Where Have All the White Players Gone?


Jun 18, 2017
A good video in some respects. At least the kid was aware of the discrimination and openly spoke about it.

White Americans screwed over from the subsidies, to the AA aka non white supremacist polciies, to the tax code that hands out tax incentives for hiring nonwhites. West received letters saying he was racist and he then whines about only hiring blacks LOL. That what we mean Cucker!


Feb 23, 2013
New York
White Americans screwed over from the subsidies, to the AA aka non white supremacist polciies, to the tax code that hands out tax incentives for hiring nonwhites. West received letters saying he was racist and he then whines about only hiring blacks LOL. That what we mean Cucker!

We can also add the quotas must be kept to keep licenses. The outcome is not spontaneous; the outcome is planned and executed. That whites are not paying spectators as much is the outcome that was not wanted.


Jun 18, 2017
We can also add the quotas must be kept to keep licenses. The outcome is not spontaneous; the outcome is planned and executed. That whites are not paying spectators as much is the outcome that was not wanted.

Correct sir and add the caste system in football as well. the jews that ran the leagues and teams go their orders from their masters to eradicate whitey specifically WHITE AMERICANS while making it look "normal" take away our role models, neuter us, and replace it with thugs and roided iggas...That imho and it took one decade the THE 70'S to begin to fully implement it...not coincidentally the decade after the Gramsci's had their long march THROUGH ALL THE INSTITUTIONS. When we look at cultural marxism most leftists "people" don't want to go back to the 60's-70's because the agenda is blatant and the wrongness is eye opening. Same buttholes destroying evergreen were cheering the Khmer Rouge...back when black was white, and the world made at least some sense. It would correlate to today the same "thought". In fact I want to call these nuts Year Zero'ers.
Feb 11, 2016
Why not cheer the Khmer Rouge? Think of all the illegal Cambodian aliens that would be taking our jobs away if not for Pol Pot and the " Killing Fields ". Those damn illegals would be taking my dream job of making I love NY t-shirts at a nickle a piece if those damn eager Hondurans kept beating me to the sewing machines. I hope people here see the duality of this statement.


Jun 18, 2017
Why not cheer the Khmer Rouge? Think of all the illegal Cambodian aliens that would be taking our jobs away if not for Pol Pot and the " Killing Fields ". Those damn illegals would be taking my dream job of making I love NY t-shirts at a nickle a piece if those damn eager Hondurans kept beating me to the sewing machines. I hope people here see the duality of this statement.

I see the sarcasm, but the point is Cambodia was a functional traditional society NOW thanks to that **** commies of 75' created you know, boat people, third world slave pits for international ((())) they ended up coming into the west, I don't tend to mind them they aren't violent usually, the older ones ******* hate black people(seriously they think of them as barbaric stupid trash lol) and didn't want to leave, funny thing is when all those refugees came into Australia the Phillippines, France, America you know the left OPPOSED IT immensely. OH YEA there weren't beheadings, rape increases or a ******* international org supporting them and lording them over the native populations. I remember reading about some Aussie Labour jew whining about them being right wing and Catholics and don't allow them in LOLOL BTW the marxist wonderful paradise of Vietnam is in fact a wonderful international "economic" zone of cheap labor for (((companies))) paying 5 cents and hour for Nike production and cotton t shirts to sell to the west for worthles didgits and paper. I ******* hate leftists they truly have destroyed the world ****** up so much over the years. You think about it the left came into SE Asia and mind ****** what was a productive competent society that yes was poor(they made it a helluva a lot poorer) murdered in mass scale based on kookery whole nations damn near(if they were allowed to be say a Japan and have their own strong culture do you think they would be illegalling over here? nope Japanese people don't do it they wouldn't have either). I see these cultural marxists trying the same noble savage horseshit now in more abundance and amplification. "Bourgeoisie" btw has always been codeword for White people essentially, Christians or general european influence(think glasses) Any sense of civility, productive nature, achievment, attacked. I wonder why? Oh yea thats right I forgot every "revolution" is a jewish created and controlled attack. The Jews have racial auxillaries everywhere, whites, blacks, mind controlled marxist hordes off degenerates they know how to add to their numbers. The Bolsheviks had mongols and tartars riding with them cause well they wanted to "kill whitey" too and were recrutied and paid to do so. My blood is boiling I better calm down before I start rambling about the Holodomor.
Feb 11, 2016
The boat people were from South Vietnam fleeing the North in 75'. Yes there were some Cambodian refugees but very few and far compared to the Vietnamese. If you remember the killing stopped when Vietnam actually invaded Cambodia and stopped that brutal regime.


