What State are you from?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
A lot of you have mentioned what state you live in in various posts. Why not add it to your profile so that it appears every time you post? "United States" or "none" isn't very specific.

All you have to do is go to Settings and then Edit Profile and pick your state. This is a new board function that was recently added but it seems very few have picked up on it. Where are you from?
Also, I've noticed that alot of you refuse to put your real names in your profile. Why is that?
Alpha Male, a lot of people like myself have jobs that they could lose if they are percieved in any way to be racist. Thus, I won't post my name on the off chance that someoneat my work place stumbles on to this site and reports me to administration. As has been said before ignorant peoples knee-jerk response to this site is that it is racist.
What Kaptain Poop said.
I think I included everything I want people to know about me on my profile. Several people on here know my name by now anyway.
Alpha Male said:
Also, I've noticed that alot of you refuse to put your real names in your profile. Why is that?

That's something totally different. I can understand why many people are reluctant to divulge that given the trends and methods of control in our "free" society.

But most posters have mentioned where they live in passing anyway. It's a routine feature of many boards, including "politically incorrect" ones. Now that we have the feature here why not utilize it? I notice that even the new board users don't list a state, because almost none of the veterans do. If there's a reluctance to do so, I'm curious to know why.
I'm from the "middle of nowhere" out in Western Mass. I used to live in New Hampshire.

Edited by: American
I'm in East Texas and WTF "they" going to do to me? Take away all my wonderful manual labor?

(Don't feel bad. No one else has heard of it, either.)
Nice flag, Bronk! I'm glad to see some posters listing their state. Texas is in the lead, even though White Savage is still listed as being from the "United States."
White Savage is not from the United States! He is from the Republic of TEXAS!
Yeah yeah, I'm getting around to it

Of course Texas is in the lead. We're the only populous state that hasn't gone completely insane yet.
I completely understand guys. The double standards that existin society are the reasons why many people would lose their jobs if they looked at this site on their work computer and somene's boss stumbled onto it. The same double standards that make it ok to have a Black Living Center at my school but not a white one because that would be racist, right.
Just to clarify, I'm from

but I go to school in
I'm from Indiana, but I notice that a lot of posters are from no state or instead of a statethey are from the United States. What does that mean, that they are an agent or supporter of our wonderfully beneveloent empire builders in Washington D.C.?
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