Unite the Right Rally

The left is now emboldened. They are tearing down confederate statues across th country


Seeing this infuriating video makes me long for the days of us just bitching about the thought Harriet Tubman on the $20

Just saw this on Tucker Carlson. This is getting out of hand. Where are the police? Where is the condemnation?

There is clear video evidence of the perpetrators just in case the justice department feels like being fair....
Here's a press conference Richard Spencer gave earlier today giving his perspective on what happened on Saturday in Charlottesville. It's a good intro for those not familiar with him. According to the video over 52,000 people have viewed it already, an impressive number that keeps growing and illustrates how the alternative media can get the truth out to some extent despite the best efforts of the communist fake news networks:

Was just watching Faux News and the black anchor lady started to say "racial: violence then changed in mid word to "racist" violence.

I wouldn't be surprised her script said racial but she decided to change it.
I don't like telling people what they should or shouldn't do, but collectively starving "The Beast" system is the only answer at this point. Fox "News" is part of this system and it shouldn't be empowered. As much as possible, remove yourself and your dollars from those that wish to do you harm. Cut the cord and start streaming. Cancel any newspaper subscriptions. Shun Hollywood, unless it's one of those rare movies that is redeeming, then reward the maker by attending it. Shun going to certain sporting events. Shun most, if not all, contemporary "music". Homeschool your children, if you have any. Donate small $ to one or more of your favorite blog or vblog channels. Outside of your employer-sponsored 401K (if you have one) invest in cryptocurrencies and/or gold/silver instead of Fortune 500 stock. Try to eat as well and healthy as you can afford. Get (or stay) physically fit. Learn basic self-defense. Learn how to handle and shoot a firearm well. Learn about different subjects that can be practically applied. Become a prepper. If you have religious faith, attend a no-nonsense Church and network with similar-minded folk. Peacefully collapse the system and reward yourself in the meantime.
I don't like telling people what they should or shouldn't do, but collectively starving "The Beast" system is the only answer at this point. Fox "News" is part of this system and it shouldn't be empowered. As much as possible, remove yourself and your dollars from those that wish to do you harm. Cut the cord and start streaming. Cancel any newspaper subscriptions. Shun Hollywood, unless it's one of those rare movies that is redeeming, then reward the maker by attending it. Shun going to certain sporting events. Shun most, if not all, contemporary "music". Homeschool your children, if you have any. Donate small $ to one or more of your favorite blog or vblog channels. Outside of your employer-sponsored 401K (if you have one) invest in cryptocurrencies and/or gold/silver instead of Fortune 500 stock. Try to eat as well and healthy as you can afford. Get (or stay) physically fit. Learn basic self-defense. Learn how to handle and shoot a firearm well. Learn about different subjects that can be practically applied. Become a prepper. If you have religious faith, attend a no-nonsense Church and network with similar-minded folk. Peacefully collapse the system and reward yourself in the meantime.

This is probably the best way of going about things now. There'll likely be a color revolution here in the states and being prepared for it is necessary.
This is probably the best way of going about things now. There'll likely be a color revolution here in the states and being prepared for it is necessary.

Correct. Move on and build anew. It should be as obvious as there's a sun in the sky that the present system is not getting "fixed" by Trump or any one. This is a job of many. We start competing everything and anything including competing currencies.

But how to get that government monkey off your back??? Don't be a citizen all the time. You do know you have a choice? You do know you can choose to not accept the benefit of being a citizen at the drop of a hat? To not be a citizen though you not only have to say it, but not do something a citizen does. It takes some mental practice to sort this out because it is so simple. You have to know who you are. You have to know how simply to be man.
Here are some very good options to using Google as a search engine:

Both will return the exact same results as Google but are run by other companies that respect your privacy (and you won't be giving Google your business).

Here are some email options besides Gmail (Google), Hotmail (Microsoft), and Yahoo:

All have basic free options and are private and encrypted.

