What is Everyone's overall perspective of the current state of the Caste System


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to see where you stood on the current state of the Caste System as it pertains to sports and to a greater extent the continuing impact of Cultural Marxism as a whole.

As you all know I am probably one of the biggest opponents to the black quarterback movement that is unfortunatley taking it's toll on the college ranks. Honestly I do not think anything is going to happen to stop this movement. The game has been really simplified and dumbed down. The spread offenses that have existed in one form or another for more than a few decades have magically began to work in the NFL. This can only be due to the league's rule changes of the passing game.

As time goes on and the media continues to create these black quarterback illusions for the DWFs to eat up the QB situation is going to darken with the complete backing of the media, league and DWFs. My interest in this season so far has been much less than in years past. The most frustrating thing to me is that the vast majority of people who follow the NFL do not question the sudden success of black qbs or acknowledge that the media has been hyping them up. I am hoping the NFL ends up like the NBA in the fact that most people will stop watching once the white QB becames as rare as the white point guard (or any white basketball player for that matter). I do feel my personal interest in the game to be diminished from what it once was.

The annual white purges have really pissed me off - the obvious rascism towards white players and bias shown towards affletes year in and year out angers me. The watered down product on the field obviously shows that blacks are not automatically the best players due to their skin pigmentation.

I think Cultural Marxism is finally being questioned by more and more white people. I fear it may be too late to really reverse the damage done over the past 50 or so years. I do not however see any opposition to Cultural Marxism as it applies to sports being challenged.

Sorry for the rant but I welcome everyone else's thoughts on this topic as well.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
While a few Whites are waking up, the caste system and it's cultural marxist base are worse than ever (from an institutional standpoint). All we can do is try to educate those with eyes to see, ears to hear and minds to learn.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to see where you stood on the current state of the Caste System as it pertains to sports and to a greater extent the continuing impact of Cultural Marxism as a whole.

As you all know I am probably one of the biggest opponents to the black quarterback movement that is unfortunatley taking it's toll on the college ranks. Honestly I do not think anything is going to happen to stop this movement. The game has been really simplified and dumbed down. The spread offenses that have existed in one form or another for more than a few decades have magically began to work in the NFL. This can only be due to the league's rule changes of the passing game.

As time goes on and the media continues to create these black quarterback illusions for the DWFs to eat up the QB situation is going to darken with the complete backing of the media, league and DWFs. My interest in this season so far has been much less than in years past. The most frustrating thing to me is that the vast majority of people who follow the NFL do not question the sudden success of black qbs or acknowledge that the media has been hyping them up. I am hoping the NFL ends up like the NBA in the fact that most people will stop watching once the white QB becames as rare as the white point guard (or any white basketball player for that matter). I do feel my personal interest in the game to be diminished from what it once was.

The annual white purges have really pissed me off - the obvious rascism towards white players and bias shown towards affletes year in and year out angers me. The watered down product on the field obviously shows that blacks are not automatically the best players due to their skin pigmentation.

I think Cultural Marxism is finally being questioned by more and more white people. I fear it may be too late to really reverse the damage done over the past 50 or so years. I do not however see any opposition to Cultural Marxism as it applies to sports being challenged.

Sorry for the rant but I welcome everyone else's thoughts on this topic as well.

Those who are old enough to remember when Whites played and starred at wide receiver and running back in college and the NFL and also played all the defensive positions well, never question how Whites suddenly became permanently extinct at those positions.

Americans are the prime example of how intensely ideological propaganda combined with technology can be used to utterly strip 200 million White people not only of their historical memory and racial pride, but get them to believe up is down and black is white.

Caste Football is the only resistance to the Caste System. There was none at all for decades until we came along, but it appears we only appeal to a small, finite group of aware folks. The site isn't shrinking, but it isn't growing either. For every good poster we gain, a good one disappears, never to be heard from again. That's one of the system's most potent weapons -- creating demoralization and defeatism among its opponents. Few aware Whites have the stamina or motivation to stay in the fight for the long run, even as anonymous posters on a website. When those who should be leading the resistance, or at least participating in it, for the most part aren't, even anonymously, then the system's eventual total victory is ensured barring its collapse from its own many problems and corruption.

I believe the next few years, ten or twenty at the most, will decide whether men will ever be free again or will be doomed to permanent high-tech controlled slavery. That's more than reason enough not to give in or give up no matter how bleak things sometimes appear.
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Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
The fighting sports give me much hope. Whites are doing very well in MMA, boxing and wrestling.

