White Americans Majority to End by 2050


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
This is totally by design. The Globalist Elite have ensured their traitorous pawns on "Crapitol sHill" have trashed American traditions, sovereignty & the future of our Constitutional Republic!

White Americans' majority to end by mid-century

By HOPE YEN (AP) â€" 6 hours ago

WASHINGTON â€" The estimated time when whites will no longer make up the majority of Americans has been pushed back eight years â€" to 2050 â€" because the recession and stricter immigration policies have slowed the flow of foreigners into the U.S.

Census Bureau projections released Wednesday update last year's prediction that white children would become a minority in 2023 and the overall white population would follow in 2042. The earlier estimate did not take into account a drop in the number of people moving into the U.S. because of the economic crisis and the immigration policies imposed after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

The United States has 308 million people today; two-thirds are non-Hispanic whites.

The total population should climb to 399 million by 2050, under the new projections, with whites making up 49.9 percent of the population. Blacks will make up 12.2 percent, virtually unchanged from today. Hispanics, currently 15 percent of the population, will rise to 28 percent in 2050.

Asians are expected to increase from 4.4 percent of the population to 6 percent.

The projections are based on rates for births and deaths and a scenario in which immigration continues its more recent, slower pace of adding nearly 1 million new foreigners each year.

The point when minority children become the majority is expected to have a similar delay of roughly eight years, moving from 2023 to 2031.

The population 85 and older is projected to more than triple by 2050, to 18.6 million.

The actual shift in demographics will be influenced by a host of factors that can't be accurately forecast â€" the pace of the economic recovery, cultural changes, natural or manmade disasters, as well as an overhaul of immigration law, which may be debated in Congress as early as next year.

As a result, the Census Bureau said the projections should used mostly as a guide.

The agency also released numbers showing projections based on "high" rates of immigration â€" more likely if more-flexible government policies and a booming U.S. economy attract large numbers of foreigners â€" as well as "low" immigration, a possible scenario if U.S. policies don't change much while the economy substantially improves.

_With high immigration, the minority "tipping point" is moved up to 2040, two years earlier than the previous estimate. At that time, Asians would have a much larger share, at 8 percent, since their population growth is more dependent on immigration than birth rates.

_With low immigration, the "tipping point" arrives by 2045.

Under a purely theoretical "zero immigration" scenario in which the U.S. effectively does not take in any immigrants, whites would remain the majority in 2050, making up a solid 58 percent of the U.S. population. In such a case, the share of Hispanics would increase to 21 percent because of high fertility rates and a younger population.

***Reference article...
Jul 14, 2007
Hey at least they have it being pushed back, I have seen some saying the majority would end in 2025 at the earliest. Why do they push these types of reports, why do they automatically assume all hispanics will outbreed whites? Also, what about Mormans, Amish (fastest growing group in America), and quiverfull people?


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
This headline seems to celebratory in the mainstream media. Its nauseating.


Nov 23, 2008
75-80% of the US population (2009-2010) is WHITE!!!

Even by 2050, the country will still be about 70-75% WHITE!

I find it so insane why do they always categorize whites into TWO (Hispanic and Non-Hispanic). I see little or no difference between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic whites.

White is White!!

Does not matter if your from Europe, Australia or Latin America. If you got the classic characteristics of a European (fair hair, sharp nose, thin lips, colored eyes, and pinkish white skin), then you are white. It does not matter if you don't speak much English. A White person is a white person, regardless of his/her ethnic and cultural background.

Articles like this are very tiresome! Anything about white decline (non-Hispanic especially) seems to be news to these ignorant Globalist-Marxists!