The Mozilla browser (Firefox) just announced a few days ago that they will be filtering out "fake news" with a grant from Billionaire NWO sovereign-nation-destabilizer globalist George Soros, meaning that their view of "fake news is anything but the NWO-controlled MSM. So, consider using another browser. Chrome is owned by Google and Edge is owned by Microsoft.

Here are some other browser options that other techies have recommended:
Here are some very good options to using Google as a search engine:

Both will return the exact same results as Google but are run by other companies that respect your privacy (and you won't be giving Google your business).

Here are some email options besides Gmail (Google), Hotmail (Microsoft), and Yahoo:

All have basic free options and are private and encrypted.

The Mozilla browser (Firefox) just announced a few days ago that they will be filtering out "fake news" with a grant from Billionaire NWO sovereign-nation-destabilizer globalist George Soros, meaning that their view of "fake news is anything but the NWO-controlled MSM. So, consider using another browser. Chrome is owned by Google and Edge is owned by Microsoft.

Here are some other browser options that other techies have recommended:

Thanks for the suggestions. The browsers I use are Vivaldi and Slimjet in that order. I don't know how fair and safe they are but I like their features.
"Catcher in the Reich: My Account of my Experience in Charlottesville," by Matt Parrott
mattparrott41 in altright


My heart sank and my adrenaline dumped when our formation marching toward Lee Park slowed to a crawl and then a stop, and then I heard yelling at the front of the line. My prediction going in was that since the National Guard and a smorgasbord of law enforcement communities had dispatched hundreds of officers to restore order, that this would be orderly and civilized, like Pikeville.

I was dead wrong. They weren't there to keep the peace, but to stoke anarchy, ...an outcome the ideological "anarchists" soon came to regret.

In Pikeville, the police had plenty of time to plan and prepare. The police had accurate estimates for crowd size and strength on both sides. There were no surprises and the event was completed with no injuries, with both sides feeling that law enforcement had protected their right to express themselves. Surely, they wouldn't gamble or get "clever" about a rally of this magnitude.

Charlottesville had plenty of lead time and accurate stats going in, as well. But the City of Charlottesville and the governor wanted to achieve what the mayor of Pikeville and the governor of Kentucky didn't. They set us up for a massacre. They dutifully stood back, smug in the fact we would be defeated, humiliated, and dispersed by the single greatest mob of antifa radicals in American history. Knowing the raw logistics, and realizing upon entry what the police were doing, I confess that I also assumed we were going to end up butchered and broken. Those were the simple event logistics.

Southerners don't calculate odds the way we Yankees do, and the League of the South were directly in front of us in the line. With a full-throated rebel yell, the League broke through the wall of degenerates and TradWorker managed to enter the Lee Park venue itself while they were largely still reeling. Michael Tubbs, an especially imposing League organizer towered over and pushed through the antifa like a Tyrannosaurus among raptors as league fighters with shields put their training to work.

Cesar Hess, a Regional Coordinator of ours who’s an experienced combat veteran, worked with the League, NSM, and other Nationalist Front groups to help create two shield walls. One was at the stairwell and one was to the right of the stairwell. This was the area designated for the fight by the officers, who intentionally left it entirely unprotected and unsupervised. Our men were clearly less armed than theirs and it showed. They blasted pepper spray like a startled squid every time we pushed them back, launched their little smoke and stink bombs, and even began propelling their own urine and feces at our men when their munitions ran low.

While most of the Identity Evropa men were occupied on other fronts, they sent a detachment of fighters to assist us and to relay intelligence to Jason Kessler and other organizers. They offered more fighters, but we had our positions amply covered. I ended up investing most of my time during the fighting diving into the brawl to extract men who had been disabled by pepper spray to lead them to our several medic teams for treatment.

We had guys get pepper sprayed, get treated, and dive back into the fight, only to be pepper sprayed and treated again, then dive back into the fight! While Cesar’s TradWorker, Schoep’s NSM, and Dr. Michael Hill’s League men stuck with a relatively organized plan to define and secure the event perimeter, the Outlaw Hammerskins wove around through the antifa crowd like they were invincible. With the exception of some pretty nasty flesh wounds they treated themselves (then re-entered the fight), they pretty much proved invincible out there.