MMA, in particular, is gaining popularity and whites routinely destroy black opponents. I also watch UFC in the sports bars around here and see whites openly cheering for whites - especially against blacks.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Don, I see this all as people moving on. At some point, many people become more involved and don't want to just post points about sports. They want to do something and I believe that's where they're going - off to take action. Right now you and I don't see or know what they're doing, but when everything comes apart in this nation, we will see these people again and we'll know who they are because of their actions. They will be the leaders of the White Nationalist cause.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Those who are old enough to remember when Whites played and starred at wide receiver and running back in college and the NFL and also played all the defensive positions well, never question how Whites suddenly became permanently extinct at those positions.

Americans are the prime example of how intensely ideological propaganda combined with technology can be used to utterly strip 200 million White people not only of their historical memory and racial pride, but get them to believe up is down and black is white.

Caste Football is the only resistance to the Caste System. There was none at all for decades until we came along, but it appears we only appeal to a small, finite group of aware folks. The site isn't shrinking, but it isn't growing either. For every good poster we gain, a good one disappears, never to be heard from again. That's one of the system's most potent weapons -- creating demoralization and defeatism among its opponents. Few aware Whites have the stamina or motivation to stay in the fight for the long run, even as anonymous posters on a website. When those who should be leading the resistance, or at least participating in it, for the most part aren't, even anonymously, then the system's eventual total victory is ensured barring its collapse from its own many problems and corruption.

I believe the next few years, ten or twenty at the most, will decide whether men will ever be free again or will be doomed to permanent high-tech controlled slavery. That's more than reason enough not to give in or give up no matter how bleak things sometimes appear.

We certainly had some great posters such as Groundfighter and Bart. They have left the site permanently I guess.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
We certainly had some great posters such as Groundfighter and Bart. They have left the site permanently I guess.

Yes, I miss those guys. And there are a lot more. There are also a lot of guys that I wish would post more because I like reading good stuff from people and there are a lot of real clear thinkers on this forum.

I also understand burn-out. I know Don could write a book about it. I must admit some sympathy towards the tendency. There are a few times I have thought "the hell with it" why continue to frustrate myself? Just tune it all out and try to be ignorant and blissful. The problem with that is everywhere you look you see the same thing so there is no way to escape it. Perhaps in a cabin in the woods with no electricity?

Life tends to wear you down. There is so much absolute insanity in the world that staying sane is a real battle. There is also the issue of the other people in your life. What if all your friends are DWF's? What then? Ignore it? very difficult, Change them? near impossible. Change yourself? How long would that last?

And there is other crap. A close friend or family member who supports Obama? A super DWF boss? A cousin who marries a black guy and has mixed kids? Rap music on your kids ipods? Going to ANY movie with your family. Virtually any television show. And a complete and total lack of support of ones personal views and philosophy from any part of the mainstream culture except a few oasis on the internet which are considered the lunatic fringe by nearly everyone you know.

My view on the state of the caste system? In a lot of ways stronger then ever. In some ways showing a few cracks. The future, as always is hard to predict.

If society trends as it has for the past 50 years it will continue on and grow. However I think there is a real chance for major change due to possible ruptures in the fabric of society. But if the PTB can continue to inflate and obfuscate and brainwash it might not make a difference anyway.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
And there is other crap. A close friend or family member who supports Obama? A super DWF boss? A cousin who marries a black guy and has mixed kids? Rap music on your kids ipods? Going to ANY movie with your family. Virtually any television show.

The hip hop culture has definitely taken a hold of white America. For instance ten years ago Eminem was the only white rapper in the game, now white rappers are popping up everywhere. The combination of sports and the rap culture was aimed at white america to dumb it down. Now the hood is glorified. Rap is all about money,power, drugs, and violence. Somehow our society has come to idiolize many of these thugs. Speaking from experience nearly every kid I know in my area loves rap and often emulate what they see and hear. I've even fallen victim to this..

Sometimes I think things are getting better and other times I feel like the scale is ever tipping in favor for minorities. The black man is constantly projected as the alpha male. In reality white people built this great nation doing the real jobs(construction,engineering,infrastructure) so these guys can play games and make ****ty music and get rich off it!
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Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Great posts guys. I can really relate to them and it's nice to know that although we are a small group we all share the same mindset. This site is the only one I can come to and talk sports and society in general without losing my temper or become frustrated.