Watch Tye Fields live!!!!


Jan 8, 2005
Tye Fields will be fighting 9 PM Eastern time on the Vs. channel. Irish Middleweight Andy Lee will also be fighting.
sh*t I MISSED IT!!!
Sorry, it's tonight (the 25th) didn't even notice I forgot to put in the date! Yo0u should still be able to see it!
Sean said:
Sorry, it's tonight (the 25th) didn't even notice I forgot to put in the date! Yo0u should still be able to see it!

Uh oh.. going up against UFN on Spike TV. I'm not even sure I get the 'Vs' channel anyway. You know that time the fight starts?

I was looking at Field's record on Box Rec. Pretty shabby competition for most of his career. Hardly any of those guys have a winning record. The only names I recognized were Bruce Seldon and Ed Mahone. Is he having trouble getting more well known boxers to fight him? I know he's huge, KO's practically everyone they put in front of him. What's the 'rest of the story?'
White Shogun said:
Sean said:
Sorry, it's tonight (the 25th) didn't even notice I forgot to put in the date! Yo0u should still be able to see it!

Uh oh.. going up against UFN on Spike TV. I'm not even sure I get the 'Vs' channel anyway. You know that time the fight starts?

I was looking at Field's record on Box Rec. Pretty shabby competition for most of his career. Hardly any of those guys have a winning record. The only names I recognized were Bruce Seldon and Ed Mahone. Is he having trouble getting more well known boxers to fight him? I know he's huge, KO's practically everyone they put in front of him. What's the 'rest of the story?'

The fight starts at 9 ET I believe.

As for Tye Fields, he is 6'9 around 280-ish, usually a bit lighter now. He started off as just an attraction I guess, due to his size. He's been getting steadily better. I believe, like Valuev, he did not have an amateur career, and is just learning as he goes. His first meaningful fight was Tank Williams. I know most people didn't think he'd win that one, but he pretty much pitched a shutout UD. He beat Julius Long pretty bad, and Long was a good test because he is over 7 feet tall. His last five fights were all against tough journeyman opposition (one being an ex-champ). Fields won all of them pretty easily, and I think it was at some point during this run that people starting thinking he could maybe be more than a "circus freak".

As to the reason why he's not getting much exposure, it's most likely because he's a big white heavyweight who is very powerful and dangerous.
Sean said:
White Shogun said:
Sean said:
Sorry, it's tonight (the 25th) didn't even notice I forgot to put in the date! Yo0u should still be able to see it!

Uh oh.. going up against UFN on Spike TV. I'm not even sure I get the 'Vs' channel anyway. You know that time the fight starts?

I was looking at Field's record on Box Rec. Pretty shabby competition for most of his career. Hardly any of those guys have a winning record. The only names I recognized were Bruce Seldon and Ed Mahone. Is he having trouble getting more well known boxers to fight him? I know he's huge, KO's practically everyone they put in front of him. What's the 'rest of the story?'

The fight starts at 9 ET I believe.

As for Tye Fields, he is 6'9 around 280-ish, usually a bit lighter now. He started off as just an attraction I guess, due to his size. He's been getting steadily better. I believe, like Valuev, he did not have an amateur career, and is just learning as he goes. His first meaningful fight was Tank Williams. I know most people didn't think he'd win that one, but he pretty much pitched a shutout UD. He beat Julius Long pretty bad, and Long was a good test because he is over 7 feet tall. His last five fights were all against tough journeyman opposition (one being an ex-champ). Fields won all of them pretty easily, and I think it was at some point during this run that people starting thinking he could maybe be more than a "circus freak".

As to the reason why he's not getting much exposure, it's most likely because he's a big white heavyweight who is very powerful and dangerous.
He was seen as freak show or marketing ploy. After his recent wins over shopworn former contenders/champs the view is starting to change. He like Valuev has his size used against him. Right now he is beating up the type of opponents Valuev was beating before he challenged Ruiz. It will be interesting to see what Fields has when he takes on a live opponent. It's rumoured that he will fight Rockhead down the road.
Sean said:
Tye Fields will be fighting 9 PM Eastern time on the Vs. channel. Irish Middleweight Andy Lee will also be fighting.

I have dishnetwork what channel is this fight on?

Tye Fields has tremendous endurance for a man his size, he is aggressive, he at times appeared to be relatively quick but most of the time pondeous and slow. He did not consistently exhibit a high level of boxing skills. I do not believe that at this time he could defaet any of the heavyweight champions including Shannon Briggs. He didgive the fans an entertaining fight:and , however much the Versus announcer might hate it. He won a unanimous decision.
Heavyweight prospect Tye Fields scored a unanimous 10 round decision over the durable Kendrick Releford. The 270lbs Fields' workrate for a such a big man proved to make all the difference. The scores were 98-92 and 99-91 twice.

At middleweight, Irish prospect Andy Lee improved to 7-0, with a sixth round stoppage win over Phoenix based Arturo Ortega.

Giant heavyweight Tye Fields (37-1; 33) proved too big and strong for Kendrick Releford (14-9-1), winning on a ten-round decision: 98-92, 99-91 and 99-91.

