What are your examples of an Alpha Male?

Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
The concept of the "Alpha Male" is one that has always intrigued me. To me it means doing what makes you happy as a male, being confident, and not basing your lifestyle choices on females or "societal norms". I suppose secondarily, it is understanding that males and females are fundamentally unequal.

The Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo is a great example of an "Alpha Male" in my opinion. He excels at what he does, generally uses females only for sex, and has successfully evaded several false rape allegations. He also has full custody of his son and is a self styled single father. He had a son because he wanted a son and refused to marry or even enter into a relationship with the son's mother.

Ronaldo has also been publicly opposed to Israeli treatment of Palestinian civilians and donated large sums of money to Palestine.

What are other examples of Alpha Males?


Dec 1, 2006
BoxingSpecialist2;325physique e concept of the "Alpha Male" is one that has always intrigued me. To me it means doing what makes you happy as a male said:
I bet you like his muscular physique, carefully plucked eyebrows and shiny earrings too!
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
chris37325t73 said:
I bet you like his muscular physique, carefully plucked eyebrows and shiny earrings too!

Well, yea I guess you could say being fit is part of being an Alpha Male. I like to keep fit as well.

But his lifestyle choices - basically saying he doesnt want a wife and going out of his way to have a kid without having any sort of relationship with the mom. It's like he has no need for women. He made choices for himself and didn'twant to trap himself with a wife. Obviously he could have any woman he wants he's just not interested.

Personally I think it's a great example for other males to follow in his steps. Too many guys get absolutely trapped in a marriage and at that point you're basically living to suit someone else.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South

I find a number of your posts disturbing, and your last one literally makes me want to puke. Grow up and get a clue.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
BS(artist)2, that little pantywaist prettyboy "Ronaldo" is NO real man. He couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper sack! I couldn't decide whether to laugh or vomit in reading that mess.

**Now then, let me give some good examples of real men...

Jesus Christ
Hugh Glass
Jim Bridger
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
Teddy Roosevelt
King Leonidis
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Frank Hamer
Tom Crean
Andrew Jackson
Alvin York
Harley Race
Richard Proenekke
Gene LeBell
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Feb 23, 2013
New York
BS(artist)2, that little pantywaist prettyboy "Ronaldo" is NO real man. He couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper sack! I couldn't decide whether to laugh or vomit in reading that mess.

**Now then, let me give some good examples of real men...

Jesus Christ
Hugh Glass
Jim Bridger
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
Teddy Roosevelt
King Leonidis
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Frank Hamer
Tom Crean
Andrew Jackson
Alvin York
Harley Race
Richard Proenekke
Gene LeBell

Well done man! That's an impressive list. Those are all men of deeds. Seeing Glass, Crean, and Proenekke on there really makes proud and smile.
Dec 10, 2012
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

I guess what qualifies a dude as Alpha, is subjective, but I agree w/you. Thomas Jonathan Jackson was an Alpha.. a courageous, instinctive leader.. an honest and honorable man. Jackson believed deeply in things larger than himself.
I think Jackson's record as a fearless Civil War underdog is well established. But his earlier heroism in the Mexican War (especially @ Chapultepec) has been largely forgotten. He was a great Virginian & American.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
How about Sam Houston? Davy Crockett. Robert E Lee. William Wallace.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The description "alpha male" now generally refers to men who are easily able to bed a steady stream of women (so-called "pump and dumps"), by manipulating girls' emotions by "gaming" them by generally treating them poorly.

These types of alpha males are only about 10 or 20% of the population, but due to the incredibly poisonous top-down imposition of feminism over the past two generations, they are the ones getting most of the action, while the 80 or 90% of "betas" wonder why being nice and having character rarely gets them a quality girlfriend or wife anymore. This is why male-female relations are so bad under feminist rule; alphas, who are what used to be called ******** and thugs rather than something admirable, thrive, while many kind, decent men who cherish women are left out or end up down the road being totally screwed in divorce court.

