When did we become ’Caucasians’

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Has anyone else noticed that there has been virtually an overnight switch, both in the media and among whites themselves, to using the word "Caucasian" when referring to white people? It reminds me of when how quickly "Negroes" became "blacks" in the late '60s.

Personally, I can't stand the word "Caucasian." It's an unattractive looking and sounding word, akin to "Negro" for blacks or the idiotic "Anglo" that hispanics call whites. Plus it has the word "asian" in it which makes it even more inappropriate and alien.

Yet all of a sudden it's become common usage. I see it as yet one more way of using the language against us, much like the disappearance of the word "man" when referring to white men, in favor of "males," "guys," "boys," anything but men.

I will never use the word "Caucasian" when referring to whites. How did we become Caucasians rather than whites?
Would European American be sufficient? I personally enjoy 'gringo' or 'gentile' myself.
I actually prefer the terms Caucasian (The theory is our race arose around the CaucusMountains, doesn't really have anything to do with Asians) and ******* to the slangy White and black (since virtually none of us are actually White or black, and since such terms implies differences are merely cosmetic.) Unfortunately the term "Mongoloid" for Asian confusing, because it also refers to Down's syndrome. I also like Nordic, particularly for Northern Europeans, but for many it has a connotation of Scandinavia, which obscures the fact that Saxons, Scandinavians, Celts, Germans, and most Slavs are virtually identical racially.

Maybe it's time for some new scientific terms, such as perhaps Europoid, Africoid, and Sinoid?
I've noticed how we've been demoted from men to guys also Don. It is quite annoying. Another thing that is silly is how many whites will refer to blacks as "man" when they're talking to them. They're like "hey man" ,"what's up man". Makes them look like a bunch of queers.
KG you're right about how whites often refer to black males as men but not men of their own race.

Regarding Caucasian, I'm well aware that it's technically the name of our race and it's been around as a term for a long time, but I find it curious how much more often it's heard of late being used instead of white. I like the term white -- it's associated with light, truth, etc., but if not white, how about European, European-American, Nordic, Aryan, anything but the jarring and alien sounding Caucasian. It sounds like something out of Star Trek.
There is something I've noticed in regard to media types, both print and electronic. They will refer to "African Americans" or "Native Americans" in exalted fashion. Then they will practically spit out "whites," as if it refers to some lesser breed.
Many announcers will make a point of using the word- MAN - when referring to blacks in sporting events. It can be very comical. Dan Dierdorf is one who comes to mind. It wan't uncommon for Dan and his colleagues to describe Tony Siragusa for example, as a big guy, huge dude, a big boy, real big fella or big enough to eat hay. On the other hand a similar sized black is more often than not denoted as a big MAN, a powerful MAN, very athletic for a MAN his size, moves well for a big MAN. Or how about the expression, " When he's on the field it's like watching a MAN against boys." That phrase is reserved now for black players only, for obvious reasons.
Yeah, the theory is that Aryans were descended from the Caucuses mountains. But I like European American better. European American puts more emphasis on culture rather than genetic links. Or they could stop all racial labeling in society and let race issues solve themselves naturally. Get rid of all race labels in society, there'd be no bussing, affirmitive action, or any of that stuff.
Anything but "white boy." That's the only truly effective negative term used for whites, in my opinion. Cracker, h*nky, gringo, etc., are more comical than offensive. "White boy" really gets under my skin. It's like their attacking our manhood when they say that.

EDIT: That's funny, "h*nky" got edited. Edited by: JD074
The white boy thing is a reversal of the way it used to be, so I see it as a slap in the face. You don't dare call a black a boy without him getting mad.
Renaissance Man! You Have It Right!

When I wish to be insulted racially, "Goyim" is a preferred term. I also like many that can't be mentioned in this discussion area ... but Caucasian is pretty good. "Caucasoid" or merely "Cauc" is satisfyingly insulting, and so is "Person of non-color."

On this Discussion Board somewhere I recall a talk where the epithet "Racist" was described as "What a black man calls a white man when he wants to call him a n$%#@r."

There's even a penultimate insult which I delight in being called. It's the all-human insult from the Rothschildefeller and Committee of 300 bunch, whose world view is that world population should be decimated. "Useless Eater" is the term they use to describe such hideous creatures as any OTHER human being not of the chosen class, the World Elite. This concept seems to have originated with the British Royal Family ...

So: Cauc, Caucasian, Causasoid, Caucsuc#er .... whatever it takes! Please, insult me properly!
Edited by: Realgeorge