Unite the Right Rally

Can any of the older posters on this site fill me in on when extreme anti-whiteness became mainstream. I was born in 1981 so I am not that old. I would say that 90's when MTV and all the other nonsense became extremely popular.
It started in the 1960s, but became fully mainstream by the 1990s and has increased in intensity during the past 20 years.

During the late 1960s and early 1970s there were a lot of anti-white movies, especially from directors and producers such as Richard Fleischer, Arthur Penn and Stanley Kramer:

Little Big Man (1970) Chinatown (1974) Mr. Majestyk (1974) Watermelon Man (1970) Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) Billy Jack (1971) Soldier Blue (1970) etc.

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I remember watching Billy Jack and one or two of the sequels on TV in the late 70's or early 80's. I was in the 9-12 age range. I remember thinking Billy Jack was so cool, this stoic half-white, half Indian (who looked 100% white, the better for the young impressionable goys to identify with) who would righteously kick the asses of the evil racist white men after they would bully the peaceful Indians from the local reservation or Indian school. Looking back it was a typical cult-marxist, anti-white, anti-Christian psy-op run by (((Hollywood))). And it and the rest of the psy-ops successfully brainwashed me until the age of 25 when I was able to red-pill myself and unf$#k my worldview, thank God.
I remember watching Billy Jack and one or two of the sequels on TV in the late 70's or early 80's. I was in the 9-12 age range. I remember thinking Billy Jack was so cool, this stoic half-white, half Indian (who looked 100% white, the better for the young impressionable goys to identify with) who would righteously kick the asses of the evil racist white men after they would bully the peaceful Indians from the local reservation or Indian school. Looking back it was a typical cult-marxist, anti-white, anti-Christian psy-op run by (((Hollywood))). And it and the rest of the psy-ops successfully brainwashed me until the age of 25 when I was able to red-pill myself and unf$#k my worldview, thank God.

The original Bill Jack is a good "bad" movie, an unintentional cult classic. Two things stand out in my memory. The female damsel in distress is soooooo cuuuuuute with her little white outfit and motor scooter. And Billy's take out the biker gang's leader at the end is a classic lesson in do what the man with the gun tells you to do.

The sequel is a laughably self righteous mess.

And in every scene with Billy Jack I kept wondering is this guy really an Indian?
With the mass hysteria at a boiling point we just better pray there isn't some sort of Newtown type event. Even with Trump I don't trust this current crop of 'conservatives' to not hard core cuck on gun rights. Of all the political issues this is the one that they have cucked on the least but we are in uncharted territories in the trump era.
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I think a comparison can be had between our current situation and William Foster's in the movie Falling Down. In the movie which I'm sure most have scene, due to the end of the Cold War, he is released from his job at the Department of Defense due to him being "Not Economically Viable", one of my favorite lines from a movie. While that is going on, he is also losing his daughter in a custody / divorce battle

Today, we have a situation where it is "not economically viable" for the straight white male (and to an extent to police forces) to fight or even talk back against the brazenness of antifa, blacks, etc. In this super (((litigious))) society a man can lose his family and go bankrupt at a simple joke much less physical confrontation. It's especially clear in the police forces the last few weeks.

And much like William Foster snapped for society kicking him in the balls, I'm sure we will see many real life William Fosters get told a response to having his heritage and family get **** on by minority's, and his response will be "who cares" or "it's worth it"

Trump is going to speak in Phoenix tomorrow. Expect tens of thousands of violence-minded communists and anarchists to be there also. Trump has hinted at pardoning 85 year old Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has been railroaded by the fedgov. Hopefully he'll pardon Joe tomorrow, which will fire up his base tremendously and infuriate the communist domestic terrorists that much more.
Trump is going to speak in Phoenix tomorrow. Expect tens of thousands of violence-minded communists and anarchists to be there also. Trump has hinted at pardoning 85 year old Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has been railroaded by the fedgov. Hopefully he'll pardon Joe tomorrow, which will fire up his base tremendously and infuriate the communist domestic terrorists that much more.

Will the Police stand down upon orders from the higher-ups, like in Charlottesville, and thus create another inevitable scene of chaos? In every instance, all the way back to the Primaries and Trump's campaign the violent Leftists have been allowed commit countless acts of violence and bloodshed (literally) on anyone that disagrees with them or showed up to even hear Trump, much less openly support him.

We are in the New Civil War, and our side better be prepared to do battle, and more importantly, never back down and ultimately win this all-out war against us.
I have a feeling it's going to be quite the scene in Phoenix. If 40,000 revolutionaries protested in Boston against a multi-racial group of harmless cucks, Phoenix could be larger and more much violent given the huge number of Aztlan militants in the Southwest.
I have a feeling it's going to be quite the scene in Phoenix. If 40,000 revolutionaries protested in Boston against a multi-racial group of harmless cucks, Phoenix could be larger and more much violent given the huge number of Aztlan militants in the Southwest.