I understand why "game" and sexual alpha males exist, but it's a huge reason why the U.S. is fast becoming (or has already become) an idiocracy, as too many smart and attractive women have wasted their child-bearing years trying to climb the corporate ladder, while too many trailer trash types still have large broods, and often of mixed-race hues. In a healthy society, women's negative traits are kept in check, and men of character and ability are rewarded rather than those who are interested almost solely in random screwing rather than raising a stable family.

So I would say that many of the men mentioned in this thread had or have great character, courage and leadership and should be respected for that, and not be called "alpha males."


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The description "alpha male" now generally refers to men who are easily able to bed a steady stream of women (so-called "pump and dumps"), by manipulating girls' emotions by "gaming" them by generally treating them poorly.

These types of alpha males are only about 10 or 20% of the population, but due to the incredibly poisonous top-down imposition of feminism over the past two generations, they are the ones getting most of the action, while the 80 or 90% of "betas" wonder why being nice and having character rarely gets them a quality girlfriend or wife anymore. This is why male-female relations are so bad under feminist rule; alphas, who are what used to be called ******** and thugs rather than something admirable, thrive, while many kind, decent men who cherish women are left out or end up down the road being totally screwed in divorce court.

I understand why "game" and sexual alpha males exist, but it's a huge reason why the U.S. is fast becoming (or has already become) an idiocracy, as too many smart and attractive women have wasted their child-bearing years trying to climb the corporate ladder, while too many trailer trash types still have large broods, and often of mixed-race hues. In a healthy society, women's negative traits are kept in check, and men of character and ability are rewarded rather than those who are interested almost solely in random screwing rather than raising a stable family.

So I would say that many of the men mentioned in this thread had or have great character, courage and leadership and should be respected for that, and not be called "alpha males."

Good summarization & clarification Don. In my mind, the aforementioned individuals (above) are the essence of true & real "manliness"...something we should all strive to emulate. :)
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
The description "alpha male" now generally refers to men who are easily able to bed a steady stream of women (so-called "pump and dumps"), by manipulating girls' emotions by "gaming" them by generally treating them poorly.

These types of alpha males are only about 10 or 20% of the population, but due to the incredibly poisonous top-down imposition of feminism over the past two generations, they are the ones getting most of the action, while the 80 or 90% of "betas" wonder why being nice and having character rarely gets them a quality girlfriend or wife anymore. This is why male-female relations are so bad under feminist rule; alphas, who are what used to be called ******** and thugs rather than something admirable, thrive, while many kind, decent men who cherish women are left out or end up down the road being totally screwed in divorce court.

I understand why "game" and sexual alpha males exist, but it's a huge reason why the U.S. is fast becoming (or has already become) an idiocracy, as too many smart and attractive women have wasted their child-bearing years trying to climb the corporate ladder, while too many trailer trash types still have large broods, and often of mixed-race hues. In a healthy society, women's negative traits are kept in check, and men of character and ability are rewarded rather than those who are interested almost solely in random screwing rather than raising a stable family.

So I would say that many of the men mentioned in this thread had or have great character, courage and leadership and should be respected for that, and not be called "alpha males."

Your description of an "Alpha Male" sounds a lot like me. I used to be a "nice guy" but after going through a few breakups that changed and now I'm literally just looking for sex.

I've literally had girls hit on me at the bar. And I've responded by telling them Im not looking for a girlfriend, I'm only interested in sex and/or paying them to shoot porn with me (to which most say "no", and I'm fine with that. I don't want a girlfriend)

I do pay girls to model for me and shoot porn with me. But other than that I don't really want to get more involved with a female. Let me clarify: I don't pay for sex. It's more that I pay girls to model or shoot porn with me.

I'm 26 and already have had a good amount of sexual partners.

The sad thing is at my job, I talk to married guys who are supposed to be living a "happy life". But they're all miserable and complain about never having sex.

Meanwhile I am single and pretty much get sex anytime I want it. Not only that but I get very rough, satisfying sex with different females.
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BS2 I appreciate your contributions to this site . Your posts about Zionism and boxing are very informative but I think I speak for most of the posters here when I ask if you could please tone it down about your sex life and pornography shoots
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
BS2 I appreciate your contributions to this site . Your posts about Zionism and boxing are very informative but I think I speak for most of the posters here when I ask if you could please tone it down about your sex life and pornography shoots

Hey, thank you. You're right. This is a great site and I don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable here. So yes, I will tone it down.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Your description of an "Alpha Male" sounds a lot like me. I used to be a "nice guy" but after going through a few breakups that changed and now I'm literally just looking for sex.

