We are governed by lunatics.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
[url]http://www.abqtrib.com/news/2007/may/16/santa-fe-cops-may-re cruit-mexicans/[/url]

Associated Press
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

SANTA FE â€â€￾ The Santa Fe Police Department is considering the possibility of recruiting Mexican nationals to fill vacant police jobs.

Sgts. Gillian Alessio and Marvin Paulk, who are in charge of the department's recruiting and training, said Tuesday they are considering alternative approaches to fill 20 vacancies on the city's 155-person police force.

For the plan to work would require changes to the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy regulations that prohibit those who aren't citizens from serving as police officers.
Oct 24, 2005
Mexicans can work for the Sante Fe PD rid now. Remember- "we don't need no stinking badges."
Jan 5, 2005
United States
New Mexico has been recruiting Mexican Nationals for teaching positions for quite some time. This doesn't surprise me one bit. Look to the past if you want insight into the present and future. All Empires do this near the end, its all about trying to maintain control as you over-reach.

The most important thing one needs to come to grips with is that this isn't an illegal/legal immigration issue. Its a White/non-White issue. Once we can admit that fact, it opens the doors to understanding what is going on. Marx had one thing right, and that is Human's interact in class groupings and currently the Ruling class is trying to align themselves with the underclass to snuff out the middle class. Why? Because that's the way the world works.

By bringing in an unlimited source of cheap labor, they get more bang for their buck. The middle class goes into debt to try to remain above the poor, which puts them further behind the elite who in return get a bigger share of the pie. We have allowed the government to relieve us of our constitutional rights to an apportioned representation in congress (They have not adjusted the gross size since 1910 I believe, despite the constitutionally mandated ratio of approx. 40,000:1), they have outright lied to us about the immigration acts of the 60's not changing the racial and cultural identities of our nation. They decieve us with crime statistics by lumping non-Whites in with Whites and perps but not victims, as well as under or even not reporting Black on White crimes as "hate crimes". They impose an illegal income tax on us and imprison people for failing to pay without showing them the legal code that requires them to. They take billions of dollars in bribes (contributions my ass) from corporations and even foreign lobbys (AIPAC). They sell our military technology to hostile nations such as China. They have laws (affirmative action) that punish us on the basis of our race for supposed wrongs that were committed before any of us were born. They allow our media to be manipulated by a demographic group that makes up less then 2% of our population. sh*t, I could go on for days.

I urge every one of you to get a copy of the Declaration of Independence and go down the list of greivances. It will stun you as to how many of these transgressions of King George are being perpetrated upon us by our current government. In some cases, our government is even worse (% of taxatation being the major one)


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The title to this post should be "We Are Governed By Globalist Puppets"! These local, state & federal sellouts are tools of the Globalist Elite who're hellbent to destroy American culture, sovereignty & borders! The pawns in DC are totally owned/controlled by the CFR, TLC, Bilderberg Group, etc. It's the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Duponts, etc. who set the agenda that's followed all the way down to the local/municipal level. The sellout of America continues!!!



Aug 6, 2006
Yes Dixie,you sir are again right on the money,the future does indeed look dim for our kids and grandkids.But just try to relay this info to most people and get ready for that "glazed over eyes stare",after all,they did not hear anything about what you speak of from "the t.v. set",or "the papers"!But they can tell us who stars on American idol,or who fathered Anna Nicoles baby!

This country was a grand experiment,but we have met the enemy,and it is us!