We Must Stand By Trump Now More Than Ever


Feb 23, 2013
New York
For all that Trump has gone through these past four years, and putting his family through the same, we can stand by Trump now, after he has pledged his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor to America. No other man has attempted what he did in our lifetimes. If some of you are despondent today, how do you think Trump feels after having to watch winning an election by an unprecedented amount of votes only to be betrayed by impostors, deceivers, and traitors.

If events did not go as we had hoped, we cannot take out our despair on Trump by attacking his motives or wringing our fingers towards him accusing him of what he should have or could have done better. Our facts are not the same as Trump's. We do not know precisely what happened, what is happening, or what will happen.

We do know that if election fraud had not taken place Trump would today be proceeding with changes to our country's systems that would shatter both bonds existing and bonds proposed to globalist and communist tyranny. Were Trump to fail, we still have the certainty that the Demons in DC today will fail, and the American people will succeed. We Americans will never fail and fall to communism. That much is certain. Nevertheless there is still much evidence that events will unfold that will lead Trump back to the Presidency. We can and must afford Trump the benefit of our loyalty when he needs it now the most.


"how do you think Trump feels."

I could give a damn how he feels! I could give a damn how any billionaire feels! He put on a masterful performance just to hand it off to globohomos and leave all his supporters to the wolves.

"Trust the Plan" didn't work.
I get what you are saying Ambrose, but I really think we need to stop putting our hope in a politician. Change isn’t going to come from any politician because the political system is mostly a profit generating endeavor. Change will come when millions of us decide enough is enough and we revolt. It’s we the people that will drive the change, not the laws. I certainly do feel sorry for Trump and I think he tried, but he was never going to be able to win the war anyways.
Everything Trump stalled or reversed from Obama has been changed within days. So far Biden has changed immigration rules, He has all but become the gimp for BLM, he has signed executive orders for joining climate accords again.

The communist takeover is in full order.....
It really is pathetic when you think about it. One half of the country drags the other half kicking and screaming. There's no point in people on the left living with people on the right, absolutely none at all. The only peaceful and mature option is to break the United States up in to 2 or more nations and let people live in peace and have their communities be the way the want them to be.
It really is pathetic when you think about it. One half of the country drags the other half kicking and screaming. There's no point in people on the left living with people on the right, absolutely none at all. The only peaceful and mature option is to break the United States up in to 2 or more nations and let people live in peace and have their communities be the way the want them to be.
NWsoccerfan I wish we could peacefully divide the country and live our lives like normal people. However, the people in power will never let us out from under their thumb. The elites will use any and everything in their power to keep us down. I am at a point in my life that enough is enough. I would rather die fighting my enemies than living under their rules. **** it, let's get it on.
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