Unite the Right Rally

That was the greatest ass-kicking by a president I've ever seen!! Every idiotic question that came up, he shredded it. Most importantly, he told the truth about what happened. There was NO roving mob of White Nationalists destroying property and beating people up as the media insists. There was no violence until antifa showed up, which always seems to be the common denominator in these rallies. Antifa and blm were the instigators. Now, we don't have all the facts on the car accident yet, which was unfortunate, but we know what happened at Lee Park... That will come to light very soon.

By the way, I hope everyone is take inventory of all of these 'republicans' that are trying to distance themselves from President Trump. When election time rolls around, help drain the swamp....
And now many corporate CEOs have also jumped ship. Check the latest links on Drudge. All because Trump dared to mention the violent left instead of just denouncing "white supremacism" over and over and over. Hmm, Antifa, the fake news media, the deep state, and mega-corporations all share the same agenda, how interesting. Trump has spoiled the "unitary system" that was put in place after 9/11, a total surveillance state with an anti-White communistic agenda.

Can anyone now not see that Corporate America -- including establishment conservatives -- and communists work hand in glove in furtherance of globalism, unrestricted non-White immigration, and the degradation and replacement of Whites, in America and everywhere else we live?
The front page of the Washington Compost today was screeching about how Trump is now again blaming "both sides" and described the President as "defiant" by correctly stating that the alt-left was also responsible for the violence in Charlottesville (in fact the degenerate leftists were completely responsible for the violence). So the question then is, who is he defying? Obviously, the (((globalists))) who own the Compost, i.e. Bezos and his cabal, think that the lawfully elected POTUS should be bowing down to the (((globalists))) and not have the arrogance to go against their wishes since they are the true masters of the universe and run the world. They are pushing the narrative that Trump should ignore the truth and reality and just go along with their lies about Cville that they are vomiting continuously.

Fu*k Bezos and all the (((globalist))) scum. Fu*k them to hell.

And now many corporate CEOs have also jumped ship. Check the latest links on Drudge. All because Trump dared to mention the violent left instead of just denouncing "white supremacism" over and over and over. Hmm, Antifa, the fake news media, the deep state, and mega-corporations all share the same agenda, how interesting. Trump has spoiled the "unitary system" that was put in place after 9/11, a total surveillance state with an anti-White communistic agenda.

Can anyone now not see that Corporate America -- including establishment conservatives -- and communists work hand in glove in furtherance of globalism, unrestricted non-White immigration, and the degradation and replacement of Whites, in America and everywhere else we live?
Political whores are they all! I hope Trump gives them the ultimate "diss" and sends them into retirement! To hell with all those pukes and the den of snakes you noted!!
From what I heard it seemed Trump was continuing to hold the line that there was violence on both sides in the Charlottesville riots. Yes he condemned KKK and Nazis but he also condemned the antifa monkeys. Thats a big win as I see it, he also made the point that there were people with legitimate feelings about confederate statue removal, a view no one else in politics is brave enough to support. Is there anything much in what he says below that you wouldn't agree with? Note importantly the exchange about "moral plane", the reporters are trying to defend the point of view that there is nothing worse then white nationalism and that black agitation is somehow "moral". Trump explicitly rejects that. That's big.


President Donald Trump blasted establishment and left-wing media on Tuesday afternoon for failing to report the facts on violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.
In the main lobby of Trump Tower in New York City, the president grew combative after a throng of reporters started shouting questions about why he “waited” to specifically condemn neo-Nazis and white nationalists.

“There was no way of making a correct statement that early,” he said, defending his first statement on Saturday before the facts were in. “Unlike you and unlike the media, before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.”

As reporters grew more agitated, Trump continued defending his decision and condemning the media for their one sided reporting.

Trump again denounced racist elements among the protesters, including people supporting the KKK, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists, but clarified that some of them did not identify with the most extreme elements in the crowd.


“I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups,” he said. “But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.”

Reporters demanded to know whether the driver of the car that injured counter-protesters and killed a woman in the crowd was a domestic terrorist.

“I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and this country,” Trump replied. “The driver of the car is a murderer. What he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing.”

Trump also condemned what he called the “alt left” demonstrators that charged into the crowd of alt-right protesters without a protest permit.

“Do they have any semblance of guilt? What about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs? Do they have any problem?” he asked. “I think they do.”

Trump described the day as “horrible,” but reminded reporters that there were “two sides to a story.”

“I think there is blame on both sides,” Trump said. “I have no doubt about it and you don’t have any doubt about it either, and if you reported it accurately, you would say that.”

CNN’s Jim Acosta protested that the “neo-nazis” started the violence by showing up in Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue depicting Confederate general Robert E. Lee.

