White and Nerdy

the stereotypes are typical. but i have to admit, i laughed awfully hard.
This is the first Weird Al production I've ever seenor heard. The impression I'm left with is that white nerds are extremely intelligent, practical,harmless, friendlyand uncool.The blacks in comparison are portrayed as being disinterested and very limited intellectually. They drive around bobbing their heads to music, while the whte man is actively advancing scientific technology.In the final scene the blacks have a clueless look on their faces which sums up the point.
KJV1 said:
What song did he change the words to this time? I didnt recognize it.

"Ridin'" by Chamillionaire and Krayzie Bone. It's actually better than the original.

Nerdy to the extreme and
whiter than sour cream!
Edited by: Triad
Jimmy Chitwood said:
the stereotypes are typical. but i have to admit, i laughed awfully hard.

Yeah, it was somewhat funny. If you don't laugh at stuff like that, you just become angrier and angrier at it until it gets to you on a personal level (kind of like me...lol
). Also, a White guy made it, so its just as acceptable as Dave Chappelle doing his "Rick James" thing, or Aries Spears from MAD TV, ripping on R-Kelly.
Once again, KJV1's avatar has me rolling with laughter. Nothing says "Hammer-pants", like M.C. Hammer doing the "running man". It gets me every time.
Ground Fighter said:
Also, a White guy made it, so its just as acceptable as Dave Chappelle doing his "Rick James" thing, or Aries Spears from MAD TV, ripping on R-Kelly.

Except that those guys actually love their race. Chappelle even flipped out and left his show (and 50 million dollars, idiot) because he thought his own show went "too far."
JD074 said:
Ground Fighter said:
Also, a White guy made it, so its just as acceptable as Dave Chappelle doing his "Rick James" thing, or Aries Spears from MAD TV, ripping on R-Kelly.

Except that those guys actually love their race. Chappelle even flipped out and left his show (and 50 million dollars, idiot) because he thought his own show went "too far."

Its hard to tell how White entertainers feel about their race because they are never allowed to say what they truly feel (except for good ol' Mel, but look what happened to him). I would imagine, however, that most of them (not all, once again, let us show Mr. Gibson some love) are ass-kissing morons who have no sense of racial solidarity.

I don't know how many of you watch "Family Guy", but the writers of that show seem to abuse every ethnicity equally in their humor. In fact, from what I've seen, the blacks and Jews get it the worst on that show. The Jewish family on the show, the Goldmans, are portrayed as the goofiest, nerdiest, ugliest people alive, equipped with the typical northeast Jewish-accent. The son is involved in the A/V club at school, and is always complaining about his nasal mucus. Its hysterical. They couldn't have made it any funnier or any more stereotypical if the tried.
JD074 said:
Chappelle even flipped out and left his show (and 50 million dollars, idiot) because he thought his own show went "too far."

Yeah, I heard he left the show too, and now, supposedly, its Charlie Murphy and Ashey Larry running things.
This reminds me of the Offspring's song'Pretty fly for a white guy'which was a big hit a couple years back.What i want to know and to an extent find puzzling is where this White boy/nerd/geek/weakling steareotype emanates from.When i'm out i just dont see it.Most White men i come across are descent,normal hardworking blokes.Its tied in with the other classical steareotypes of White guys possessing no athleticism,rythm,dancing ability or potency with women.Like everything else, its just another Zionist/cooperate media lie that belies the everyday reality of what i see.If the Hip Hop thug ethos culture is held up as the quintesential cool by the same media that propogate that culture and all that are affiliated with it in the world of sports and entertainment then i suppose any white kid who wants to become a scientist or doctor and dos'nt gang bang,talk loud ebonics,seek out multiple partners,serve time in the joint,role joints and sell crack is a geek.
Ground Fighter said:
I don't know how many of you watch "Family Guy", but the writers of that show seem to abuse every ethnicity equally in their humor. In fact, from what I've seen, the blacks and Jews get it the worst on that show. The Jewish family on the show, the Goldmans, are portrayed as the goofiest, nerdiest, ugliest people alive, equipped with the typical northeast Jewish-accent. The son is involved in the A/V club at school, and is always complaining about his nasal mucus. Its hysterical. They couldn't have made it any funnier or any more stereotypical if the tried.

i agree, i love this show
Iron said:
What i want to know and to an extent find puzzling is where this White boy/nerd/geek/weakling steareotype emanates from.

I'm an older guy and I think I can help you with this. At least since the post-WWII years when "cool" began to spread into American culture, there developed a hip/in, square/out joke wherein the "uptight" were saterized. This began to spread to whites in general in about the 1970s largely through comics like Richard Pryor who mocked whites by doing white characters speaking ridiculously nerdy. It advanced (or decended) from there.
On Sportscenter today, they did a segment on NCAA Basketball
Midnight Madness. All kinds of spoofs and comedy in the segment,
but they also showed highlights of people dunking. The one white
player they decided to highlight, showed him missing a dunk.

Why? Why show this particular kid missing that particular dunk to
America? To me this is evidence of intent to demise a race of people.
On Tuesday they should show a black basketball player sleeping
through his 8:30 am class. I would think that this would be easier
than finding a DI white male missing a dunk.
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