What the hell happened?


Oct 15, 2004
Here's a personal rant.

The other day I pulled up to a car at a light near my old neighborhood (this is in/near Detroit). There is a white kid in the car and he has the music too loud, thumpin' that rap sh!t. The car is all tricked out, (what is considered cool for today anyway), those idiotic giant chrome rims and small tires, various other gaudy add ons to the outside: neon lights, high performance stuff that won't improve the "performance" of the POS he is driving at all. The car is a loud late model JAP vehicle, that looks pretty poorly maintained and must run like crap.

He is dressed to piss off his parents I guess. Hair is cut down to nothing except for a spot on top, typical style I see on a lot of blacks, he's pierced all over, has a tatoo on his neck (that's smart!) some japanese symbol, and he's dressed like a black hip hop singer.

So anyway I start to think that about 25-30 years ago I was stopped in my car at this same light, with the music too loud also.

Then I think of the difference. I was driving an American car. It was a hot rod 72' Chevelle. 396 4bbl. and it was fast. Krager chrome rims, big slicks, spoiler, raised intake, etc. I was listening to Deep Purple or Steppenwolf or some such. I had long hair that pissed off my parents. I wore a black leather jacket, all the facial hair I could grow and was probably high on something.

I'm not saying I was any better then this kid but here's the difference. I was living MY culture. I was driving a car my PEOPLE had made and listening to music that MY PEOPLE created. I was dressed in the manner of MY PEOPLE at the time.

Back then we HATED black culture. It disgusted us. If ever any kid picked up on it then he was totally ignored when he wasn't getting his ass beat, and we kicked a lot of ass too.

There was nothing about being black that was cool. It was stupid and ignorant like the people that had created it. We hated their music, the way they dressed, the cars they drove. In my neighborhood (this same frickin neighborhood!) we were at war with blacks. We did not constantly fight them, allthough it sometimes came to that, we mostly just ignored each other. They feared us and we were wary of them and that was it.

It was a working class white neighborhood and if anyone had ever floated the idea that blacks were superior athletes then they would get laughed out of the place. We had plently of great white ones to counter any argument.

Now look at things. It's like we lost a war. And instead of the honor of dying for the cause we are forced to live in servitude, wear their stuff, be entertained in the way they want. Give our children over to them.

The light I was stopped at was at 8 mile. The same 8 mile that spawned the symbol of our cultural defeat: Enimem. Makes one think.
Jaxvid I hear ya. I have to deal with that sh*t everyday here in St Louis.
It sickens me how many white kids in suburbia idolize blacks and their culture so much that they have to assume the role to be "cool".
And I'll bet that the blacks laugh so hard when they see these white kids trying to be like them.

I think these douchebags sum it up perfectly:

Atleast that kid in the middle is wearing Adidas to show off his German pride.
Well the media has been pretty succesful in making Black culture dominant.In all areas of cooperate entertainment from sports to music,films and television,their is a clear agenda to make them the dominant factor.I dont know why,but i feel its a way to demoralise whites and it seems to be working.Integrate them into white neighbourhoods,schools etc,make it illegal to discriminate against them which is basically outlawing freedom to associate and provide them with every advantage possiple at the expense of whites to get ahead.That along with their cultural dominance,louder much more aggresive persona's,prolictivity to violence and ability to form gangs and act with impunity ,then is it any wonder why these youngsters are totally demoralised.The powers that be know this,which is the reason they are so desperate for integration,but especially Black/white integration.

That poor kid has absolutely no self esteem,he's probably himself or seen his friends beaten up by Blacks and seen them pick up white girls.He feels theirs no choice but to join in that culture as much as he can.The old adage'if you cant beat them,join them'certainly rings true for him.His own experiences of integration,along with what he see's on MTV and the overrepresentation he sees on the football field and sport in general which is so important to the male phsyche has left him with a feeling of rootlessness,inferiority and even fear.At the same time the esteem and ego's of young Blacks has rocketed through the roof.This is something i see everyday and its worrying as White boys/men are in danger of falling into a permanent underclass of chumps viewed by society and reinforced by the media as such.
I thought it (hip-hop culture being cool) was going to fade by now after having seen it take over in the early to mid '90s, but it seems to have taken over in hyper drive now. One's only hope is that this too shall pass. If I see one more white boy with a flat brimmed hat, three sizes to big, with a team he doesn't root for, tilted all the way to the side, and a 4 x white t-shirt on, I will probably just punch him in the face
There are a lot of clowns like this at the gym I attend. To make matters worse, the gym is 80% minorities to begin with, and the only White people there are the wiggers, White girls who think they are "latinas", and ME! Its funny when you think about it, the males want to be black and the girls want to be hispanic.

These clowns are amusing though. I had a near-physical confrontation once with a member of the species "wiggerus retardus", as I wear many "offensive" t-shirts (mostly hatecore bands) to train in. So anyway, Eminem Jr. comes up to me one day at my gym, looks at my shirt, and asks me what a Blue Eyed Devil is. I told him that it is a band, and by the way he was dressed (thugged out), he wouldn't be interested in them anyway. As I turn to load plates onto the bar behind me, he then reads the back of my shirt, which says:

"I've been pushed too far, now it's time to fight. I will never stop until the wrongs are made right."

