
Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I don't care who wins, but good grief what was Bush thinking when he tried that ill-advised lame brained lateral? They were up 7 and were in great position to score again. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Bart, I am like you in that I really am rooting for neither team. I would rather see the all white 1966 Alabama team be the first and only 3-peat Championship team instead of Caste USC. They got screwed out of it by northern sportswriters because they couldn't stand the thought of a segregated team being best in the nation for the straight years. That Bush play was the bone-head play of the year! As Daffy Duck would say, What a Maroon!
Maybe some NFL teams should think twice about this guy. The Heisman shine is already wearing off! He just might be the next Mike Rozier, or if he's lucky maybe even Rashaan Salaam!Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
He will get a free pass for that bonehead play because he is black and football fans know that it's a black sport now. It used to be only black defensive players trying those retarded laterals. It started with the 1985 Bears and it now happens at any time in a game. If USC loses it will be indirectly because of that play. It turned the game around. Not that the media will replay it. They will show Lienart's interception in the end zone as the momentum changer. The announcers were already saying it before halftime.

Whether it's basketball or football, the black man's game is selfish, unstructured and immature. Intentionally played that way to defy the white man.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
That last sentence says it all, except I think that is how some blacks live their lives, not just how they play sports.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Don't worry, Bush is making a comeback. He just scored a TD, the announcers are spooging all over themselves, waxing poetic, and the Trojans are up 31-23.

"Style points are worth six points anyway!" as one stoogie said after the play.

If anything, LEINART is the one who's draft ranking is falling in this game, not Bush's. And Young's has gone up.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Bonehead Bush loses the game for the Trojans! I hated to see Young win the game though. I am trying to figure out whether he will be a Steve McNair type who will get killed, or a Ron Mexico type who will throw blanks.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
How did Bush lose the game for the Trojans? There was a lot more to the game than his bonehad lateral. He played a good game outside of that one play, in my opinion.

I think the Longhorns had better low-profile players than the Trojans. The UT safety, Griffith? Griffin? played an awesome game. His INT of Leinart in the endzone was a momentum changer.

I don't want to add to the hype, but Young stayed cool under pressure, didn't make too many bad plays and led UT to an upset win. I think his stock has definitely risen with his performance in this game. I'll reiterate that I think Leinart is the one who's stock has dropped, not Bush's. Leinart (just watch) is going to get most of the heat for the loss.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I don't doubt your last sentence at all, I'm just trying to be the pro-black media in reverse by my statement. If it was a white guy who had done it for USC, we'd never hear the end of it, but with Bush it was quickly forgotten.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
I don't doubt your last sentence at all, I'm just trying to be the pro-black media in reverse by my statement. If it was a white guy who had done it for USC, we'd never hear the end of it, but with Bush it was quickly forgotten.

Thats a true statement, Reb. Were he white, he would probably be dropped from the draft altogether. But then again, if he was white, he wouldn't be drafted in the first place.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I'm not a fan of either team, but am glad Texas prevented a strong Caste System program from winning three titles in a row.

If Young enters the draft it will be interesting to see where he goes. Based on the track record of virtually all touted black college QBs, he's probably just a taller version of Michael Vick, a running back playing quarterback who will have trouble with throwing accuracy and reading defenses in the NFL.
Jan 5, 2005
United States
Unless a Pro Team decides to give the spread offense a shot, which I think is highly doubtfull, Vince Young doesn't have much of a future as an NFL Quarterback. Although I think he is better then "Messiah" Vick, he will end up a shell of himself trying to become a "pocket" QB or see his career ended while he is out running around upright instead of protecting himself.


Dec 29, 2005
In the end though, even with the eventual anti-Leinart rage I think he will be better off.

Last year he decided to stay at USC and not be the #1 pick in the draft by the HORRIBLE 49ers. That organization is horrid right now. Now if Leinart does go down on some draft boards, he will actually be going to better teams and in the end this is better for him.

I think he has avoided Alex Smiths Fate and still has a good chance in the NFL.
Apr 22, 2005
Hmm, I guess the prediction was wrong. In an AP article
praising Leinart in his final college game, it says this about

While Leinart passed for 365 yards, Bush never really got
going. And the one time he broke free for a long gain, he made
a foolish play, throwing away a lateral that let Texas get back in
the game early.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
GreatLakeState said:
Hmm, I guess the prediction was wrong. In an AP article
praising Leinart in his final college game, it says this about

While Leinart passed for 365 yards, Bush never really got
going. And the one time he broke free for a long gain, he made
a foolish play, throwing away a lateral that let Texas get back in
the game early.

Good news, Greatlake. Let's keep an eye out for more articles the next few days, and see what develops. I'd be more than pleased if this continued, although Ludreg made a great point about the value of notbeing drafted first.

I think in a way it hardly matters though, because the Texans will not choose another quarterback with the first pick. Reggie Bush will be a Texan.

The Saints are next, and with Aaron Brooks gone they will probably draft a quarterback, although I'd put money down they take Vince Young over Leinart. Any takers?

You have to reach all the way down to #6 Oakland to find the next team that needs a quarterback. Tennessee might draft a quarterback, but its unlikely that the Jets or Green Bay will take Leinart, with Pennington and Aaron Rodgers already on their respective rosters.

We should probably start another thread, for a mock draft, so I'll stop here with the predictions.
Edited by: White Shogun

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Hmm.. after further review I take back what I said.

Bush's stats for the game:
Rushing 13 att, 82 yrds, 1 TD, Lng 26
Receiving 6 rec, 95 yds, Lng 37, and if I'm not mistaken a large chunk of that was on the next-to-last play of the game.