Jun 18, 2017
The boat people were from South Vietnam fleeing the North in 75'. Yes there were some Cambodian refugees but very few and far compared to the Vietnamese. If you remember the killing stopped when Vietnam actually invaded Cambodia and stopped that brutal regime.
The funny thing is the NVA killed about 500,000 more people AFTERWARD denied aid and kept the camps open. They were tight close allies for 4 years until the 79 war....I think it was an international "test" subject and USSR decided to end it for PR reasons. I knew one cambodian guy whose parents made it to Thailand and came to the US his relatives ganged up and killed a black dude and went to prison for it. The North Vietnamese helped take out the Hmong and Montagnard they also were the primary responsible ones for putting the KR in place, their training camps were all along the Sihanouak trail as it was called, and the usual cold war contingent of USSR, Chinese, DRPK, and North Vietnamese contingent of advisors, logistics, and support staff. Hell in 75 the KR had more tanks brand new 72's than the Cambodes under Nol, I'm just rambling cause the pattern of jewish/marxist(((zionists))) de-stablization internationally really ***** us over i.e. Syria and Libya. BTW that incident was ignored in the US but around the "third world" it actually spread news like wildfire, marxism became identified (rightfully so) with bone mountains. You had Angola, South Africa, and Ethiopa going on South, Central America blowing up you had Idi Amin, and everywhere in the background the echoes running things Mandela, Amin all had jew handlers

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Nice hijacking of the thread but let's get back on topic. Anything else on Cambodia and Vietnam needs to go in a new thread in Happy Hour.

It's good that the White kid got to say some things, but from what I watched, everyone else was all about reinforcing the false stereotypes about White athleticism. West and Dunleavy played when there were noticeably more White American stars than now. Just as with the sudden extinction of White cornerbacks and running backs, what happened to them? It's not because very talented White kids stopped playing basketball. As soon as I saw the "reporter" (Jeremy Schapp or one of his fellow tribesmen), it was obvious that this was a "mainstream" report and nothing serious was going to be discussed relating to the Caste System. One or two "non-PC" things get thrown out there, but nothing that will cut to the root of the matter and shed light on the real issues.
Feb 11, 2016
My maternal grandmother was Jewish. She survived Aushwitz or as the Poles called it, Ozsweciem. I was the only 1/8 th Jewish guy fighting for the Pathet Lao. :) Remember we had Danny Schay and Danny junior in the NBA. Jim Boeheim a Larry Brown must be rolling in their graves. Oh wait. My point being that I am not going to argue that Jews control a lot of scheisen. But they are not all bad and not all of the owners back in the day were Jewish though I think somebody quoted here a while ago that like at the time 13 teams in the NFL had Jewish owners.
I find this funny that white non-American players are more prevalent in the NBA then white Americans. Maybe not because they work harder but because most of our athletes tend to be multi-sport athletes where we excel at football, basketball and usually baseball in the spring and alternative summer leagues. Europeans usually focus on one sport and we all know that it mostly being soccer. It is the same with blacks where they tend to focus on just one thing because most of them are delusional enough to believe they have a chance to make it to the pros. I found the video up top here disturbing as I really think Jerry West and Embry are programmed to think that whites are not as quick or unable to defend like blacks at the pro level. Horse manure. Whites dominate the quickness and change of direction drills at all levels of football. I don't see why they should be deemed not as quick as blacks or can't defend in the NBA. Just more caste stuff as usual.


Jun 18, 2017
My maternal grandmother was Jewish. She survived Aushwitz or as the Poles called it, Ozsweciem. I was the only 1/8 th Jewish guy fighting for the Pathet Lao. :) Remember we had Danny Schay and Danny junior in the NBA. Jim Boeheim a Larry Brown must be rolling in their graves. Oh wait. My point being that I am not going to argue that Jews control a lot of scheisen. But they are not all bad and not all of the owners back in the day were Jewish though I think somebody quoted here a while ago that like at the time 13 teams in the NFL had Jewish owners.
I find this funny that white non-American players are more prevalent in the NBA then white Americans. Maybe not because they work harder but because most of our athletes tend to be multi-sport athletes where we excel at football, basketball and usually baseball in the spring and alternative summer leagues. Europeans usually focus on one sport and we all know that it mostly being soccer. It is the same with blacks where they tend to focus on just one thing because most of them are delusional enough to believe they have a chance to make it to the pros. I found the video up top here disturbing as I really think Jerry West and Embry are programmed to think that whites are not as quick or unable to defend like blacks at the pro level. Horse manure. Whites dominate the quickness and change of direction drills at all levels of football. I don't see why they should be deemed not as quick as blacks or can't defend in the NBA. Just more caste stuff as usual.

