Wearing Masks = Conformism


Mar 20, 2020
Are any of you folks familiar with the Milgram Experiment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment)?

Basically, in a nut shell, it confirms the assertion that the vast majority of people are sheep, and are unable to think for themselves, and will follow an authority figure's instructions (ie the Media, Government or Community) even if it goes against their own moral framework, and even if it makes absolutely no rational sense. The experiment suggests that the vast majority of people are conformists, and are interested in above all else: conforming.

This is a highly applicable experiment to today's social issues concerning wearing of masks. The Media, Celebrities, and in some nations the Government are acting as authority figures and the majority of people wear a mask, not because they think it's right, or want to do it, but because they are conformists and seek validation through obeying an authority figure.

The Media could in fact instruct people to do anything - genocide, eugenics, a mandatory COVID vaccine, and in the future humans will likely get a chip implanted into their body to hold identification and banking information, and 80% of people will do it and go along with it because they are a conformist. Black Lives Matter as a move ment, has been accepted and encouraged by all levels of the Media, Government in some cases, Business, and Society and many of the people who support that probably do so out of the desire to conform with authority.

It takes courage to be a non conformist. There aren't many of us out there.

My personal belief, is my face, my choice if I want to wear a mask or not.

Most people don't see it that way and will do anything to conform. They will wear a mask. They will support a mandatory vaccine without scientific evidence to show it is safe. They will allow Government to put an implant in their arm so they can be monitored 24/7/365.
You think we dont remember your bitch ass coming on here and fear mongering corona back in March/April? At least have the decency to change your name.
One of the problems is that a lot of people don't want to conform, but they are forced to. If your place of employment requires a mask, you either wear one or look for a new job. At the end of the day, people have to put food on the table and if it means conforming, the majority will. Here in Washington, it's mandatory to wear a mask everywhere...literally everywhere. I even see a lot of people wearing masks when they are driving alone in the car or outside jogging. It's ridiculous, I agree. Being a medical professional on the front lines, I can tell you all that from what I'm seeing, the mass hysteria is completely unwarranted and the bodies aren't piling up like some politicians would have you believe. One problem I predict is that we will see a large decrease in the number of annual flu cases, leading to a permanent mandatory mask society. Our society has gone completely insane and since businesses don't want to be fined and/or shunned they conform so they can stay in business. In turn, everyone in society conforms. It's a horrible situation and I don't know anyone who wants to be wearing a mask.
At this point, if you decide not to wear a mask, you'll have to decide whether or not the harassment you'll get is worth it (and that's just what you'll have to deal with from strangers). You'll also be denied service in most businesses, potentially fired from your job, etc. The mask regulations are stupid, of course, but the regular people who wear them to keep the mob off their back aren't the problem. The problem is the elites who imposed these rules in the first place. A small percentage of the people who wear masks do so because they genuinely like it and are SJWs who enjoy showing off how conformist and "down with the rules" they are. Some others are simple followers who don't really care about validation or virtue signaling, they just automatically obey anyone who seems powerful, left or right. The rest, including myself, just do it to avoid being hassled or denied service. (There are a few local businesses where I know the owners personally and they don't mind me coming in without a mask. I give them as much business as I can but they can't provide everything).

One of the few choices we have left are which battles to fight and which to let go. It's easy to claim you'll fight every battle when posting from your computer. It's a lot harder in real life. If an officer at a checkpoint asks if I'm a U.S. citizen, I just say yes, because typically they just look at me, see that I'm White ;), and let me go. You can do the whole "I refuse to answer" routine if you want, but it'll accomplish nothing but creating delays and trouble for yourself. Now if they ask to search my car, then I say no. That's the kind of battle worth fighting. (They've always let me just leave after I say no; they know they can't make a search without permission if they don't have probable cause).

The issue with mask wearing (along with 6-foot social distancing) is that they have been promoted as two magic pills that will solve everything, which creates a ridiculously simplistic, highly inaccurate, black-and-white, severely dumbed down view of disease transmission. The official party line is that following those two rules will guarantee 100% protection from COVID-19, while not following them will lead to 100% infection. The reality is far more complex. Cloth masks are not a magic pill. 6 feet is not a magic number. What do metric countries use? 2 meters. 2 meters and 6 feet are not the same. Something as simple as that and already the party line begins to unravel. Most laypeople are stunningly ignorant about medicine, but think they know everything that's worth knowing (or that the rule-makers they're blindly following know everything).

