What’s Up With White Women  And White Men?

Don Wassall said:
FootballDad said:
I's be down uround 80, but they be givin me da skolarship cuz i's got da hops, da wiggle, an' mad skilz.

Don't be modest -- your 50,000 megawatt room brightening smile also factored in.
Fo Shizzle mo brizzle!
Funny stuff guys. After spending much of the last 48 hours shoveling snow and literally helping old ladies and pregnant women to their vehicles, I needed a good laugh.
White women need to watch this... Surprisingly, VH1 was just showing this movie for "Black History Month!"


The brutal truth, for once... TNB
White men are still highly valued by women of all races. What's ironic and sad is that White American men are seen as much more desirable by women in other countries than they are by White American women who have been tragically set on the wrong path by America's White man-despisingfeminist gynocracy. White men need to be men again and smash this country's ridiculousgynocracy.

http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2010/02/seeking_my_race.phpEdited by: Don Wassall
What a powerful scene from the movie. I have never seen that but it is hard to watch. The sad fact is that happens in far too many situations. I agree that more women need to watch that movie!
American Freedom News