Warren Sapp


Oct 19, 2004
When Warren Sapp was shown berating,
disrespecting, and humiliating his coach in front of
millions of people, Sportcenter "anchorman" Scott
Van Pelt says that Sapp is "just a competitor". Right.
That immature, egomaniacal, childish buffoon is
"just a competitor". Once again, another white wimp
in the media finds a way to justify black players'
asinine behavior. Is it fear that drives these guys to
such stupidity?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I've never seen one of these incidents where the white coach didn't end up looking weak. They're no different than the media people who overlook it and sometimes reward it, ala Keyshawn Johnson getting a gig with Fox Sports after being kicked off Tampa. Just once, wouldn't you love to see a coach get right back in the player's face, giving it better than he got? Or better yet, punch him.

Do you think black coaches would put up with white players doing that to them in public? Jeff George got in an argument once with Art Shell on the sideline when Shell coached the Raiders, and ESPN's Chris Mortensen reported that Shell madeanti-white comments to George.


Oct 21, 2004
Jeff George is another case of a white athtlete attempting to act
somewhat like what all black athletes act like, and becoming a "problem
player" with an "attitude" because of it. Compare the George/Shell
incident with the attempted strangling of coach P.J. Carlessimo by
Latrell Sprewell. Sprewell's reputation was barely damaged, and the
episode is rarely even mentioned now. Other white athletes have
suffered from this double standard, but no one more so than Pete Rose.
Imagine that MLB's all-time hits leader were black, but was denied
entrance into the Hall of Fame due to non-violent alleged gambling
offenses. Do you think that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and every sports
"journalist" in the country would treat the situation a little
differently? To my knowledge, Rose has no one really defending him, and
this includes such jock-sniffing swine like Thomas Boswell and Bob
Ryan, who ususually spend all their time as "journalists" trying to
convince everyone how great (and underpaid) the modern athlete
actually is. It's ironic, because I didn't like Rose much, especially
later in his career, but it's ludicrous to deny him entrance to the
Hall of Fame, and obvious that if he were black he would have made it
on the first ballot.
Oct 16, 2004
Yeah, it's this type of thing that actually had me cheering for Bill Romanowski when he would spit in black player's faces, or break their jaws in training camp brawls. Or Lyle Alzado ripping the helmet off a tough talking, dirty playing *******, then hitting him over the head with it. Ah, if only more whites were less brainwashed ...

The coaches are in a lose - lose situation, possibly. If they go off on the screaming "competitor", then it's a case of whitey lording it over a black, blah blah blah, we've all heard every claim that could be made. Sapp should be suspended.


Oct 19, 2004
I've seen that clip of Romanowski spitting in that
guy's face many times, but only recently did I see the
whole thing. They other guy clearly walked up to him,
got in his face, verbally taunted him, and only then
did Romanowski spit in his face. That's not an
excuse for what he did, but he was being taunted
before he did it, and most people probably don't
know that. Pedro Martinez also walked towards and
talked to Zimmerman before he threw him down, but
they usually don't show that either.

A much more dramatic example was Rodney King
not shown lunging at the cops before they
excessively clubbed him. Of course it was needless
and excessive; they should've all grabbed him at
once and handcuffed him as soon as possible. But
when they edit the footage like that they affect
people's perception of the situation, at least
somewhat. It is interesting how the media decides
to portray things that way.

Or maybe a five second clip is too long for the
average attention span, so it has to be cut down to
one or two seconds.


remember robert horry when he threw a towel in coach danny ainge's face?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There's been quite a few towels thrown in the faces of white coaches by black players over the years, the most recentone thatgainedpublic notice beinghurled by Antonio Bryant at 60-something Bill Parcells in the Cowboys training camp.For everyincident we've heard about there's probably been a lot of cases of towel throwing and worse thatwere hushed up.It's a shame there's no authoritative source to go to for the actual count of towels thrown. Maybe Caste Football wil become that source!

Jeff George was mentioned above by bigunreal. He was "different" from most other white jocks in that he was introspective and quiet for a quarterback, not the rah-rah type at all. That hardly made him a "clubhouse cancer" and all the other nasty pejoratives given him by the white media. Here's a link to an article about George from a couple of months ago. It's notable because it's sympathetic toward him:

[url]http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/story?columnist=pasqua relli_len&id=1883419[/url]
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
Jeff George is definitely another one of those white athletes the media loves to hate.

Remember the All-Star game festivities when Pete Rose was allowed to participate? Even with all those great Hall of Famers there, he received far and away the loudest cheers. He's the people's choice, in part because they know he's been screwed royally. Unless it can be conclusively proven that he bet against his own team, he belongs in the Hall. What hypocrites! But it's okay for a borderline player like Orlando Cepeda, convicted of dealing 150 pounds of dope, to be in there. Gambling has become an all-American industry, yet Rose is treated like a complete pariah. Every single media writer condemns him. A lot of it stems from the fact that he refuses to sob and grovel like whites are expected to.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Re: Pete Rose. The case against Rose is very weak. It would not be prosecuted in a court of law, which is why it is prosecuted in the media. Bill James, the stat guru has written some commonsense stuff about the Rose issue. Did you know the notorius "betting slips" that are often cited as evidence against Rose are merely scraps of paper with team names and a few numbers on them. Just the kind of thing a major league manager might scribble in the course of a season. all the "witnesses" agianst Rose are former hanger-ons to Rose with a serious ax to judge. There is no hard evidence against the man. His crime: he is the last white man to hold a significant hitting record in the modern era of baseball. Therefore he must be demonized and villified.


Oct 19, 2004
And even if he did do it, a lifetime ban is the wrong
punishment anyway. The whole "cardinal sin of
baseball" idea is archaic. A punishment that doesn't
fit the crime is a crime in and of itself. How about a
one year ban, a two year ban, a five year ban? Those
would be much more reasonable and justified
punishments... but I guess MLB commissioners
aren't smart enough to comprehend that.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The whole Pete Rose thing is hard to understand anyway. Firstly he is the all-time leader in hits. What is baseball about---hits. How can he be excluded just because of what he may or may have not done as a manager? This is the racial double standard writ large. black athletes can be drug abusers, wife abusers, child abusers, but are still given their due for their athletic acheivements, a white athlete must be like "the ministers wife" above reproach in all matters of behavior. Truly unfair.
Oct 16, 2004
Jeff George was brought up the other day on "The Herd", a morning show on ESPN radio (in some cities). The lapdog whites on the show were saying George is probably blackballed - but that's because QB's are different. They're supposed to be leaders. They said it wasn't the same for players like Terrel Owens or Sapp, because their spots aren't leadership posts. Yet - whenever a black engages in outrageous selfish behavior, he's called an individualist, charismatic, his own man, a LEADER! I tried to get through the lines, but couldn't. They'd have cut me off anyway.