What is white


Dec 15, 2005
I would consider a light skinned Hispanic football players white for the most part because a hispanic playing football is a sign of assimilation with America. If they acted extremely black, well, that's different.

I would also consider Johnny Damon and Alex Rodriguez white. Damon is half Thai, but clearly doesn't identify himself as Thai or Black. A-Rod is hispanic racially, but is really much more American than Mexican or Dominican.
I don't consider any of the above white.
Partly Mestizo or Asian footballers are interesting because they ARE defying the caste system.

One must remember that Latin American Mestizos after all, are some permutation of Spanish European and Indian. Of course, what is swarming across our borders from the bottom of Mexican society skews heavily towards the ladder. Unfortunately, even a mostly European Latin American may feel a cultural divide between himself and the Anglos, even though for my part everyone of Europeanoid descent is in the same boat.
You can consider an asimilated Mestizo or Asian an ally. They are not White, because if you do they will just mate with a full blooded White and create more confusion among the races.

A - Rod though a seemingly decent human being is not white. Damon could pass by pre - 1947 standards but I would balk to say the least at him dating my daughter. But Damon is Whiter than Mike Lieberthal, Shawn Green, Gabe Kapler etc...(you see where I'm going).

As for the cultural divide question among Euro - Latin Americans and Anglos we've seen this recently with Jose Canseco and Rafael Palmeiro two White Cubans making asses out of themselves. It doesn't make them less White but doesn't help Anglo impressions of them as a group.
I think Johnny Damon is a Lapp breed. They are considered white but on the borderline Asian side.

I live in Scandi land(hyper altruism) here in MN and they(although Blonde) definitely have some Asian blood in them-I identify it by lack of personality(less psychoticism than most whites..i.e. scale of personality) and extreme political naivate(sp).

A lot of whites(quite easily identifiable) from Cuba(Andy Garcia types) and Puerto Rico can be 100% spanish. Once again we have to fight against them leading the hispanic groups and not understanding the difference between a Genetic european and an Mestizo or Pure Indian.

Most people are entirely ignorant of this but that is just what our schools want.
Johnny Damon actually is a Vietnam War baby. I read in SI(Rick Reily) that Damon's father was a soldier stationed in Thailand and his mother was Thai.

Baseball Fan. Actually, a few players lightened their skin and snuk on to rosters pre-1947 according to JB Cash. If a white converts to Judaism and has a kid that isn't Jewish, is he white? That is a question that could be rather perplexing. The same with a Bosnian Muslim perhaps.

What about Khalil Greene? What is up with that name?
The problem is that we're only about two-thirds of the population. There's no way that we can maintain the integrity of our gene pool, so to speak. If we were 95% of the population, we could absorb the other 5%, especially if that 5% isn't black (their appearance is just too different from ours.) But as we all know, America will never be 95% of America; the likely scenario is that we'll eventually blend with Hispanics, to a certain extent Asians, and less so with blacks.

Edited by: JD074
A lot of whites(quite easily identifiable) from Cuba(Andy Garcia types) and Puerto Rico can be 100% spanish.

I'm not so sure about this because they don't regard race in the same way down there.

Puerto Rico has sometimes been said to have a European (Spanish) descent majority, an extinct Amerindian population, persons of mixed ancestry, Africans, and a small Asian minority. In August, 1999 a researcher at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez received a grant from the National Science Foundation to determine the continental origin of the mtDNA of Puerto Ricans through the analysis of a representative sample. The results of the analysis of approximately 300 samples identify 62% as having Amerindian maternal mitochondrial DNA, 30% as having African maternal mitochondrial DNA, and 8% as having Caucasian maternal mitochondrial DNA. [15] Conversely, patrilineal input, as indicated by the Y chromosome, showed that 70% of all Puerto Rican males have inherited Y chromosome DNA from a male European ancestor, 20% have inherited Y chromosome DNA from a male African ancestor, and fewer than 10% have inherited Y chromosome DNA from a male Amerindian ancestor. In summary, the results suggest that the three largest components of the Puerto Rican genetic pool are Amerindian, European, and African. These results cast doubt on the hypothesis that the Tainos disappeared from Puerto Rico by the end of the sixteenth century.
Source: Wikipedia