He proceeded to ask me what that meant. So, I told him. I told him how Whites are treated like second class citizens, and not allowed to defend ourselves without being labeled as prejudiced, and how we ARE now officially an "oppressed" group in this country. He goes, "oh so you're a racist?". And I return fire with, "Yes I am". He's like, "Yo, das f**ked up man." My last words to him were, "No, it isn't, but what is f**ked up, is that doo-rag and oversized shirt you are wearing." Confrontation over.
Sorry guys but hip hop is here to stay. Most white college kids listen to a little rap. These kids don't act, dress, or talk black but they like rap. Then there are the icy hot stuntaz types, these kids are outcast to most of white society. The thing is that the media tells white kids black is cool, but then rips those that act black. The media does this on purpose to ruin white self estem.
I do think it's over for our culture. I don't know why or how it became so but unless we take back some pride in who we are, it's definetly over.
I will never forget about ten years while I was in college, I used to clean carpets for rich people in suburban Washington DC.(Also managed a bar at night too, but hey, I'm white so I received preferences! :))

Anyway, I went to clean a very prominent politicians home and his WHITE teenaged daughter had pictures of all these black bands and rappers. I couldn't believe it. This is a very rich area, the folks were very well known nationally, and yet his daughter still was listening to music from 'da hood. I knew it was over then.
I have thought it might have passed like Joe V said. But no such luck. It's actually gotten worse.

My theory about why its come this way is that white kids are so scared of their own shadows because of being spoiled by their rich parents, or maybe they didn't have a dad around to provide some sense, that they have to identify with thug culture to basically protect themselves.

I truly believe the only thing we as individuals can do to take this back is to have lots of children and provide a safe and stable home for them. That will encourage a sense of pride and strength that isn't happening now.
Sadly rap has not faded like disco, which is what many have hoped for.

Luckily there still is a '70s type Heavy Metal underground culture out there. We are deep underground and waging a Right Wing Gramscist campaign on the cultural front. Our weapons are fascist Black Metal
and yes even hatecore like the Blue Eyed Devils which has alrady been mentioned.

The reason it has gotten so bad though are the jews who
run the media Updated: Who Rules America? and keep shovelling so much of the rap/black/gangster stuff upon every White. Right now only a few have been able to Awaken
and seek out the remnants of White Culture and utilize it but perhaps the arrival of the Internet will finally destroy the stranglehold on the Culture that the jewish controlled media has enjoyed recently.
Jaxvid, as a Michigander you'll appreciate this ... a friend who sells real
estate on the "94 corridor" says the distinguishing trait of someone from
Belleville, regardless race, is a tattoo on their neck. Nice!
Another reason why rap is here to stay is because it doesn't require much talent. You don't have to sing, write, play an instrument, or dance. You can even plagiarize- err, I mean, sample- other people's music. As long as people are willing to listen to this garbage, there will be people lined up to sell it to them.
It's simple...

We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries the Whites have oppressed them, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. The terms colonialism and imperialism must be featured in our propaganda. In America, we will aim for a subtle victory.

While inflaming the Negro minority against the White, we will endeavour to instil in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause." - Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the 20th Century (1912)
GreatLakeState said:
Jaxvid, as a Michigander you'll appreciate this ... a friend who sells real
estate on the "94 corridor" says the distinguishing trait of someone from
Belleville, regardless race, is a tattoo on their neck. Nice!

That's funny! I believe I had heard that a tatoo on the neck signified jail time, regardless, it's a status symbol now and people wearing it are sending a message. MESSAGE RECEIVED!
Deacon said:
It's simple...

We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries the Whites have oppressed them, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. The terms colonialism and imperialism must be featured in our propaganda. In America, we will aim for a subtle victory.

While inflaming the Negro minority against the White, we will endeavour to instil in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause." - Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the 20th Century (1912)

Is this quote real? I see it a lot. It's pretty damning if it is, not to the MSM of course but to anyone that is questioning. Also who is this Cohen fellow?
Some friends and I took a trip to Austin this weekend to 6th street. Let me tell you, its so white and clean and non-cheesy on 6th st- its like a white heaven version of new orleans Bourbon Street. Unfortunately nothing is perfect and we saw a skinny nerdy white kid with glasses and the rapper look including a phillies cap side ways, a tu pac t shirt, long over sized short jeans and high tops. The white bar was playing some obscure (to me at least) hip hop song and he was slyly singing all the words to himself sitting in a chair. Isn't that called a wigger ? There were also a few salt and pepper couples (b guy/w girl of course)- some of these chicks were hot and had no dam shame. There were also the obligatory small black clicks walking outside too cheap to go in a bar to actually spend money. Compared to the murderous dirty broken sewer rat infested New Orleans Bourbon street I'll take it though. I heard Austin is a liberal town and I see why- because they can afford to be sitting aloof from violent black masses.
Wiggers are on the way out around here. The few that are left in the area I live are regularly insulted. I've also heard the slang among White teens change as they say things like "don't be such a Jew about it" if someone doesn't want to share and some of them call each other a "f-ing n*gger" if they get aggravated with each other. This is quite a contrast from ten years ago. I've only been around the ones who play basketball and football in our area so I can't speak for the non athletes. Admittedly, most of these kids listen to at least a little rap.
This is quite a contrast from ten years ago.

Alot of this type of stuff can be directly attributed to South Park (Cartman has created thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of anti-semites.)
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