Week 2 2009

Phillybirds, excellent post! Same goes to the others that have made the same great point: There's thousands of other outlets that prop-up, support, and fawn over black athletes. It's not necessary to do that here.
To Phillybirds and dwid, well said men.

I particularly found this remark spot on, credit Philly: It just happens that the sports media manufactures flat-out falsehoods about some black athletes to make them seem more capable than they might otherwise appear to anyone just watching on TV.

This is exactly the problem. How long did it take for the media to admit that Vick maybe just wasn't that good? How long does JaMarcus Russell have to throw a 37% completion rate before they'll say hey maybe this guy isn't suited to be a quarterback? How long will it take before they stop idolizing big, slow running backs like Jerome Bettis but insist on telling big white dudes they're too big and slow to play running back?

It's the over the top, constant, ridiculous praise for guys that any one with an objective eye can watch on television and see they're just not that good. How many black wide receivers continue to play year after year even when they're excoriated in the media for having alligator arms and hands of stone (Hank Basket, Koren Robinson?) while guys like Ball and Haas continue to lose time on practice squads or the bench? When you yourself can watch two players compete for a position in the pre-season, and make an objective judgment about who performed the best and watch that guy because of his skin color get cut or demoted?

Where is the 'I have a dream speech' when it applies to white athletes? I dream of the day when an athlete will be judged not by the color of his skin but by his actual performance on the field.
Manifest Destiny, everyone here is fed up with the league. Have you watched an NFL game recently?. Every game has multiple dropped passes, missed tackles and stupid celebrations after even the most routine tackles. I took a look at last years draft and not even 1 white defensive tackle was drafted. I think people have a right to be upset. Why are there no DT's drafted anymore? We all know it is a strength position. When was the last time a white cornerback started a full season? It was Jason Sehorn and that was years ago. Edited by: whiteathlete33
Yeah, and this past weekend, a whole bunch of affletes tripped themselves and fell on the field! Is this becoming a trend?

Affletic DB's (among other positions) are falling down like crazy and are rarely "lectured" or "humiliated" by the Caste clown announcers. They get a pass because of their pigmentation.
Deadlift said:
Yeah, and this past weekend, a whole bunch of affletes tripped themselves and fell on the field! Is this becoming a trend?

Affletic DB's (among other positions) are falling down like crazy and are rarely "lectured" or "humiliated" by the Caste clown announcers. They get a pass because of their pigmentation.

It's not a new phenomenon. I've seen it happen over and over again as long as I've been aware of the Caste System. Just notice how many times blacks simply lose their balance and fall down or nearly fall down. We've derisively called it "self-tackling" here. And you're right, the announcers rarely if ever act surprised or are critical when an afflete suddenly is tackled by air.

In fact, I was thinking of that very thing when Dallas Clark showed such tremendous balance on his 80 yard TD and another long reception when both times he was hit and knocked forward by a defender but kept his feet and thus the play alive.

Balance is an important characteristic of athleticism that rarely gets mentioned, even here, but as with just about every other measure of an athlete, whites take a backseat to no one in that department.
Manifest Destiny said:
Ankiel said:
dwid said:
I dont think anyone would mistake the colts defense as good, they have a decent pass rusher and an overrated bob sanders who is always injured.
<div> </div>
<div>I'd venture to guess the rest of the league might consider their defense as being good in light of their consistent, year-over-year proficiency in denying yards and points in comparison to their contemporaries.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>2009 - 1st in Fewest PPG Allowed</div>
<div>2008 - 7th</div>
<div>2007 - 1st</div>
<div>2006 - 23rd</div>
<div>2005 - 2nd</div>
<div> </div>
<div>2009 - 6th in Fewest Yards Allowed</div>
<div>2008 - 11th</div>
<div>2007 - 3rd</div>
<div>2006 - 21st</div>
<div>2005 - 11th</div>
<div> </div>
<div>One bad year since '05 = a substandard defense?</div></div>
Hey man, I hear ya, there is no talking sense into some of the guys on here. They don't like black players, period. I've tried to be rational in the past (promoting and cheering for white players but still promoting good black players) but this place just doesn't want to hear it most of the time.About the only reasonable guy on here that I've seen post is ToughJRiggins.