I too have an ominous feeling about tomorrow. I think it could be a real flashpoint and the Leftist/Communist Elites will use it for their own ends, of course. I see an escalation of their tactics of shameless assault on us and our freedoms, even our freedom of thought. We can't even hold a contrary opinion to these whitewashed sepulchers.

They are insane and it's beyond hope for them to repent as they are given over to a reprobate mind, a mind void of rationale and reason. They are bloodthirsty now, full of vengeance ever since Killary lost and slowed down their agenda.

Interesting times we are in...
CNN somehow mistakenly let some Americans with common sense give their opinions on Charlottesville, much to the chagrin of the commie hostess.

The video cut out when the black woman when she said "I don't trust anything the news media..." Her last word was probably "says."

No one should trust anything the mainstream media says. They lie constantly.

The self righteous attitude of the moderator was very annoying as well as unprofessional.
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CNN somehow mistakenly let some Americans with common sense give their opinions on Charlottesville, much to the chagrin of the commie hostess.

Wow and those were normie Trump supporters too! The MSM really has overplayed their hand and have no credibility left with a large segment of America.
Wow and those were normie Trump supporters too! The MSM really has overplayed their hand and have no credibility left with a large segment of America.

Absolutely. Even my liberal aunt, a lifelong Democrat and feminist, says that Donald Trump is "crazy" but the media are "even crazier."
CNN somehow mistakenly let some Americans with common sense give their opinions on Charlottesville, much to the chagrin of the commie hostess.

Wow! You just see and hear that political presstitute commie hostess was getting her panties in a serious wad of knots as that conversation progressed! People like her are the most despicable on Earth, hands down.
This did not go according to script. Talk about something backfiring. Fun to watch.

What a brainstorm this idea was. Some mid level flunky at CNN might be out of work.

The folks at CNN might want to venture out of their media echo chamber once in a while and rub elbows with the ordinary folk so they don't get caught by surprise like this.
I think this woman was trying very hard to get these people to agree with what she was pushing, when they didnt she pushed even harder. She should have gone home, looked in the mirror and checked her skin colour because when the "bad people" come for her they wont be white.

Also it amazes me that Americans voted Trump in as their President with his commitment to making America and its allies safe from these Muslim/Negro scum, stopping illegals from Mexico raping the US system, bringing crime, drugs, gangs, the weak minded leftists cave in and panic. They are trying at every corner to stop him from doing as he committed to do when they elected him. It is like they(leftists) are willing to sacrifice themselves, their kids, relatives, co workers etc etc in order not to appear to be supporting Trump and Whites even though they are white. When the Muslims and Negros blow their brains out, rape their wives, daughters, slit white peoples throats because they are white I wonder what their last thoughts will be?

As a Canadian I can say with 100% accuracy that the average white Canadian, Chinese Canadians have the mindset this will not happen in Canada. Yet it is happening and has been happening for years. Even in my little town of 38,000 Somalians, Nigerians are showing up as well as Mexican farm workers. Their is also a rumour that 5,000 syrian refugees(not) will be brought here. If this is true, my beautiful little town will turn into a war zone in the next few years and I know that the whites/Chinese here will not be ready. I will be ready!
The "professors" (i.e. Leftist Communist Coaches) that trained, cajoled, and twisted the jello brains of these thugs ought to be lynched along with them.
The "professors" (i.e. Leftist Communist Coaches) that trained, cajoled, and twisted the jello brains of these thugs ought to be lynched along with them.

I like your "style"! :biggrin:


[QUOTE="Carolina Speed, post: 704472, member: 1538 If you remember the 30/30 about Christian Laettner. Everybody according to that documentary, wanted to be black. The documentary said nobody liked Laettner because he was white, not true of course. I for one was a Duke/Laettner fan because they played white players..[/QUOTE]

The 30 for 30 docudrama about the Michigan Fab Five was done from the perspective of a sycophant. Th black Michigan players were labeled super-cool, fashionable, admirable and of course very talented. But mostly as social icons.
Contrast that with the Laettner 30 for 30, made from the perspective of people who HATED him BECAUSE he was white, talented and successful.
Everyone I knew liked Duke and Laettner. That team was tremendously popular. Virtually all their games were televised. That little freak wigger in the anti-Laettner flick who ranted about how he hated Laettner was part of a putrid minority.
these scourge should be castrated(males) and the women should have hysterectomies done on them so they cannot breed. They should also be "de barked" so no one has to listen to their garbage! I hope when the negro(somalian) terrorists come to kill them they suffer for what they are doing to the white race.
American Freedom News