I've literally had girls hit on me at the bar. And I've responded by telling them Im not looking for a girlfriend, I'm only interested in sex and/or paying them to shoot porn with me (to which most say "no", and I'm fine with that. I don't want a girlfriend)

I do pay girls to model for me and shoot porn with me. But other than that I don't really want to get more involved with a female. Let me clarify: I don't pay for sex. It's more that I pay girls to model or shoot porn with me.

I'm 26 and already have had a good amount of sexual partners.

The sad thing is at my job, I talk to married guys who are supposed to be living a "happy life". But they're all miserable and complain about never having sex.

Meanwhile I am single and pretty much get sex anytime I want it. Not only that but I get very rough, satisfying sex with different females.

BS2, I appreciate your honesty but,

as I've said before; the reason you can't find a decent woman is because you're looking in the wrong places! You'll never find a decent lady bar hopping.

You'll never be completely satisfied by going from whore to whore for sex. It will never be enough for you.

I can guarantee it!

There's only one thing that can fill the hole in a human's heart.

A relationship with Jesus Christ!
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
BS2, I appreciate your honesty but,

as I've said before; the reason you can't find a decent woman is because you're looking in the wrong places! You'll never find a decent lady bar hopping.

You'll never be completely satisfied by going from whore to whore for sex. It will never be enough for you.

I can guarantee it!

There's only one thing that can fill the hole in a human's heart.

A relationship with Jesus Christ!

Thanks for your concern but to be honest I am not very religious.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Thanks for your concern but to be honest I am not very religious.

I'm not Religious either or I try not to be. Christianity is not a "RELIGION."

Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus Christ who died for you. That's what separates Christianity from Religion. Religion says what you have to do the receive eternal life.

Christianity is what Christ did for all of humanity!

No one can live up to Religion! No one!

All you have to do is truly seek Christ!

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me." Revelation 3:20.

As I said you will never be satisfied with what you are currently doing/seeking. It will never be enough.

However, Jesus said, "but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst again. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up into eternal life." John 4:14.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Amen CS! I too am not "religious", but focus on God's Word & it's wisdom, guidance & knowledge. Notice (above) who was first on my list of "real men". If anyone doubts His toughness...have a looksee at the scourging & crucifixion scenes from Mel Gibson's masterpiece "The Passion of the Christ"...and remember, He did that voluntarily (for OUR sins).


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
I'm not Religious either or I try not to be. Christianity is not a "RELIGION."

Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus Christ who died for you. That's what separates Christianity from Religion. Religion says what you have to do the receive eternal life.

Christianity is what Christ did for all of humanity!

No one can live up to Religion! No one!

All you have to do is truly seek Christ!

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me." Revelation 3:20.

As I said you will never be satisfied with what you are currently doing/seeking. It will never be enough.

However, Jesus said, "but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst again. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up into eternal life." John 4:14.

You are right Carolina speed. When we seek Jesus Christ, we learn about who he is (God in the flesh), what he has done for us (took away our sins at the cross) and what he promises us as a consequence of our faith (eternal life with him).

Being born again, has nothing to with religion and everything to do with faith.


May 14, 2015
Your description of an "Alpha Male" sounds a lot like me. I used to be a "nice guy" but after going through a few breakups that changed and now I'm literally just looking for sex.

I've literally had girls hit on me at the bar. And I've responded by telling them Im not looking for a girlfriend, I'm only interested in sex and/or paying them to shoot porn with me (to which most say "no", and I'm fine with that. I don't want a girlfriend)

I do pay girls to model for me and shoot porn with me. But other than that I don't really want to get more involved with a female. Let me clarify: I don't pay for sex. It's more that I pay girls to model or shoot porn with me.

I'm 26 and already have had a good amount of sexual partners.