There are other reasonable regular posters here other than me. I wouldn't stay here if it was "just me" as you say. Guys like dwid, Guest301, bigunreal, backrow, Jared, Colonel Reb, WhiteCB, Greatlakestate, Menelik, Celticdb, Mike, Steve B, Johnny Boy, Fightintowin, Starwars etc. etc. (I'm definitely forgetting a few as well and miss posters I don't see much anymore like Whiteafflete15 and Highschoolcoach) are all contributors to Don's site that make it great. There are plenty of others who do absolutely fabulous research as well (that I didn't mention, since I disagree with some of their posting tactics). I think White Lightning is a great Mod most of the time also.

You can see the glass half empty or half full I guess. I do see posts here more than I'd like that make me feel sick to my stomach, but I also see lots of thoughtful posts that make me think we can make a difference with our research and eventually break down this caste system. The goal isn't to try to convince the CaucasianRivals/ Luginbill scouts. Those people are calculating, pathological liars and our enemies. They will never be converted. The goal is to educate and bring intelligent people who are fair minded to our side.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
backrow said:
while there's a lot of reasonable guys here, at the same time (and i do believe in giving the credit where it's due) we already have ALL the media cherishing black players, deservedly at times, but often undeservedly, and not giving the same treatment to white players. i would be happy with fair, we don't need priviledged but 90% of times can't even get that.

Very well said backrow. Even if the situation was CLOSE to fair I could handle it.

I know I missed giving credit to a few posters (foreverfree and electricslide? because I don't remember if they are hardliners or not, but they do great research. Jimmy Chitwood might be the best writer as far as research articles as well).

BTW, I also wish guys like Sark and Jerveygotgypped still posted. I just encountered Jerveygotgypped on Youtube on a video he made of a white RB recently and we exchanged messages. While Jervey was too easily offended by being "pro-white" and should have picked his times to object to things better, he definitely is disgusted by the blatant discrimination of athletes based on ethnicity. I wish he was still here for that reason. I'm not certain, but I actually think the traffic of this site went down a little when he left because he was so entertaining. The dude was hysterical with his academic/idealistic/diatribes. I even got a kick out of his posts that didn't have to do with sports as well.
Manifest Destiny anti-racism is anti-white. In sports it is alwasy whites who are marginalized for being white as whites are marginalized in their own countries and only whites are expected to give up their birthrights, their countries and their spots in the sports they relish. Get back to us when you find a race that believes there should be fewer of their own in any place or endeavor.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
BTW, I also wish guys like Sark and Jerveygotgypped still posted. I just encountered Jerveygotgypped on Youtube on a video he made of a white RB recently and we exchanged messages. While Jervey was too easily offended by being "pro-white" and should have picked his times to object to things better, he definitely is disgusted by the blatant discrimination of athletes based on ethnicity. I wish he was still here for that reason. I'm not certain, but I actually think the traffic of this site went down a little when he left because he was so entertaining. The dude was hysterical with his academic/idealistic/diatribes. I even got a kick out of his posts that didn't have to do with sports as well.

You're pining for the long-forgotten grumpy Sark, who posted only to argue with others, and the self-admitted troll Jervey??? Jervey posted about 100 times in three years, often going months without posting, yet you think he actually had an effect on the traffic here?
You're "not certain," but you "think the traffic of this site went down a little when he left." Are you basing that on actual site statistics, or did you make that up out of thin air based on your man love for Jervey? I imagine Jervey told you that and now you believe him, as he told others in pms that Caste Football would quickly decline without he and his greatly inflated opinion of his ridiculous pseudo-intellectual posts. As with most of his other posturing, he was wrong. You attack your own credibility on sports-related subjects when you makesomething up and then try to qualify it by saying you're "not certain." Edited by: Don Wassall
I thought Jervey had posted at least 200 times, maybe I'm wrong. But as far as the amount of posts on the board when he was active, it seemed like there was a lot more debate going back and forth in threads. As far as Guest traffic forum readers- you would know about that better than I. I never thought he was a troll, but just had a lot of disagreements with the hardliners on the site.
As far as posting and posters go, I don't think it's necessary that we all think alike. It's not as fun when everybody agrees on everything. But I don't like posters that are "against" our dynamic of posting. I don't think everybody has to be "pro-white," as long as they aren't against others being pro-white, and they are against discrimination in sports.