Trump did not deny that there were “bad people” in the alt-right group but said that there were some protesters who were not white nationalists or neo-nazis that were protesting.

Trump dismissed media assertions that he was putting the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane.

“I am not putting anybody on a moral plane,” he said. “You had a group on one side and the other and they came at each other with clubs and it was vicious and horrible.”
The Silicon Valley giants are feverishly working with the ADL and SPLC to purge the alt-right from the internet and social media (check Drudge's page today). Ongoing efforts to build alternative platforms look like the solution, but they will be well off the beaten path. The average person will not have the interest or capability to access them, at least for now. Those with opinions to the right of kosher conservatives will more and more be marginalized (ghettoized), much as right wing print publications have been for generations. It will force the alt-right to continue to be innovative, which can be a very good thing. Probably also make them more active IRL in ways more effective than what went down in Charlottesville. It may also effectively smother the alt-right, we'll have to wait and see. Events are moving incredibly swiftly right now.
Ann Coulter

August 16, 2017

Apparently, as long as violent leftists label their victims "fascists," they are free to set fires, smash windows and beat civilians bloody. No police officer will stop them. They have carte blanche to physically assault anyone they disapprove of, including Charles Murray, Heather Mac Donald, Ben Shapiro, me and Milo Yiannopoulos, as well as anyone who wanted to hear us speak.

Even far-left liberals like Evergreen State professor Bret Weinstein will be stripped of police protection solely because the mob called him a "racist."

If the liberal shock troops deem local Republicans "Nazis" -- because some of them support the duly elected Republican president -- Portland will cancel the annual Rose Festival parade rather than allow any Trump supporters to march.

They're all "fascists"! Ipso facto, the people cracking their skulls and smashing store windows are "anti-fascists," or as they call themselves, "antifa.

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First of all, unite the right participants need to sue the police and sue antifa . This is how liberals have overtaken our society to large part is through lawsuits.

Secondly, what powers does trump have to revoke the licenses of NBC/ CBS, ABC that use public airwaives? The media is the absolute enemy and I think Trump recognizes this. It would be a completely drastic move but this is what it's come to. Repeal and replace the news organizations that so clearly are working for Democrats and communist leftists. This should be the real conversation.
Can any of the older posters on this site fill me in on when extreme anti-whiteness became mainstream. I was born in 1981 so I am not that old. I would say that 90's when MTV and all the other nonsense became extremely popular.
I reckon it became quite Mainstream when the whole Rap/ Hip Hop/ glamorizing stupid Jewellery and accessories took over in the late 90s early 2000s. Before that white rock was basically considered cool. Now a grown man with more shiny earings than the average 12 yr old girl is considered hip.

Any indication of modesty/ Refusal to try to appear as wealthy as possible is considered a weakness.

Sure there was ridiculous rock bands like KISS back in the day but they didnt exclusively sing about the Size of their bank Account.
The anti-white trope became mainstream in the early 1990's and has increased from there. It began in the mid-1960's.
Yes, I agree. It became mainstream in the 90's. If you remember the 30/30 about Christian Laettner. Everybody according to that documentary, wanted to be black. The documentary said nobody liked Laettner because he was white, not true of course. I for one was a Duke/Laettner fan because they played white players.

However, yes, the anti- Christian/anti- white movement began in the early to mid 60's. Bible and school prayer were taken from our public schools and it's been going down hill ever since. No one can argue that.
I especially like the concluding paragraphs of this article. The "left" doesn't care about any of the issues it should care about, their only concern is erasing the presence (and history) of Whites. The "left" and the establishment "right" are both defined by their anti-White agenda, as Charlottesville and its aftermath perfectly illuminates. Go to the link to read all of it:

"I thought back to OWS. I remembered what so many liberals seem to forget: that in Zuccotti Park, in Manhattan and then in Chicago, Occupy Wall Street didn’t just fade away, nor was it broken by “neo-Nazis” or “white supremacists,” most of whom hate Wall Street more than any leftist. No, OWS was brutally crushed in New York and Chicago by the police forces of Michael Bloomberg and Rahm Emmanuel, two Jewish neoliberals of the worst kind. Although he is not Jewish, Terry McAuliffe is cut from the same cloth. He is a neoliberal through and through, a powerful ally of Hillary Clinton, and rather than being held to account for his criminal actions at Charlottesville, which resulted in three deaths and dozens of serious injuries, he is doubling down on his globalist Cultural Revolution, now promising to tear down every last monument to Southern heritage in Virginia.

"Bloomberg and Emmanuel used the power of the state to crush OWS, and no matter what our brothers on the right may think of that movement, it was the last time leftists actually took a stand against the globalist establishment which is killing all of us. It was also the last time leftists sided against corporate power, rather than eagerly supporting the terrifying monopolies of Facebook, Inc. and others, as they attempt to control public opinion and silence all dissent.

