What are your views on infant/child vaccinations?


Jun 28, 2010
I have been doing research on different vaccinations but there seems to be conflicting reports from both ends of the spectrum about the risks/benefits. Some say there are links to Autism and some sitesagainst vaccinations even goa little further with the risks listed.
I don't know about all of that. I do know that it is not wise to blindly follow whateverthe doctor tells you.Yes doctors have gone to medical school and have more knowledge than I do on the subject, but I have seena fewpeople suffer by trusting their doctor to do what is best for them (mainly people with back surgeries). I have seen kids who are heavily medicated for acting likeregular children. I have read that doctors get perks from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing certain medications. So it seems they are not always looking out for our best interest. There also seems to be more"suggestedvaccinations"* out there from when I was a kid, and Iam not sure ifthere has been any real reason for this. Also, it seems some vaccinesare combined, so if you want to give your kid atetanus shot, you also have to give him 2 othervaccines at the same time.Are more children getting saved from disease or has it been the same? Do you think the benefits outweigh the risks?

*the vaccinations are suggested, but some doctors will have you believe that they are mandatory

If you have kids, have you had them vaccinated for everything that is suggested by the Center of Disease Control?or have you decided to not vaccinate them? or maybe use an alternative schedule and skip certain vaccines?

Edited by: snow


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
When you have kids you will find out that you don't have a choice. Vaccinations are mandated by law. When they are born, if it is in a hospital you have to consent to the shots. The only way to avoid it is to have the kid at home or maybe make a claim that you have a religious reason to not have your kids take a shot. Be careful though, the medical establishment considers any attempt to avoid their advice as BAD parenting and they can take your kids away--without a warrant!

When the kids are older the only way you can send them to any government sanctioned school is to have the shots. A record is kept and any kid with out the shots is not allowed in school. They will take your kid for this too. You will have to home school to avoid this or perhaps there are some private schools that can get around the requirement.

If you are serious about avoiding shots for your kids you will have to decide it early and go the religious route, hiome delivery, home school, or something similar "off the grid" so to speak. Big brother wants your kids and won't take no for an answer.

Note this is my experience how it works in Michigan, it might be different somewhere else.


Jun 28, 2010
Well, we had our son delivered by a midwife, although it was in a hospital. We are able to avoid the first set of vaccinations, but we have encountered more problems when going to pediatricians. We have found one that is somewhat tolerable. We explained to him we weren't going by the suggested schedule and were going to get shots later. He didn't say anything and walked out of the room. A nurse came back with a form saying that he is not liable for any damages that happen by not getting shots "on time." It is sad that he was the most tolerable doctor. I didn't know that they can take away your kids for this, the only thing that I have encountered here is that doctors will refuse to treat you.

Some of the vaccinations just seem ridiculous as some of these diseases are no longer a threat. Or like the goop they wanted to put on my son's eyes that I was able to refuse, they do this in case the mother has gonorrhea, I know my wife doesn't have that so it was just ridiculous for them to try and push that on me.

I was worried about the school part. I started college a little late and there were some new vaccinations that they said I was required to have, I was able to get around it by simply stating on a form "I don't think the benefits outweigh the risks". But you are right, I have a feeling it will be much harder to do this for a child entering school. I think itmight be doablewhere I live, but they seem to be making it extremely hard, even if you want an alternative schedule.

I will have to look into whether private schools would allow himin, as we would have to go that route anyway due to all of the public schools being horrible. Edited by: snow


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Snow, I have three children and none of them are vaccinated as it is extremely dangerous to their health. Research breastfeeding and its benefits as an alternative. Anyway, my first two kids were born in a birthing center. It's much better than a hospital as it leaves virtually all decisions to the parents. Our third child was born at home with two midwives. No vaccinations required doing it this way. My kids were all homeschooled through 8th grade and entered the public school system as freshmen in H.S. A simple letter one paragraph long was all that was needed to enroll them without vaccinations. I can e-mail it to you if you like. It is a religious exemption legally worded so the school must except it. I would chuckle during orientation for freshmen as the school principal would openly threaten the parents in the auditorium about expulsion if their kids were not vaccinated. As jaxvid noted, the government is a bully with no morals.

Regarding doctors, we used alternative doctors who agreed with our position.

Two of my kids are now in college and still have not needed vaccinations for entry anywhere. You can successfully do it if you research proper procedure and cover yourself legally. Good Luck!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Vaccines are full of neuro-toxins & other dangerous ingredients. I don't recommend them to anyone...especially kids. In my estimation, they're part of the Globalist Elite's eugenics agenda to cull the populace.

Vaccines - The Deadly "Cure"

Edited by: DixieDestroyer

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
snow said:
There also seems to be more "suggested vaccinations"* out there from when I was a kid, and I am not sure if there has been any real reason for this.
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One huge reason for this is that we have more immigrants from more "exotic" places than ever before. Another by-product of attempting and maintaining a polyglot.Edited by: Deus Vult


Nov 23, 2006
DixieDestroyer said:
Vaccines are full of neuro-toxins & other dangerous ingredients. I don't recommend them to anyone...especially kids. In my estimation, they're part of the Globalist Elite's eugenics agenda to cull the populace.

Vaccines - The Deadly "Cure"

Though, there has been evidence that some vaccines sent to the third world had a form of "birth control." Also, soldiers may have been given experimental vaccines that could have made the companies lots of money if they worked and didn't have so many horrible side effects. Most likely the maiming and killing done with the vaccines in the West is because of greed and stupidity.Vaccines likely are useful in controlling certain diseases but the cost benefit should be measure in lives not dollars. The vaccine schedules are more created to maximize vaccine manufacturer's profits rather to maximize society's health.

Basically, manufacturing will have to be done under strictly control conditions with safe as possible ingredients by smart (White) people. The schedule will have to be reduce to the bare minimum (vaccines that most people are unlikely to get or at their age to get shouldn't be given without reason no matter how much the vaccine manufacturer loses) given over a longer period of time with time separating each vaccine injection and likely test to see if the patient is allergic to the vaccines and if so herd immunity should keep them safe.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I don't even support getting something as tame as a tetanus shot considering it took me several months to get over the very painful side effects from the shot I got last year after stepping on a nail at work. I will never get one again and just take my chances but most people have gotten tetanus shots and never had any complications.