What do you thinks DWF's 2010 perception of blacks


Apr 9, 2010
In sports. With me making a bold claim that 2010 is possible the best year ever, do you think we have made any in roads?

i think so, i know its a little thing, but in the UK we have a thing called sport relief, which a charity phone in night. What i liked in this clip was not the fact that it was particualrly funny, but more the fact that it embrased all the UK'S top sports stars, who are all white, which gave whites a good media perception.

here in this clip it has wayne rooney, david beckham, andy murrey, tom daley(14 year old world diving champ), jenson button(not lewis hamilton), freddie flintoff etc.


Is this the same in america or have you made no inroads?


Mar 23, 2009
It is obvious by now that we are witnessing a change in consciousness of the masses. In both sports and mostly Libertarian ideals, because they both are so intertwined. You will start hearing "we are about to enter another holocaust" more and more often to scare the retards away from the truth (this is America not a down and out Germany), but overall the one party system is being exposed, and the caste system more and more alluded to. I have no idea why now (maybe Obama was a catalyst, maybe Gerhart or Lemaitre, maybe the wars in the middle east), but more people are becoming enlightened if that's what you mean. At this point the powers that be are just trying to create so many rifts in the third party movement that it will have no influence, but I doubt that will work. The best way to create rifts is to be openly pro-white I believe, unfortunately. Whatever direction we are taking, we are getting closer to the truth. And I don't believe, well I hope I don't believe, that agents of misinformation are as prevalent as we think, because to know what we here at CF know and still reject the truth is unfathomable to me. I hate constantly alluding to 1984, but it is just like with the O'Brian fellow who knows so much that Winston's Brain is a part of his, yet O'Brian rejects Winston's opinions. But you bet, it gets better every year lately all-around. Hopefully when America does wake up the Zionist cabal doesn't decide to nuke us.