I can't imagine these mask regulations lasting forever, though. Like I said on the coronavirus thread, I'm quite sure they'll miraculously go away (along with the crisis itself) very soon after a Democrat regime takes power. These obnoxious rules and the exaggerated crisis are mostly being used as a tool to attack the Trump administration. The question is, when this is all over, will the people realize that they've been had?

BTW, "CovidCrisis," it's difficult to take your post seriously with a name like that - that kind of name would be a better fit for someone who supports wearing masks. Just sayin'.
One of the problems is that a lot of people don't want to conform, but they are forced to. If your place of employment requires a mask, you either wear one or look for a new job. At the end of the day, people have to put food on the table and if it means conforming, the majority will.

Unfortunately you're right. Most people will literally sell their soul to keep their job and socially conform, out of a desire to fit in.

It's not just masks. Even if you look at how anti White racism (affirmative action, constant apologies over alleged historical wrongs, slavery reparations) has been accepted by everyday Whites themselves. I believe a large part of the reason for that is the desire of liberal Whites to conform with what they perceive as authority, ie The Media, Celebrities, Government.

It is never OK to sell out your own personal beliefs for a job, or to socially fit in but many Whites do it every single day. In the end, people who compromise themselves on that level, will not even gain the acceptance they are searching for through conformity.

La France Blanche says that is the elites imposing these rules that deserve the blame. I disagree partially. The conformists also deserve plenty of the blame. And if you are willing to sell out your personal beliefs over a mask, you're a piece of sh1t and deserve whatever "gifts" said society delivers to you.

Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

Today it's masks, tomorrow it's the Government putting implants in your arms, eugenics, genocide. 80%+ of people will happily go along with it out of a desire to conform.

If you checkout the experiment I referenced above, the average person will kill another person to conform, literally.
Are any of you folks familiar with the Milgram Experiment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment)?

Basically, in a nut shell, it confirms the assertion that the vast majority of people are sheep, and are unable to think for themselves, and will follow an authority figure's instructions (ie the Media, Government or Community) even if it goes against their own moral framework, and even if it makes absolutely no rational sense. The experiment suggests that the vast majority of people are conformists, and are interested in above all else: conforming.

This is a highly applicable experiment to today's social issues concerning wearing of masks. The Media, Celebrities, and in some nations the Government are acting as authority figures and the majority of people wear a mask, not because they think it's right, or want to do it, but because they are conformists and seek validation through obeying an authority figure.

The Media could in fact instruct people to do anything - genocide, eugenics, a mandatory COVID vaccine, and in the future humans will likely get a chip implanted into their body to hold identification and banking information, and 80% of people will do it and go along with it because they are a conformist. Black Lives Matter as a move ment, has been accepted and encouraged by all levels of the Media, Government in some cases, Business, and Society and many of the people who support that probably do so out of the desire to conform with authority.

It takes courage to be a non conformist. There aren't many of us out there.

My personal belief, is my face, my choice if I want to wear a mask or not.

Most people don't see it that way and will do anything to conform. They will wear a mask. They will support a mandatory vaccine without scientific evidence to show it is safe. They will allow Government to put an implant in their arm so they can be monitored 24/7/365.

@CovidCrisis did you come back to apologize for all your fear-mongering disinformation about the virus back in March?
La France Blanche says that is the elites imposing these rules that deserve the blame. I disagree partially. The conformists also deserve plenty of the blame. And if you are willing to sell out your personal beliefs over a mask, you're a piece of sh1t and deserve whatever "gifts" said society delivers to you.

Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

Today it's masks, tomorrow it's the Government putting implants in your arms, eugenics, genocide. 80%+ of people will happily go along with it out of a desire to conform.

So what's your detailed plan of action? Or are individuals who don't like wearing masks supposed to, one by one, martyr themselves by getting arrested, losing their job and ability to feed themselves and their family, etc.? It's easy to be an anonymous person and lecture others on what they should be doing -- hell, it's an American specialty of long standing -- but it's also meaningless and hollow.
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For a society to function people have to conform. You can't have a society of non-conformists. It won't work. Some cooperation is needed. In a perceived emergency people will follow leaders because that's how a social group survives. It's always been so. Wearing masks is a group signal that you are willing to make a small sacrifice in exchange for helping deal with a pandemic. Pandemics have been destroying societies since the beginning of time. Masks are a better way to ward off evil then sacrificing virgins.

