution for physical features according to race.. rather he as a simple binary classification system..the result is that NO white that canplay the complex multi featured position of CB as welll as the 100+ blacks that are paid to do so, very interesting... bizzmansounds like you have done a masters degreein the 18th century. Edited by: bigman
I think he objected to the temerity for us to believe that: "it is clear and obvious that whites are just as good as if not better athletes than blacks."

We're not sufficiently subservient to acknowledge our superiors in athletics.
I wouldn't be surprised if bizzman and bigman were both pugnus.
Gary, you might be right about Bizz, but not bigman. Unless of course pugnus is bi-polar and schizophrenic, in that case who knows who anyone is?
Edited by: White Shogun
Good one white shogun! All these "men and man" are starting to get me confused.
Not much in the way of an explanation yet guys. If anyone can explain 64/64 logically, I'm all ears. I'm white and certainly not ashamed of my heritage, but to explain away 64/64 on some kind of conspiracy is just nuts.

Team owners want to make money--the more the better. They hire coaches and pay them money to win as many games as possible, who hire the best players they can find to help them win. If a white CB comes along who has got the goods to start in the NFL, believe me, he will.
Bizzman, if all the coaches in football, from Pee Wee to the Pros, have the same belief system as you and the same attitude, when will a white man ever get a chance to even TRY OUT for cornerback?

The idea of black superiority is so entrenched at certain positions, most kids never get a chance to try.

Its the same attitude that used to prevail regarding black QB's. I mean, everybody just KNEW they weren't smart enough to play QB, right?
Corporations also want to make money, yet they have all kinds of hirings that are based not on the best qualified person but on filling certain slots with certain amounts of various groups, thus ending up with a workforce that is artificially engineered to fit the mandates of the reigning political correctness (party line).

NFL teams are run like corporations. If they are bastions of purity, why then were only white coaches hired for so long? The NFL was highly successful with only white coaches, and quite profitable too. It was also successful with white cornerbacks, running backs and receivers playing alongside black ones.

You consider the average black to be faster on average than the average white, thus every "speed position"is naturallyone hundred percent black. If the average white is smarter on average than the average black, as IQ tests have consistently shown as long as they've been administered, then should all the coaches, writers, broadcasters, owners, etc., be one hundred percent white in perpetuity, and anyone who questions it given the all-encompensing answer: "Whites are smarter, quit being resentful and get over it."

64/64 totally ignores averages and exceptions and assumes a racial superiority so vast and total as to be mind-boggling. It also assumes that pure speedis the only measurable that matters in playing certain positions, that a player who can run in a straight line a tenth of a second faster over 40 yards than another player is eminently qualified to play cornerback without looking at any other factor.

Football is an important part of media and the entertainment industry, which are driven by a racial and ideological agenda, an important partof which is to diminish white numbers, white achievement, and to deny whites dignity and respect. Imbuing whites with the false notion that they are vastly inferior athletes to blacks is part of an ideological agenda to defeat whitespsychologically as they are rapidly transformed into adespised minority in their own country.This image of the second class status of the gawky, geeky, stupid, criminally-inclined white man is a staple of commercials, television shows and movies. Having him incapable -- for generations on end -- of playing certain positions in football when whites always have and still do excel at those positions -- is a totally artificial construct called the Caste System.

Can you think of any trends in sports, entertainment, or society at large that favor white Americans? Yes, profit and greedpowers Corporate America, but so does an agenda to engineer a desired result in order to make the U.S. a non-white, non-Christian land mass, in other words a nation of deracinated consumers ever eager to unquestioningly buy the products and messages fed to them by the corporate media and Corporate America.

Get a life, brutal.
But if you're detirmined to bother us a little more...

I'll quote El Capitan's question

"A giant leap from olympic class sprinting to football. Why not Olympic class weight lifting to football??? Your logic is flawed. Most recievers today are outmuscling the weak and puny 64 out of 64."

Indeed, why not? The White, is by the averages, the world's strongest human. Is that not worthy of football considerations?
bizzman said:
I read the 'about us' section and am still trying to decide if it's serious or a joke...

And the reason there is little interest in discussing this with you is because all you did was read a couple of sentences and decided to become a troll. It's akin to going to any site that takes a position contrary to the "prevailing wisdom," looking at the site for two minutes and then going on their board and posting "you don't know what you're talking about"

This site and this board is for those that understand and oppose the Caste System.Cast Football has the equivalent of an encyclopeda worth of information to back up what we say. Anyone who wants to argue with us at the least has to have the intelligence and curiosity to understand our position well enough to state what it is, and then counter it with arguments of their own, rather than coming on, announcing that you read one sentence and are now fully prepared to debate us. You are truly. . .boring. . .
I believe Bizzman is pugnus-The guidelines say we are to talk about Whites in Sports and to my knowledge this is tho only site that does. It really bugs me that some jerk can keep coming back time and time again-try to fake people out and trash Whites in sports which if you read between the lines is what he is doing-Any new member who comes on this site and writes anything negative about the White Race should be banned at once!
Perhaps Caste Football should look at making this a pay site in order to post on the Discussion board. Free reading for everybody else, but a nominal yearly fee for posting members. This would get rid of the Brutals, pugnuts, fact-fighters that infest this site. If they get kicked off- no money back guarantee. Thoughts?
The "dozens of physiological reasons" that make cornerback a purely black position don't apply to wide receiver? Cornerback is both the blackest and most poorly played position in the NFL. If the athletic divide 'twixt blacks and whites is so vast, what is the explanation for the success of Drew Bennett or Brandon Stokely? The reason there is a 64 of 64 situation at corner in the NFL is the caste thinking that has perpetuated the myth of white athletic inferiority. If there is one group that is unlikely to shed the trappings of group think it is NFL coaches.
Kaptain Poop said:
Perhaps Caste Football should look at making this a pay site in order to post on the Discussion board. Free reading for everybody else, but a nominal yearly fee for posting members. This would get rid of the Brutals, pugnuts, fact-fighters that infest this site. If they get kicked off- no money back guarantee. Thoughts?

Caste Football was a pay-only site for two years andthe boardwas afun but exceedinglylonely place. J. B. Cash, White Lightning, Col. Callan, JDO74, Surfsider, myselfand one or two other occasional posters and that was it. And the price was only $9.95! It had to be turned into a "free" site in order to reach more people.

Opponents are easily enough banned. Fistfighter and Brutal won't be allowed back no matter how many times they try. Several other opponents have signed up, made a couple hostile posts and then never returned. Bizzman may fall in this category. If not his posts will need to show marked improvement or he'll be banned in short order.

BTW, anyone can and is encouraged to either donate or become a member of Caste Football.We have exactly one member and counting and one other person who has made a financial donation.There are fixed monthly costs involved and I put a lot of time into this because I believe in it. The Nationalist Times newspaper/websitefights to survive financially every single year and if that goes down then Caste Football will too. No siteon the Internet dedicated to the right things about America is remotely free; they all take financial resources and manpower.

I don'tlike to preach but over the last 20 years I've seen one patriotic organization and publication after another foldbecause they starved to death financially, or because one person had to do everything and eventually that person burned out. Everyone who likes this site should be a paying member of it, setting the example for others. Having five stars and the title of Caste Football Member right under one's user name should be a point of pride. The "Help This Site" link tells how.
Just signed up, only took a minute. Glad to do it too! Finally giving my money to someone I really support. I encourage everybody else to join too!