My personal stance when it comes to sports, and society in general is for people to be treated on merit and not race, and for nobody to gain special privileges via institutional standards. I agree with many other posters here, that the term "racism" was invented simply to degrade whites and make it easier to accomplish insane policies such as school busing, AA, black quarterbacks, set-asides, increased welfare and increased legal and illegal immigration. The black quarterbacks and set-asides include sports and the history of "integration" in college and pro sports.

So even though I don't consider myself "hardcore," I appreciate the posts of the more hardcore members, especially because I think we need that to rev ourselves up now and then. I like the posts of our more moderate members, because I think they will go out into society and be able to influence people better, and gain more people to our cause.

Anyway, yes there should be room for disagreement on many issues. But antagonizing the members of this awesome community should not be welcomed.
I hate when posters come on this site and question everyone regarding their views. It ends up starting arguments and takes away from the site. I have seen positive comments about black athletes on this site as well. So I don't understand why Manifest Destiny thinks everyone on this site is out to demean black athletes. That is not the purpose of this site. Why shouldn't whites support white athletes and want them to succeed?
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I thought Jervey had posted at least 200 times, maybe I'm wrong. But as far as the amount of posts on the board when he was active, it seemed like there was a lot more debate going back and forth in threads. As far as Guest traffic forum readers- you would know about that better than I. I never thought he was a troll, but just had a lot of disagreements with the hardliners on the site.

Your original post, unbacked by any facts or statistics,said you thought CF's traffic dropped after Jervey left, though you weren't certain. Now you've changedthatclaimto "there was a lot more debate going back and forth in threads," adding thatyou have no idea whether "guest traffic" dropped or not. Sowhat you're now saying is that youhave no idea whether traffic dropped or not, which is what I pointed out. "Debate in threads" and "traffic" and "guest traffic" areall different things, are they not? For someone who claims to be an aspiring writer, youare being eitherdisingenuous orvery sloppy with words.

Yearningfor long gone trolls and making false and negative claims about CFis indeed a form of deliberately antagonizing many of the members here.
Edited by: Don Wassall
Sark and Jerveygotgypped! Yeah those were the days!!!
Jerv got pwned on this site, if he's still pimping for white athletes then he must be still trolling around here because NO WHERE ELSE would they let him support white athletes for being white.

I also like different points of view AND I like to give hell to those I don't agree with, that's why this site is here to discuss these issues. I've never wanted to censor or ban moderates (but I do like to smack them around a little)
Anti's on the other hand, if they are civil it's okay for a while, then it gets old, if they are uncivil then bye-bye.

I think it's hard to complain with the way Don has run things here, this site has been around a while with some long term posters and some growth, man you can go back 5 years and get information on white athletes. This site is a reference source if nothing else, it's the White athlete wiki!!!
Well said jaxvid!

Don, I'm not sure about the details of those former posters, but everyone can make mistakes or say things they didn't really think hard enough about. On internet forums people usually don't proofread and edit what they have typed out. I know I usually just hit the post reply button. Sometimes I'll reread my post after I already posted it, and if I catch a fatal error I'll correct it.

As I'm sure most everyone else here thinks, I truly appreciate the contributions of Don Wassall and ToughJ.Riggins. I hate to see the creator/producer of this site and a long-time prolific poster go at it over him vouching for a former poster/possible troll. I hope we can bury this hatchet and move on!
Electric Slide, I agree with most of what you wrote, except about more moderate members being able to go out into society and be able to influence people better. The main reason is that, in my experience, people who identify themselves as moderates tend to not be as outspoken about issues. People who are solidly and clearly on one side of an issue tend to be more outspoken. Now, I'm going to use a veteran CF poster to illustrate this point.