"OWS was strong and growing, like the Alt Right is strong and growing, but where naked police state brutality crushed OWS in 2012, the Alt Right in 2017 isn’t going away. Ours is the true anti-globalist movement, the true worker’s movement, the true environmental movement, the true opposition to neoliberal greed, Zionist imperialism, and parasitic global finance. Leftists have become neoliberal puppets who attack us with the help of gigantic corporations and the militarized security state. We will succeed where OWS failed because unlike OWS, we have with us the awakened fury of the force which created and built the United States: the righteous anger of white men who will not let tyranny tread on our rights any longer."

Charlottesville, Occupy Wall St And The Neoliberal Police State

The anti-white trope became mainstream in the early 1990's and has increased from there. It began in the mid-1960's.

Yes it began in the mid sixties with the "civil rights movement" and the arch traitor LB Johnson, who some think was a secret Marrano Jew, and his "great society" programs, integration and welfare, and then the disastrous immigration reform act fronted by the killer Edward Kennedy (but written by Jews). Prior to integration the negro was actually the most rapidly advancing ethnic/racial group in the country and race relations were generally very good. You can look up youtubes of old pre-integration negro communities and see what they looked like.
Glad BPD cracked some antifa heads. More of that will come. the MSM except Fox will attempt to bury it. No smart person is having any of that crap.
Thanks Quiet Speed, for posting the link. I'm working away from media except for my phone. Are any mainstream sources of the BIG 4 carrying this non-stop and telling the truth? Oh wait, I know the answer.
These communist scum continue to show their criminality but few see it as they should...

Media Covers for Leftist Violence in Boston

This is the group that 40,000 antifa and glassy-eyed lefties massed in Boston to protest and kill if they could. Take a couple of minutes to watch this hideous gang of "nazis" lolol.

Here are some very good options to using Google as a search engine:

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Here are some email options besides Gmail (Google), Hotmail (Microsoft), and Yahoo:

All have basic free options and are private and encrypted.

The Mozilla browser (Firefox) just announced a few days ago that they will be filtering out "fake news" with a grant from Billionaire NWO sovereign-nation-destabilizer globalist George Soros, meaning that their view of "fake news is anything but the NWO-controlled MSM. So, consider using another browser. Chrome is owned by Google and Edge is owned by Microsoft.

Here are some other browser options that other techies have recommended:

I made Startpage my homepage instead of Google. Feels so good.
Several things. First Boston is a tough town and they were not going to allow a violent scrum to break out and those that did try something were the Antifa/BLM crowd. Which throws the attention back on Virginia last Saturday and the reprehensible decision by government officials to have the police stand down. Trust me we have not heard the end of the civil neglect by officials last Saturday.
The Antifa/BLM crowd was also on display in Texas this weekend hurling horrible chants at the police. Meanwhile back in Missouri a black State Legislator called for the "assassination of Donald Trump." Fellow Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill was appalled and asked for her resignation. Oddly from what I can tell other Democratic leaders have said nothing. What she said was more dangerous than anything we heard last Saturday and that is saying something. She has not apologized but that is way beside the point. She should be removed from office period.
My very good sources inform me the Democrats are not just floundering but they are on the verge of collapse. There are two key reasons and a possible third as to why the Democrats are in trouble. The minor reason at this point is the economy which still sucks but hasn't gone completely down the tubes and as long as it holds on Trump will be around for a while.
The two key points that are killing the Dems are these:
One is the silence and acceptance of the BLM/Antifa, groups with a heaping amount of goons and thugs filling their rosters that to quote Jonah Goldberg "oppose free speech, celebrate violence, despise dissent and have little use for anything else in the American political tradition." Fox News unlike CNN has not been afraid to expose those aspects of these often militant groups. Many Americans are starting to view these groups as threats and not just some noisy liberal college kids. This feeling could be adjusted somewhat if the BLM/ Antifa tone down their aggressive ways and violence but so far they have not shown that ability and besides the BLM group is based on identity politics and people are growing weary of that as well.
Secondly our foreign policy situation is on a knifes edge. ISIS and North Korea are real live catastrophic threats. And Russia continues to pose a different sort of threat. Americans are not going to take their chances on a Democrat at this point in time so it looks highly unlikely that the Republicans will have much trouble in the 2018 midterm elections. When national security is pushed to the forefront the Republicans have a distinct advantage.
This is the group that 40,000 antifa and glassy-eyed lefties massed in Boston to protest and kill if they could. Take a couple of minutes to watch this hideous gang of "nazis" lolol.

I can see why countless counter protesters showed up let the TRUTH be revealed. These free speech people in that gondola are the most MENACING group I have seen since Winnie The Pooh and his friends.
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American Freedom News