Where are the Commercials for...


Apr 14, 2005
now 2 time MVP Steve Nash and playoff MVP Dirk Nowitzki. This is a topic that really bothers me. It seems to be that companies(Nike,Adidas,Gatorade) still think that only black players can be conveyed as thugish and tough. Who else has seen the all black Gatorade commerical with Vince Carter and Ben Wallace playing on some playground against some random black men. They try so hard to portray Carter and Wallace as the biggest bad asses ever by having them mess up the court whenever they hit it or something. Why isn't a 2 time MVP not getting any commercials. I think the corporations honestly don't want to glorify any white basketball players. Since Larry Bird's McDonald's cmmercial in the early 90s can anyone else remember a white basketball player endoursing any products. These commercials have such a vivid impact on youths and kids. So when they see nothing but black players on commericals all they think subconciously is that wow black guys are good at basketball and in turn it just demeans all other races for that sport. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that the tune hasn't changed. That the big corporations want to show NO love towards white guys and put the spotlight on black guys as much as possible.
I did see Nash on the cover of Wheaties cereal boxes at the grocery store yesterday.
i've been talking about this with several of my friends, because i have noticed this glaring example of loving the black athletes and ignoring the white ones. you have the "witness" commercials with lebron. you have the kevin garnett Gatorade commercial where he hatches out of a basketabll and is the "new definition of cool". you have tracy mcgrady, dwyane wade, kobe, iverson, and so on.

what you don't have, though, are commercials with Dirk, Nash, AK47, Pau, Manu, and the like. it certainly seems very odd.

it seems even odder when the best two players in the league right now are both white and neither of them are getting any hype. this type of thing can't possibly be accidental.
No, it's not accidental. Research shows that non Whites buy products much more often when someone of their race markets those products. Whites do not show that bias unfortunately.
What about Yao Ming, he was all over the place for a while.
Nike, Reebok, etc. are not too high on European players, but a great American player would almost certainly be advertised..

This is definitely true. You will also notice they use Black voices in most masculine role voice only commercials. Sheeple whites either are too stupid(or naive) to notice and blacks will purchase that product with reckless abandon.

Hey all, this is only going to get worse....
If they need to show someone as an incompetent screw up they will always pick a white man. It seems that white men are the last group in America you can make fun of without everyone getting their panties in a wad. Try poking fun at a black, a Mexican, a woman, etc...... and see what happens.
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