Jimmy, if I'm wrong about this just tell me and I'll gladly repent and edit this post. I have met JC on a couple of occasions and we attended the 2006 Liberty Bowl together. JC, like myself, strongly supports white athletes and works to expose the insane double standards and anti-white discrimination that exists in sports. JC is very outspoken and fearless when it comes to pointing out said discrimination in public places. He is also very effective at getting people to think about this issue at such events. I saw it happen right in front of me, and that is why I mention it now. It was clear that Jimmy had been doing this for some time and puts a lot of effort into making people aware of the facts. I do the same thing, although usually in more private places because I don't attend as many sporting events as I did during my team fan days, and because living in MWC country doesn't provide me with as many blatant examples to use while discussing such matters with people at games. However, I do use each football game I attend as a chance to enlighten people about the anti-white discrimination that exists.

Now, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see less outspoken, moderate posters doing this kind of thing in public on a regular basis. If they do, I don't know if they would clearly and directly point out anti-white discrimination in such an effective way.

I really don't like divisions being made between CF posters by using terms like hardcore/hardliner and moderate. I think its detrimental to the site and to much needed unity to fight the immense caste system with. The terms are being used heavily in this thread, however, and I thought it helpful to use them in this post.
Col. Reb, I agree with you. I'll try not to use those terms, especially since I don't think I fit neatly into any of those categories. I totally get what your saying about speaking out. I think everyone has a role to fill. I know we have some undergrads here, and I think they're moderate way of influencing would to be part of the "mainstream" social circles at their school, and nudge people into our direction. I love that JC does those things in public, and it will make some people aware who otherwise weren't. The problem with being so outright with your views is it could exclude people from certain situations, like being a mainstream sports journalist. But yes, the more outspoken members do make a huge difference.

When I was in college, several people accused me of racism, almost in a funny way like "I can't believe your so racist..." for pointing out the caste system. Since I knew lots of athletes, a few of them said "yeah man, I cheer for the white athletes too, but I don't think they are discriminated against." Others said "yeah, it would be nice if there were more whites, but they just play the best players." But the major complaint I got was not that I was racist, but that people didn't want to think of those issues when watching a game, they just wanted to blank that out. They thought it was annoying to point out these issues. That's why I would only do it once or twice a game when we watched. What's funny though is that if a white receiver made a great catch, the guys would say "hey there's your boy!"

So to sum it up, if I'm watching a game I will cheer passively if a black scores a TD, but I will point out the missed tackles, fumbles etc. If a white in a caste position makes a great play, I will say "there should be more players like that playing!"
Don Wassall said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I thought Jervey had posted at least 200 times, maybe I'm wrong. But as far as the amount of posts on the board when he was active, it seemed like there was a lot more debate going back and forth in threads. As far as Guest traffic forum readers- you would know about that better than I. I never thought he was a troll, but just had a lot of disagreements with the hardliners on the site.
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Your original post, unbacked by any facts or statistics, said you thought CF's traffic dropped after Jervey left, though you weren't certain.  Now you've changed that claim to "there was a lot more debate going back and forth in threads," adding that you have no idea whether "guest traffic" dropped or not.  So what you're now saying is that you have no idea whether traffic dropped or not, which is what I pointed out.  "Debate in threads" and "traffic" and "guest traffic" are all different things, are they not?  For someone who claims to be an aspiring writer, you are being either disingenuous or very sloppy with words.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Yearning for long gone trolls and making false and negative claims about CF is indeed a form of deliberately antagonizing many of the members here.</div>
<div> </div>

Member logins and posting, I think you could call member traffic. As far as traffic as a whole, maybe I should have clarified myself better.

As Electric Slide said, I hate to see anyone who agrees that the discrimination against white athletes has to end, leave the site if they aren't rude to everyone and everything. Members who are very rude like Nevada and then later show up on other boards saying that that (for the most part) there is little discrimination in sports, I don't take issue with their banning.

Maybe I stick up for new members too much, but I want to see the site grow and them to get a chance.
BTW, my main point I was trying to make is that I strongly disagree with Manifest that I am the only "reasonable" poster on the site. I didn't want this to deteriorate into an all out argument.

And about JC, that is great that he is so courageous at games in public. I myself, have taken my time to try to convince people on other boards and Youtube that there is discrimination. I also constantly point out ridiculous things to my friends when watching games to make them think. I have directly brought up discrimination a few times to them as well, but I would shy away from talking to strangers about it at games for sure.