The sad thing is at my job, I talk to married guys who are supposed to be living a "happy life". But they're all miserable and complain about never having sex.

Meanwhile I am single and pretty much get sex anytime I want it. Not only that but I get very rough, satisfying sex with different females.

ahahaha some of the members find this quite open, and off putting, but i commend your openness on the matter and think its an interesting topc for discussion.

Like you i am pretty good at getting girls, when you are a above average white male that looks after themselves, it is justs scientific fact that women of ALL races will desire you. Although i do ok, you sound pretty stunning looking, Paul Newman esque dare i say. So fair play to you :)

Now i am a bit older than you at age 30. And i am in your position, however, and whilst i agree with what you are saying, its more down to moral decay that me and you are behaving as we are. in a ideal world feminism would not exist and this gap between men and women would not be like this.

I also agree, that when i see friends in there relationships 80/90 percent of the time i do not envy them, they become overweight and complete wimps and under the thumb of there moanings GF/Wives.

However when you do meet the right girl, there is nothing better than settling down and getting married. Nothing. And despite alot of Westenr women being horrendous, if you are popular with the girls as it seems, you should be able to also get the really cool ones, not just on looks but personality.

So if i am being honest mate, i completely see where you are coming from, but ill be honest. People like me and you are more the problem, not the solution. I am not proud of what i have done/do, especially as a Christian. However i completely feel your frustrations about modern society and how awful most western women are. They really are Jealous of white women who hate on white men, i wish i was in the 50's where women were kind, supporting and gentle.

My last point though is i disagree with your opinion of Ronaldo being an Alpha male. I actually think he could be gay and they are covering up with this "alleged" child that appears to be mixed race. Hes an amazing white athlete, no doubt about it, but Alpha male is not what springs to mind.

Jason Statham is a alpha male imo. fassbender, brad pitt in fight club as well...
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
ahahaha some of the members find this quite open, and off putting, but i commend your openness on the matter and think its an interesting topc for discussion.

Like you i am pretty good at getting girls, when you are a above average white male that looks after themselves, it is justs scientific fact that women of ALL races will desire you. Although i do ok, you sound pretty stunning looking, Paul Newman esque dare i say. So fair play to you :)

Now i am a bit older than you at age 30. And i am in your position, however, and whilst i agree with what you are saying, its more down to moral decay that me and you are behaving as we are. in a ideal world feminism would not exist and this gap between men and women would not be like this.

I also agree, that when i see friends in there relationships 80/90 percent of the time i do not envy them, they become overweight and complete wimps and under the thumb of there moanings GF/Wives.

However when you do meet the right girl, there is nothing better than settling down and getting married. Nothing. And despite alot of Westenr women being horrendous, if you are popular with the girls as it seems, you should be able to also get the really cool ones, not just on looks but personality.

So if i am being honest mate, i completely see where you are coming from, but ill be honest. People like me and you are more the problem, not the solution. I am not proud of what i have done/do, especially as a Christian. However i completely feel your frustrations about modern society and how awful most western women are. They really are Jealous of white women who hate on white men, i wish i was in the 50's where women were kind, supporting and gentle.

My last point though is i disagree with your opinion of Ronaldo being an Alpha male. I actually think he could be gay and they are covering up with this "alleged" child that appears to be mixed race. Hes an amazing white athlete, no doubt about it, but Alpha male is not what springs to mind.

Jason Statham is a alpha male imo. fassbender, brad pitt in fight club as well...

Hey, thank you very much for your kind words and compliments. ;)

Yes, you are absolutely correct when you say that a well put together White male can easily pull girls of all races.

Personally speaking, I've posted pics of myself on this site with like 3 or 4 different Middle Eastern girlfriends. I've also dated Brown, North African, and even more Middle Eastern. And of course I am full white. Ive probably had 40+ Asian girlfriends. To be honest I find it easier talking to foreign women. Black women often try and date me as well but I'm not interested, not attracted.

In fact there are statistics showing that White Males are considered the best looking and most date able by females of various races. I believe some of these studies have even been posted on this site.

Nice to have you at the site! ;)