Promoters Top Rank hope to match Fields with WBA heavyweight champion Nikolai Valuev towards the end of the year.

Middleweight Andy Lee (7-0; 4) stopped Arturo Ortega (12-3-3; 7) in the sixth round.
I just saw this fight on tape. I was impressed by the stamina of the giant. Otherwise though it was thumbs down. He sticks his chin out after firing combos and he wobbled and rolled whenever the light hitting Releford landed. I can't see Fields doing much against a top heavyweight. Even the limited Rockhead would probably stop him. Maybe if he could roll with shots from Briggs he could stop Briggs on exhaustion though.......
Very strange fighter. He would "probe" (for lack of a better term) with both hands at the same time; having both hands out in front of him like that can't be conducive to a good defense! He threw over 800 punches, but I assume that a lot of those punches were those "probing" punches. Clearly his offense and size are his defense, and it'll be scary to see him face a big puncher.

On the bright side, I agree about his stamina, and his body shots were excellent. It irritated me that the commentators didn't talk about the one thing he did well (I guess they were having too much fun criticizing him.) They kept saying that Releford was getting worn down because he was fighting against such a big opponent. Uh, excuse me, maybe the body shots had something to do with it?!

Overall, not that impressed. I doubt that his defense is good enough to beat any of the top guys. I know he started boxing late in life, and there's only so much he can do to overcome that. But you would think after seven years he would've solved some of his problems. Maybe he's simply adapting for a lack of skill the best way he can. And perhaps he wasn't trained properly early on.

Andy Lee looked good though. Tall, lanky, young, 160 lb. Irish fighter with excellent punching skills, and he's being trained by Emanuel Steward. After the Fields fight, it was nice seeing such a polished fighter- yes, more polished after only a handful of pro fights! (But undoubtedly many amateur fights.) Edited by: JD074
Well, I will admit Fields looked very awkward last night. I am still impressed. I think he definately has issues, and is a work in progress, but progress can be made. He seems to be very athletic, yet awkward. He was never hurt in the fight, but has such awful balance, that each soft shot that landed, moved him. He has tremendous power (though for some reason it was not relevant last night) and the best stamina of any big heavyweight around today. He is slow, and very plodding, but with a little work and time (He's 31, but the way people fight nowadays, he's still pretty young). He may never get to be a champion (especially if he fights the way he did last night) but all I want is to have a heavyweight division full of good (or at leeast decent) white fighters.

Good job Tye!
Fields has heavy hands and a nice body attack. He can fight some. Heck, get him a few more wins, then if Valuev is still around match them up. Wouldn't be hard to sell. The Battle of the Behemoths.
There may be more to Fields than met the eye in the Releford fight. I recorded the fight and watched it again and then watched some segements in slow motion.Fields has faster hands than he usually shows, he has a habit of trying to "push " is punches instead of "snapping" then in. He did on 6 occassion snap a jab in and when he did his jab appeared to hurt RuUt he has obviously developed pushing as a habit and has to think about snapping his punches. I see this type of fault in a lot of the windmill pitchers I train, especially in the taller girls. It is correctable. Another item I noticed . Fileds was hit by some good shots in the first round. All the hard shots he took the entire fight were counter punches that Releford landed while Fields was pushing a punch and leaning into it.
Another item I noticed in slow motion was Releford really did not "land" as often as the announcers gave him credit for. After the first round Fields dropped is hands slightly and took most of Relefords punches on the gloves and forearms, these are not usually scored as having landed. Fields does has horrible balance. I do not know how a boxing coach corrrects thish. I have my pitchers practice on wooden platforms that get progressively narrow ( my best girl can toss a 65 mph fast ball will pitching off the edge of a 2X4 ). But I am sure there are techniques. Fields lack of defensive skills may also be a side effect of his great size. Valuev is no defensive genius either but like Fields his great body mass can soak up a lot of punishment without compromising his ability to fight. Fields has not exactly had a stellar oppent list. he may not have fought many people capapble of hurting him enough not to take the shots and use his size and strength to over power them just like he did Releford. And despite the announcer's high regard for Mr. Releford he has lost 6 of his last 7 fights, as for his ending the fight on his feet he has only been TKO'd once and never KO'd. The one fighter who TKO'd him is Devarryl Williamson who has 19 KO's ( four of them real KO's) out of 27 fights W23 L4 and two of the fighters he KO'd were Corrie Sanders and Joe Mesi. So Releford must be durable even he does not hit hard. Devarryl Williams is now ranked 18 in the world accrding to ironically enough Fields is ranked 19. Now Williamson would be a real test of Fields ability. To put him in the ring with a serious fighter who can hit hard enough to hurt him. Even if he lost it might motivate him to develope his defensive skills and movement.
Good post, but a quick correction. Williamson was KO'd BY Mesi, he did not KO Mesi. Mesi KO'd him in the first round. Also it was Corey Sanders, the black American, not the white South African. Williamson hits pretty hard, but he doesn't have much of a chin. I actually think that would be a good fight for Tye.
Since Mesi is undeated you are doubtlessly correct. So therre are two Corrie Sanders. One black and one white. i am surprised someone has not matched them as apromotional gimic.
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