It's funny b/c like ES, I have some friends that "prefer" to cheer for white athletes, but don't believe discrimination exists. If you think about it that is more hard-lined than simply wanting fairness, but somehow they sometimes joke that I'm the "white supremacist" in the group.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Member logins and posting, I think you could call member traffic. As far as traffic as a whole, maybe I should have clarified myself better.

As Electric Slide said, I hate to see anyone who agrees that the discrimination against white athletes has to end, leave the site if they aren't rude to everyone and everything. Members who are very rude like Nevada and then later show up on other boards saying that that (for the most part) there is little discrimination in sports, I don't take issue with their banning.

Maybe I stick up for new members too much, but I want to see the site grow and them to get a chance.

And again, you said "traffic," not "member traffic" or "guest traffic." Such repeatedimprecise useof language reflects either a cluttered mind or a disingenuous one. And again, your assertion, whatever you may claim it was from post to post,was wrong, backed by nothing but your wish that it were so.

Btw, page views to CF have been soaring in recent months. September will set another record, at over 400% higher than even six months ago. Somehow we've managed to do that without the grumpy race-mixing advocate Sark and the self-professed troll Jervey posting. Hard to believe, isn't it?
ToughJ.Riggins said:
There are other reasonable regular posters here other than me. I wouldn't stay here if it was "just me" as you say. Guys like dwid, Guest301, backrow, Jared, Colonel Reb, Menelik, Celticdb, Mike, Steve B, Johnny Boy, Fightintowin, Starwars etc. etc. (I'm definitely forgetting a few as well and miss posters I don't see much anymore like Whiteafflete15 and Highschoolcoach) are all contributors to Don's site that make it great. There are plenty of others who do absolutely fabulous research as well (that I didn't mention, since I disagree with some of their posting tactics). I think White Lightning is a great Mod most of the time also.

As one of the more moderate posters here I think that everyone should go easy on the hardliners, that's just my opinion.
Starwars everyone already knows who the good posters are on this site. Trolls upset me though. It seems to be the same ones coming back all the time.
haha, how about all of y'all get the hell of my thread with this bickering (not you Don, you can stay)!

week 3 is almost upon us anyways! Welker and Walter are likely to be back but seems that Kevin Curtis is out, still struggling to get healthy.
Colonel_Reb said:
Electric Slide, I agree with most of what you wrote, except about more moderate members being able to go out into society and be able to influence people better. The main reason is that, in my experience, people who identify themselves as moderates tend to not be as outspoken about issues. People who are solidly and clearly on one side of an issue tend to be more outspoken. Now, I'm going to use a veteran CF poster to illustrate this point.

Jimmy, if I'm wrong about this just tell me and I'll gladly repent and edit this post. I have met JC on a couple of occasions and we attended the 2006 Liberty Bowl together. JC, like myself, strongly supports white athletes and works to expose the insane double standards and anti-white discrimination that exists in sports. JC is very outspoken and fearless when it comes to pointing out said discrimination in public places. He is also very effective at getting people to think about this issue at such events. I saw it happen right in front of me, and that is why I mention it now. It was clear that Jimmy had been doing this for some time and puts a lot of effort into making people aware of the facts. I do the same thing, although usually in more private places because I don't attend as many sporting events as I did during my team fan days, and because living in MWC country doesn't provide me with as many blatant examples to use while discussing such matters with people at games. However, I do use each football game I attend as a chance to enlighten people about the anti-white discrimination that exists.

Now, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see less outspoken, moderate posters doing this kind of thing in public on a regular basis. If they do, I don't know if they would clearly and directly point out anti-white discrimination in such an effective way.

I really don't like divisions being made between CF posters by using terms like hardcore/hardliner and moderate. I think its detrimental to the site and to much needed unity to fight the immense caste system with. The terms are being used heavily in this thread, however, and I thought it helpful to use them in this post.

Colonel, you are right on the money. i do this at every sporting event i go to, be it high school basketball or college football or anything in between.

why should we tread fearfully? we are right, we have supporting facts, and our brethren on the sporting field deserve our support. if we don't stand up for them, who will?

as for the folks who are uncertain or are moderate or whatever about speaking up or believing in the premise of this site, i'll borrow an old expression:

"it's time to get off the fence. pick a side and stay on it, else your worthless to either side."