agreed on many points. I find it funny John Stockton is the all time steals leader and the first half of his career he shut down most of the best players and dominated in many performances defensively(first 4 years Payton didnt have but like 2 points a game and Stockton had 20 almost every game)etc. white Americans representing now roughly 70% of the available athletes playing basketball at the high school level you would expect that based on proportional representation there still would be if the "majority" of white Americans weren't quick(still bogus) the NBA to still have a heckuva a lot more white Americans and starters instead of the 2 they have know league wide, I mean its almost on one hand you can count them and thats absurd, plus What about disqualification rates for blacks? Half of blacks are in prison, jail, fat as you know what, and as a percentage of their population to QUALIFY and be available or in a physical state to play sports its way under their 8-10% demographics they have... Why all the anti-white discrimination? Agenda and bogus brainwashing by marxists. So you have blacks who are mediocre playing against other mediocre blacks thats why NBA teams are now and have been for a decade getting their butts kicked at the international level. The whole white American aspect is also overlooked White Americans despite holding up better in terms of morality and the traditions sense than european counterparts, the full euros are in the pegging order ranked higher than the bottom basement despised white American. I guess its a cultural marxist pecking order....they think the european whites will be be more pro left-wing and anti-white etc. Its has to be something like that. I think they fear a dominant white American, i.e. the basis for the Duke hatred cult
Feb 11, 2016
I don't remember the exact year but it was less than a decade ago but Spain had a hell of an athletic team whether it was the olympics or the FIBA championships escapes me but they had guys like Rudy Fernandez and of course Pau Gasol. They were so impressive I really thought they could hold up with any American squad put forth though the one game I think I saw them in was against Lithuania. Look at Ricky Rubio or the very athletic Hermogomez brothers. I think I butchered that name but hell if Rubio could stay healthy think of how many steals he would have. I think he was in the top 5 last season. Not a big NBA fan anymore for obvious reasons. The tatoos and what passes for music glorifying thug activity kind of pushed me away. Thank god the Celtics did not win the 86' NBA finals with 10 white guys and 2 black dudes one with freckles. lol Still my favorite team of all time. Name one black guy that had the post moves of Kevin McHale. Who is the best passing big man of all time let alone maybe of any player? To me pound for pound Larry Bird was better than Michael Jordan. Jordan could defend and shoot but he just happened to be a great bball player who was a TREMENDOUS athlete. Just because you have a 46 inch vertical and make spectacular dunks does not make you the greatest. the last time I checked a dunk was worth two points just as when Kirk Hinrich hits an 18 foot jumper. Enough said.


Jun 18, 2017
I don't remember the exact year but it was less than a decade ago but Spain had a hell of an athletic team whether it was the olympics or the FIBA championships escapes me but they had guys like Rudy Fernandez and of course Pau Gasol. They were so impressive I really thought they could hold up with any American squad put forth though the one game I think I saw them in was against Lithuania. Look at Ricky Rubio or the very athletic Hermogomez brothers. I think I butchered that name but hell if Rubio could stay healthy think of how many steals he would have. I think he was in the top 5 last season. Not a big NBA fan anymore for obvious reasons. The tatoos and what passes for music glorifying thug activity kind of pushed me away. Thank god the Celtics did not win the 86' NBA finals with 10 white guys and 2 black dudes one with freckles. lol Still my favorite team of all time. Name one black guy that had the post moves of Kevin McHale. Who is the best passing big man of all time let alone maybe of any player? To me pound for pound Larry Bird was better than Michael Jordan. Jordan could defend and shoot but he just happened to be a great bball player who was a TREMENDOUS athlete. Just because you have a 46 inch vertical and make spectacular dunks does not make you the greatest. the last time I checked a dunk was worth two points just as when Kirk Hinrich hits an 18 foot jumper. Enough said.

Jordan also was favored, he could foul, travel, etc. Bird played like he wasn't allowed to do that. And Bird made so many coast to coast laser passes its absurd his highlight reel for one season was Jordan's career. Also Bird when defending Jordan always gave him fits. Jordan benefited from tremendous favoritism and a good team around him. Oh yea and Mchale was a beast and because of that he is ignored. Its kind of disgusting if you ask me. And this white guys aren't tall or athletic enough Mark Eaton anyone? He was exclusively a defensive player who if he shot more would have been a big time dual threat. So many ignored of our guys...West in that ESPN interview made me so angry btw I turned off the tv when i saw it.