If you have not subscribed to one of the major genealogy research services, such as Ancestry.com or Genealogy Bank, please resolve to do so this year. You'll have access to not only census and marriage records you may search yourself, but also trees previously constructed by distant relatives. In other words, you may find that someone has done a great deal for the work for you.
You may find, as I did, that distant cousins you've never met have posted rare photos of common relatives you share. If you have rare old photos and post them, you'll be contacted by distant relatives, thanking you for posting them. And there's a good chance you'll receive a comment like:
"He looks so much like my own father/son/grandson..."
That is what it's all about. At a gut level, despite the constant brainwashing by media and establishment, no one dismisses the value of seeing photo of a great-great-grandmother in her late teens and, lo and behold, she looks alot like your 17 year old daughter! No one sees that resemblance and is not viscerally connected.
This is one reason I agree with Thrashen, that essentially more white people would value their own kind (in the present, en bloc) if they were more connected to their own very real ancestors. Everything in media tells us that nonwhites ought to value their own noble heritage. Others have rich history and culture; whereas (non-Jewish) whites have at best a meaningless void. (Non-Jewish) Whites are scolded at any sign of positive ethnocentrism.
Hail the ancestors! They ARE us, and we ARE them.
Denying our connection to them, to our heritage, has resulted in our present crisis of confidence. Modern media, combined with a tragic misunderstanding of Teddy Roosevelt's admonition against "hyphenated Americanism," conspires against the doormant-but-powerful white giant.
So, know your heritage and celebrate your heritage. The folks who made you possible gave you not only life itself, but the physical traits you inherited from them. This includes your intellect, a product of the brain, therefore a physical trait; this includes your basic personality, also a product of the brain and your biochemical makeup. You carry their genes, as they carried your shared ancestors' genes, and responsibly continue what they gifted you and yours.