Where’s the Media

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
When will the media take a respite from its fascination with whether Bill Belichick videotaped a 2002 Rams practice and its gleeful destruction of Roger Clemens' reputation to take a close look at a far more serious situation?

Betting scandal cloud lingers

NBA remains slow at providing answers

<DIV =story__intro>

A dark cloud of suspicion shadows his game, which was struck last summer by a crooked referee and a gambling scandal, and the reaction from NBA commissioner David Stern remains a smug expression of disbelief.

Instead of answers and apologies, Stern continues what might be perceived as an arrogant display of denials and finger pointing.

Something was rotten inside the NBA, and that is the only truth plainly evident more than 10 months after the FBI announced an investigation of former referee Tim Donaghy.

Details of tainted games and the level of corruption still are mostly a mystery. As the case's facts are slowly filtered for public consumption, questions persist about a possible basketball game-fixing scheme that demands full disclosure.

Rest of article: http://www.lvrj.com/sports/19205629.html
good point, a more serious matter. would like to see mr. stern and the nba taken down a few (more) pegs.
I started watching NBA basketball seriously in 01. After 5 seasons, I was overwhelmingly convinced that some games were being fixed. This is the only time I have ever felt certain that a professional sport was not being conducted fairly.

I was shocked, and then relieved, when it was revealed that referees were indeed fixing games. Finally, I thought. I am not crazy.
It sounds like my experience as a 'fan' of the NBA mirrors my own. I was so disgusted with the way the games were being called, I could not stand to watch them anymore. I thought, if the games aren't fixed for money, the referees are so biased that the outcome was the same as if they were anyway.

I can't recall now the last time I watched a game of professional basketball.
I still like the game, but the referee scandal lowered my interest in the Mavericks and Suns, who seemed to be on the wrong end of most of the fixing.

Last year in particular was very bad and killed my interest in the Suns. An absolute and clear cut screw job. I actually yelled out loud when I heard the Suns players were being suspended. It was a complete and total fck over.

Ironically, the Lakers, who were by far the greatest benefactors of the fixing, are now one of the whitest teams in the league, having a roster that is literally half white.
It is like when a business or apartment owners have power and pull in what gets in the papers. True cheating here and barely a whisper?
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