What is your ethnic background?

What is your predominant ancestry?

  • English

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  • German

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  • Irish

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  • Italian

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  • Polish

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  • Scandinavian

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  • Scottish

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  • Eastern European

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The largest ancestry I can claim is Swedish (about 1/3). An Anglo-British + Scottish blend makes another third, and the rest falls under German, French, Dutch, Irish, and who knows what else.
Sorry, ran out of options. There's not a lot of French in the U.S. compared to some other ancestries, Louisiana and parts of New England being notable exceptions.
I am an American. My parents were born in America, I was born in America. My grandparents were from Poland, but I am an American. period.
Ever since I was young, I have been against this hyphenated-american business. This is what the elite have done to keep us seperated. Born in America, you are an American.
50% Italian, 25% Russian, 25% Austrian. True, screamingeagle, we should ignore tribal differences, and our environment will force us to do so. To quote Stanley Kowalski from a "Street Car Named Desire": "I am not a Pollack. People from Poland are Poles, not Pollack. What I am is 100% American, born and raised in the greatest country on earth and I am proud of it. So don't you ever call me a Pollack." Those old movies really conveyed a sense of white American identity and culture. Edited by: Alpha Male
I'm a mix of a few ethnicities, but I am predominantly Ukrainian and Italian with some much smaller amounts of Dutch and Native American blood.
whiteathlete33 said:
I am 100 percent Polish.

Isn't everybody Polish in the Garfield/Wallington area?
Don Wassall said:
Sorry, ran out of options.  There's not a lot of French in the U.S. compared to some other ancestries, Louisiana and parts of New England being notable exceptions. 

Part of my family is from a certain south Georgia county, and much of the county was (and probably still is) named by a surname that traces back to Northern French origin. The main local hospital even has this name on it.

The French had port cities along the Gulf Coast. Mobile and other gulf ports would probably still have some French families left over. Mobile had the first Mardi Gras, by the way. They also had a hand in founding Chicago, and other Lake Michigan cities. Marquette, DePaul, and LaCrosse are a few famous names connected with the area to this day, either in cities or universities.

Also, the colony of French Louisianna, in addition to the Gulf Coast, spread North of Texas from the Mississippi to the Rockies. The "Sioux" tribe's name is spelled that way because they had their first dealings with French Europeans.

Many French names outside of Quebec (and the Quebecer overflow in New England) and Louisiana are anglicized, like Tebow, Dominy, and Gilbo. In Louisiana and Quebec, the names are easier to spot since they are spelled the same that they are in France.

Edited by: FieldThrower
my brother did a family genealogy paper in college, so i know that my family originally came over to America on the ship with William Penn.

i guess that's so long ago that i'm 100% American.
dwid said:
so Tim Tebow is probably French?

Tim Tebeaux

Or it could have been spelled Thibo, or Tibeaux.
That I know of, predominantly Scottish Lowlander, with a lot of Northern English, a little Welsh, a little Irish, and one Dutch line.
I'm of mostly English ancestry, with one French grandparent. I may have a little Irish, lowland Scottish and/or Welsh heritage as well.
I honestly have no idea what i am. I just know i'm white.

My username is Taco, but thats because i was eating a taco when i found this site and decided to make that my name.
Taco said:
I honestly have no idea what i am. I just know i'm white.

My username is Taco, but thats because i was eating a taco when i found this site and decided to make that my name.

I am glad you were not eating a creampuff.
That's a good one Guest.

I'm half Irish, a quarter English and both 1/8 Scottish and Italian. The part of Italy my maternal grandmother's father was from was near the border of France in a mountainous region. When we researched his genealogy we found he is probably both Italian and French. My paternal grandmother who is English has a few French sounding names in her family tree as well- probably going back to the Norman conquest. Just a bit of interesting history.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
That's a good one Guest.

I'm half Irish, a quarter English and both 1/8 Scottish and Italian. The part of Italy my maternal grandmother's father was from was near the border of France in a mountainous region. When we researched his genealogy we found he is probably both Italian and French. My paternal grandmother who is English has a few French sounding names in her family tree as well- probably going back to the Norman conquest. Just a bit of interesting history.

Lots of Norman names in my background--in fact, both my mother's and father's surnames are of Norman Scot background. I'm just not to sure about the history there, to be able to determine whether, genetically, this signifies to me more of a Norman or Scottish background. So I claim it as Scottish, which I recognize might be a fault.
Colonel_Reb said:
dwid said:
so Tim Tebow is probably French? Tim Tebeaux

Or it  could have been spelled Thibo, or Tibeaux.

My grandmother was a Thebault. We know others who spell it "Thibault" as well as "Tebow." (all pronounced "tee-bow")

As to whether Tim Tebow is (at least in part) French, I know our folks were Alsacian -- which is equivalent to saying yes AND no.

My grandmother's Dad was a Thebault, and her mother was a Vollenweider. When WWI broke out there was a tremendous anti-German bigotry in and around New Orleans. The Thebault's claimed to be French (not German), but my grandmother saw the ugly treatment afforded her Vollenweider cousins, who could not "pass" as French.
I'm English, German, Danish, Irish, Scots Irish, and maybe some Welsh.

Geographically speaking: Northern Europe, British Isles.

As fine a racial stock as any on the face of the earth, and currently under assault from all sides by people who want what we have but can never be who we are.
I'm 1/2 Alsace Lorrainian, 3/8ths German, and 1/8th Irish.

My wife is 1/4 German, 1/4 Polish, 1/4 Italian and 1/4 Swedish
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