You guys fail to realize that mike vick needs better wide recievers to perform at his maximum capacity. His record right now might be 6/20(i.e he makes 6 complete passes out of 20)...But those numbers would be more like 15/20 should the falcons decide to buy better wide receivers......I mean, mathematically ,and physically speaking, If a useless QB such as Elie Manning (however you spell his name) can perform as well he did this season, surely a super athelete like vick should be doing much better. Dont you think??
Also i think McNair and Vick are in the same range talent wise, althouh i believe Vick is more proficient in his athletiv abilities. The only thing that sets them apart is the fact that McNair actually has good receivers,,,,while vick on the other hand has to take it upon himself to attack offensively,and rightfully so, because he has no other choice.