Much less than the stellar performance many expected, and in hindsight, worse than what I thought I saw during the game. I didn't notice how poor Bush played in comparison to his previous games, I imagine because the game was exciting and flowed back and forth.

And with Vince Young teasing that he will skip the draft this year, Leinart should end up a Saint. According to the articles I read this morning, most talent scouts will rate Leinart ahead of Young, despite "questions about his arm strength."


Dec 9, 2004
I think with his performance last night Vince Young will become the media's new Michael Vick should the original not pan out which he will not.Even though he played well I see Vince as another RB playing QB.He might already be more of a passer than Vick could ever hope to be even at this early stage yet when he goes pro I can't help thinking that he will use his feet first.It's hard for me to praise the guy,I'll let the media do it.

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
Great game Texas deserved to win. Vince Young is a great player he deserves the hype he gets. David Tomas is a beasthe remindes me of a morer physical Dallas Clarke. I was a litle disapoted in Brian Cushing but he's got three years to get better.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
here's a little sample of what David Thomas' attitude is:

"Texas tight end David Thomas had a scholarship offer from Texas Tech by his junior year of high school. But choosing UT was a no-brainer, he said. 'I'd rather win more games than catch a lot of balls.' " - article from


Jul 26, 2005
United States
USC-Texas was a fantastic game. Even though USC made a few MAJOR mental
and strategy mistakes, I think Texas deserved to win. I'm no fan of
blacks period. But you gotta admit Vince Young played a hell of a game.
I will give praise to where it is truly deserved. You know the cliche
where they say 'so and so single handily won the game'..? well, Young
without a doubt single handily won the Rose Bowl for Texas.

The guy's got guts and threw and ran his team to win. I almost think he willed his team to victory (pardon the cliche

I did not see once where 1 man brought down Young and though he's tall he is not that big, skinny legs. But lots of heart.

Ok, let me stop praising this guy like everyone in the media.

David Thomas helped bail him out with what 11 catches? The speedy black Texas wideouts did f**k all. RB not much either.


Jesus Bush. God must have gave you too much speed and not enough
brains. A real blown opportunity by trying to be fancy and lateral it
back. Dumb.

Coach Carrol also made a very suspect call by going for it on 4th and 1
at the TX 20 in the first quarter already up 7-0. Why not kick the
field goal?

The 4th and 2 late in the 4th will be second guessed for years, but if
they make it, they win the NC. Up to that point, USC's offensive line
and running game was dominating play. I kind of like the decision to go
for it...but they lined up for power up the middle and TX selled out to
stop it. They guessed right. Bush would have been great after you fake
it to Lendale White(lol) and pitch it to him weak side.

Hmmm...not a great play call.

TX offense started to wear down USC's defense in the 4th and they had
half a field to go and 3 timeouts. Plenty of time. USC tried to spy
Young and blitz but to no avail. Couldn't catch not tackle Young. TD
with 19 seconds left.

USC called a dumb Timeout and that was that.

Leinart played a great game and really came on in the 2nd half. USC's
defense could not tackle fundamentally and that was that. Why do these
guys try to tackle with their arms?

DId you see the Penn St-FSU Orange Bowl game? Now there was some
serious tackling in that one. Lots of nice hits. Pac 10 teams defense
can't tackle and hit hard enough.

TX out lasted USC's high octane offense. USC had an early chance to be
up 17-0 in the 1st quarter. But suspect play calling and Bush's dumb
lateral blew it.

TX's kicker also had a very off night - 2 missed field goals and a missed PAT.

good game though.


Dec 29, 2005
Bush's stats for the game:
Rushing 13 att, 82 yrds, 1 TD, Lng 26
Receiving 6 rec, 95 yds, Lng 37, and if I'm not mistaken a large chunk of that was on the next-to-last play of the game.

Much less than the stellar performance many expected, and in hindsight, worse than what I thought I saw during the game.

They ran quite a bit with White, so it is one of those 'appearances being decieving' things. The Trojans were getting somwhere on the ground but just not with Bush.(They had White going 'up the gut' a number of times for decent gains)

USC could have won that game IMO, they came out with too aggressive playcalling in the 1st quarter (that one play where Bush made a pass attempt on 1st and 10?!??! Why not try that on 2nd down? There were a couple of other questionable plays that slip my mind right now) and also they called their last time out before the Texans tried for their 2 pt. conversion. That seemed pretty messed up.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
An ESPN writer mentioned some of the miscues and poor play calling of the Trojans during the game. He attributed it to the resurgence of the "Pete Carroll" syndrome. Sooner or later, poor coaching will catch up with you regardless of the talent of your athletes.

Then again, blaming the loss on Pete Carroll is perhaps just another way of absolving the black athletes on the team for the loss.


Oct 21, 2004
I'd like to know how a player can win the Heisman trophy and not even
be the best all- around RB on his team. What kind of "best player"
isn't even on the field for the most crucial play in the game (4th and
2, which they didn't convert)? This guy winning the Heisman is the
biggest joke since Charles Rogers was given the award over Peyton
Manning, or way back when kick returner Johnny Rogers won it.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Actually it was Charles Woodson that beat out Manning for the Heisman. I watched every game Woodson played in that year, he WAS the reason Micigan won the national Championship. I agree the desire to give it to a primarily defensive player was part of the reason but Woodson did have a great year and was at least as deserving.


Oct 21, 2004

I must have been thinking about overrated WRs when I inadvertently said
Rogers instead of Woodson. I agree that Woodson had a great season, but
Peyton Manning was considered a shoo-in for the Heisman all year, and
did nothing to disappoint people. Considering all the standout college
defensive players who had come before and come after Woodson, without
even being given a chance for the Heisman (Brian Bosworth is one that
springs to mind), I don't know why it was given to Woodson.