Were Muslims responsible for 911?

White Shogun said:
Religion of Peace

I'd hesitate to think that Muslims are our 'friends' or allies merely because some Jewish guys were fake terrorists.

I don't consider them our "friends"...

But I don't like the idea of white men dying and becoming permanently disabled in Iraq and Afghanistan, in wars that only benefit those who hate us the most, the Zionists.

We've been taken advantage of.
The entire Middle East quagmire (design) is a Globalist empire building scheme "justified" by the 9/11 false-flag. The true benefits are for the Globalist Elite (Zionists included). It's high-time to bring American troops out of the meat grinder asap. The Founding Fathers never intended un-ending foreign entanglements...especially those which benefit the Central Banking Cartel, NWO & other Elitist vermin!
as i've stated before, there are at LEAST three sides to this fight. and more likely there arefour, as China now is a huge power.

neither the jews nor the muslims are on our side. the best thing that can be said about the muslims is that they understand the evil of the jew. but that's not enough to make the enemy of my enemy into my friend.

here's a simple, hard-hitting, well-done site that illustrates how "peaceful" the so-called religion of peace is: Islam: Making a True Difference in the World.

also, it seems mermaids better keep an eye out! because, Allah says it's okay to eat them.
If I want to hear islamoterror propaganda, I'll watch Fox News. The fact is that we wouldn't have much of a problem with them if we weren't the puppets of the Jews. That website that posted every Islamic action as an act of "terror" could easily and more accurately be posted about Israel's every action or our action in the Middle East. Repeating the Jewish propaganda is exactly what they want us to do.

without a doubt, you are absolutely correct saying the jews commit a great deal of similar acts. i've just not found as good a site that posts their crimes, yet. please post it if you know of one. also, this thread is more focused on the muslim question.

secondly, i'm certainly no jewish front man. i agree that a big part ofthe United States'current problem with the muslims is because our jew-loving leaders are sticking their noses where they don't belong. or even false flag ops by actual jews.

however, that doesn't change the fact that sooner or later muslims will try to conquer the West. again. history has demonstrated it. their holy book demands it. and just check what muslims are doing in our fellow formerly-White nations in Europe to see the truth of that.

the fact is muslims "are" a threat to White culture.they're not nearly as smart nor as dangerous as the jews. but they are a threat, all the same.
Kaptain Poop said:
The fact is that we wouldn't have much of a problem with them if we weren't the puppets of the Jews.
If "we" means specifically "we in North America", then I would agree with this.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
<div>without a doubt, you are absolutely correct saying the jews commit a great deal of similar acts. i've just not found as good a site that posts their crimes, yet. please post it if you know of one. </div>

Check this website:

wake up from your slumber.blogspot

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Stumbled across this: "The Family". Just wondering if anyone knows about this group? And whether some of the pro-Israel war-mongering originates from them?
Amazon review said:
'The Family' chronicles the ideas advanced by the elite Christian fundamentalist group of that name at the highest levels of government during the past half century. Through its White House and congressional connections, the Family has influenced the deployment of US power, especially in foreign policy during the Cold War and beyond. Led by the talented and Machiavellian Doug Coe, the group has operated sub-rosa in the corridors of power unhindered by democratic accountability.
The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power
Observer said:
Stumbled across this: "The Family". Just wondering if anyone knows about this group? And whether some of the pro-Israel war-mongering originates from them?
Amazon review said:
'The Family' chronicles the ideas advanced by the elite Christian fundamentalist group of that name at the highest levels of government during the past half century. Through its White House and congressional connections, the Family has influenced the deployment of US power, especially in foreign policy during the Cold War and beyond. Led by the talented and Machiavellian Doug Coe, the group has operated sub-rosa in the corridors of power unhindered by democratic accountability.
The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power

Observer, "The Family" smacks of Neocon Globalism. I've heard Alex Jones allude to them as a Globalist outfit before.

"The Family"
I found an interesting article on another website. This one has links to many other websites and articles, to back up what it says.

It wasn't Muslims

I'm not saying I agree with ALL of this, because obviously many Muslims do have a lot of hatred for America. But this article does make some interesting points and really made me think.

Still haven't proven his point. Need more evidence.

“What we need to stand up and say is not only did they attack the USS Liberty, they did 9/11. They did it. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at it’s headquarters, Marine Corps and I made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period.â€
Dr. Alan Sabrosky – Ph.D, University of Michigan, Former Director of Studies at the Army War College

“All the intelligence services of America and Europe… know full well that the disastrous attack ( of 9/11 ) has been planned and realized from the Mossad.. with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the Western Powers to? take part… in Iraq and Afghanistan.â€
Francesco Cossiga – the 43rd Prime Minister and the eighth President of the Italy. He was also a professor of constitutional law at the University of Sassari. (now deceased)

“For the best and bravest documentary about Israeli false flag terror, watch filmmaker Mike Delaney’s 9/11 Missing Links.â€
Capt Eric May – Former Army Intelligence (with specialties in nuclear, biological and chemical warfare, military intelligence and public affairs), Staff Writer For VeteransTodays.com (He is also a former NBC editorial writer who has published widely, from Military Intelligence Magazine to The Wall Street Journal)





He didn't show up for work at the WTC on 911, nor did his two kids, nor did the officers in his company. Eventually his "family spokesman" (consiglieri) issued a statement saying that he didn't show up because he "was running late"). He made 7 billion dollars on 911 by buying the lease to the WTC complex - a huge money loser that had never before been privately owned - as shortly before 911 as the law would allow, and adding extra insurance riders for "terrorism". He was never even questioned. NY Post and NY Sun: "Hats off to Larry, a true patriot."
Telling it like it is - Interview with 32 year NYFD vet who was on the scene on 911 ...as I almost was...and I didn't know how lucky I was that I didn't get to go because I didn't have the seniority...