I wear a mask because I'm not a dick. There are a lot of people that are terrified, many of them seasoned citizens. It's not a big deal to put the damn thing on walking to your table in a restaurant and then taking it off and enjoying your meal. It's eventually going to go away. it probably helps a little. Maybe enough to make a difference. If not, what's the harm?
@Flint, my daughter gives the same explanation: it’s not that big of a deal, what’s the harm. She’s not bothered by it. But for me, every fiber in my being resents and resists being forced to wear a mask. I have lived for 50 years and never needed a mask. My freedom is the most important thing in my life. At most, the government should issue recommendations, not mandates. If anyone is terrified of the virus, they should take the necessary precautions. I do not accept that for the first time in history, perfectly healthy people are forced to walk around with masks.
I hate to say it but wearing a mask is an initiation into becoming a slave to your owners. This is symbolic more than anything . Sweden has not had any masks or social distancing all this time. As for the U.S. both Iowa and South Dakota don't have social distancing or masks at all. The only two states yet they are doing just fine. The mask crap needs to stop a.s.a.p. We need more sheeple to wake the fu** up before it's too late!
@Flint, my daughter gives the same explanation: it’s not that big of a deal, what’s the harm. She’s not bothered by it. But for me, every fiber in my being resents and resists being forced to wear a mask. I have lived for 50 years and never needed a mask. My freedom is the most important thing in my life. At most, the government should issue recommendations, not mandates. If anyone is terrified of the virus, they should take the necessary precautions. I do not accept that for the first time in history, perfectly healthy people are forced to walk around with masks.

I agree with you in principle. If masks are so awesome then why not let the people who want to wear them, do so, and be safe and secure and let the non-mask wearers go on risking their lives. It's the same thing with vaccinations. Why does anyone care if someone else doesn't want to get one. Go ahead and get your friggin' shot and laugh at the fools who don't. If you think it helps then why care what others do?

Thats the whole problem with people. They just really care what other people are doing. It's the most important thing in the world to many people. Why can't people mind their own business? The whole flattening the curve thing. Why? So the hospitals get crowded. They're a business like any other and would ramp up if needed.

And my pet peeve. Why is the Fedgov and the state govs responsible for providing ventilators!! Aren't hospitals private businesses? Hospitals don't know how many ventilators are needed? They can't find anyone to build them? Ford motor company has to be dragooned into building them? What else can't hospitals manage to buy enough of? Can Trump help them find some x-ray machines? Needles? Wooden tongue depressors? I guess in the USSA the government commissar had to determine the correct amount of stuff "businesses" need.
I hate to say it but wearing a mask is an initiation into becoming a slave to your owners. This is symbolic more than anything . Sweden has not had any masks or social distancing all this time. As for the U.S. both Iowa and South Dakota don't have social distancing or masks at all. The only two states yet they are doing just fine. The mask crap needs to stop a.s.a.p. We need more sheeple to wake the fu** up before it's too late!

Not so much. I went on a crazy road trip in June through several upper midwestern states. Checked out the Wisconsin Dells, Teddy Broosevelt National Park, Devils Tower, Mount Rushmore, and the Badlands amongst other pit stops. Long story short South Dakota and Iowa were interchangeable with other states. The more rural and less corporate the more freedom. But otherwise everyone was doing the same BS. The exception might have been the boys from Sconnie that packed the bars. The free enterprise in LaCrosse was impressive. Some big ole girl nearly threw a haymaker at me despite a friendly beginning that went off the rails when I made fun of the class of 2020 being over-celebrated like war hero’s. Nonetheless God bless Sconny women.
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Again this is fake news. No cop in rural Illinois is going to enforce this currently “they live here” it might as well be J-walking. South Dakota and especially Iowa ( google Des Moines) are not the Wild West. We are pretty much all under the same ((( control))). You cant vote your way out of this or be blessed with imaginary territorial lines. I am now convinced you are a foreigner with wishful thinking.
Again this is fake news. No cop in rural Illinois is going to enforce this currently “they live here” it might as well be J-walking. South Dakota and especially Iowa ( google Des Moines) are not the Wild West. We are pretty much all under the same ((( control))). You cant vote your way out of this or be blessed with imaginary territorial lines. I am now convinced you are a foreigner with wishful thinking.

I believe you. I'm from here and I hate these draconian measures on all of us.
This is all one big social experiment, and majority of sheep have fallen for it. My only request is that the covidiots and their mandatory masks apologize to us with a functioning brain, when this is finally over aka once election is over. I'm done wearing a mask, I avoid places where I have to mask up. Saving $ not going out. I honestly don't give a damn about virtue signaling that I care about other people's health. Gimme a break.
I've read death totals for the year are down 800,000 compared to 19. How the hell are there less deaths during a "pandemic". LOL
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