While milling through the brawl, I spotted Daryl Lamont Jenkins. After he recognized me and called me out, a half-smile and a knowing look in his eyes confirmed that he was also bewildered. He’s also been at this game for a very long time and he knew that this event was going wildly off course. Moments later, an aging transvestite--I won’t dignify this deranged broad-shouldered man in ill-fitting women’s clothing as a full tranny--got up in my face and started yelling at me threatening to dox and expose me. I was far more afraid of his rotting teeth and clumsily applied clown makeup than being outed as a nationalist.

As a full confession, I didn’t land a single blow against an antifa the entire event. I have in the past, and it feels great. But I felt that there was a shield wall and the first priority was simply getting men far better at fighting than myself who had been temporarily blinded or bowled over behind the wall to recover.

That we all (united!) decisively won the fight isn’t spin. It isn’t an angle. Even excepting the automotive incident and the police helicopter Chris Cantwell shot down, antifa received dozens of ambulatory injuries while only a couple of our men required more than mere first aid on the scene. Signer’s third world thug government worked hand in glove with the antifa and police to corner our dramatically outnumbered men for a beatdown on primetime television, and their defeat became a primetime spectacle.

I have no idea how long we were fighting. Time slows down. I’m guessing we were there about an hour before the antifa had become so discouraged and frightened that they were crying out for the police to help them. Our men remained on our permitted premises, so help only meant one thing: helping them break our defensive line. I was walking a fighter back to the medics when I heard the police announce over the megaphone that it was now an “unlawful assembly” and that everybody was to disperse.

Cops started directing our men to break their defensive line so we did so, assuming this was all part of some plan. It was. The plan was for the cops to break our line so that antifa could finally run wild through the park. The cops broke our line and then exited the area altogether. That was their contingency plan in case the antifa couldn’t break our line. That didn’t work either. They fared even worse in an open melee than they did against our shield wall.

Bear in mind while reading this that we were entirely trapped in the park. Fighting was not optional. This was classic self-defense in the most simple and direct manner. The police had deliberately removed our ability to protect ourselves while not offering us protection. As the police began forming into a straight line preparing to vacate the park, I yelled at an officer, “How are we supposed to exit?! How the **** do we peacefully exit the park?!”

He smiled smugly and pointed in the opposite direction of our entrance, through their barricades, and through a human sea of degenerates open-carrying with open sores. As Cesar is the commanding officer, I asked his permission to go “Charlie.” I handed him my helmet and walked up to the Robert E. Lee monument to stand my ground and occupy my constitutionally protected free speech event space alone. Heimbach, Cesar, and the rest of the leaders were trying to guide our men in the direction the officers ordered, retreating at the behest of the cops who weren’t going to allow us to occupy the space we had firmly secured.

From the base of the statue, I had a beautiful panoramic view of the final minutes of the battle. At this point, the antifa were a terrifying spectre, drenched in their own blood, sweat, tears, and pepper spray. Perhaps they’ll learn some day not to fire that **** when they’re in a standstill melee. Perhaps not. For all their hanging around college campuses, antifa never seem to learn anything.

Most of the antifa had become so discouraged at this point that they had retreated back. Only a handful of their heartiest fighters, positively exhausted, fumbled aimlessly, half-blinded by their own chemical weapons, lashing out at the nationalists who were being forced into them by the encircling riot cops. Andy Nowicki came into focus, looking--in both physiognomy and attire--more like a liberal reporter than an altright sympathizer, yelling at the riot cops and demanding to know why and how they were clearly and directly violating a federal judge’s direct and simple order.

Our men and women were laughing, joking, and beginning to celebrate as the scale and scope of the victory was coming into focus. All of the antifa the entire left could muster were afforded a blank check to beat us to death by the complicit police force of this anti-white local, state, and federal government. For everyone but me, the lethally dangerous job of working through the maze of antifa mobs, police blockades, and contradictory police directions back to their vehicles was just beginning.

I wrote a status update on my Facebook wall, “We will not be replaced.” and then put my phone away. Shortly afterwards, I was zip-tied and led into a wagon which took me to the police department directly beside our parking garage and released. They attempted to have me sign a form promising not to return to the park, which I refused to do. I remained calm and polite, as I’m not there to challenge the physical power of the state. I’m here to expose its corruption and complicity in White Genocide.

The police immediately let me out. I was only a political prisoner for about 20 minutes, not nearly long enough to write my manifesto. Fortunately, the jail was right beside my parking garage and my civil disobedience had earned me a free pass out of the most dangerous part of the whole event. I called up Heimbach to find out where everybody was at and Heimbach explained the nightmare unfolding in a raspy and strained voice. We went out to battle the left’s elderly chainsmoking cat ladies and all went home sounding like them. He explained that “Everybody is lost. Everybody. The police are chasing small groups of both sides in random directions and into blockaded blind alleys.”

I had thought all my adrenaline had been expended already, but the thought of my men being herded into dozens of traps in the narrow streets and alleyways of Charlottesville frightened me all over again. The police all appeared angry, frustrated, and confused as I’ve never seen them before. While I was furious at them at the time, it’s clear that they were the victims of an egregious leadership failure which also imperiled them. They were not able to keep up with the entirely unnecessary chaos they had been ordered to unleash and then ordered to deal with. Police don’t hire on to enact a maniacal politician’s revenge fantasies. They hire on to protect both townies and visitors alike and they were being used.

I fully sympathize with and support the young man who, after finally making it alive to his vehicle, was fully blockaded, swarmed, threatened, and explicitly denied any police protection. Mayor Signer and the officers who obeyed his immoral and unlawful order killed that girl who died in the street after playing her fun little game of mob violence. The liberal political class and the government are shrieking so loudly at me and mine right now precisely because they know they’re guilty, know they’re caught red-handed, and know that the only way through this is to steamroll over us with a nationwide hysteria.

But cooler heads will prevail. Facts will come to light. Video will be examined. The alternative media won’t let this story go the way the hand-in-glove mainstream media wants it to. The ACLU is already closing in on the government’s absurd handling of this event. With the amount of manpower and firepower at their disposal, the Commonwealth of Virginia could have EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY forced both antifa and nationalists to sit on picnic blankets and play patty-cake together. Instead, Mayor Signer and Vice-Mayor Bellamy chose to lead the nationalists into a trap, corner us with the help of the ******* military, and stand by as we were beaten to death.

It didn’t play out like that, but that was clearly the plan.

Driving around looking for lost goys, I spotted Andy Nowicki stumbling along by himself on the side of the highway. I parked and the two Identity Evropa allies who I had also found wandering by themselves alone on the street raced down the street to gather him up. I drove back and forth repeatedly from the parking garage through the city sweeping up comrades and driving them to safety. Like a catcher in the rye, I spent most of my time at both the melee itself and the period afterward frantically racing around trying to account for everybody’s safety.

People can carry on about “unity” all day long. It’s easier said than done, especially as real differences in both style and strategy divide our distinct organizations. When the Marxist degenerates came swarming in, I was glad to have the AltKnight project’s non-white fighters alongside me. I was glad to have people I’ve beefed with in the past helping me carry men who’d been disabled by pepper spray to the medic station. I eagerly picked up every man I could regardless of project affiliation.

Mayor Signer and his co-conspirators royally ****** up more than they could ever realize. But long after the people who’ve been killed by his fuckups are buried and the people who’ve been permanently disabled by his fuckups have learned to live with their debilitating conditions, one fuckup that will live on long afterward is the unity which can only come from being forced through a trial of this magnitude and making it through to the other side. Ironically, the nationalist solidarity and unity Jason Kessler was trying to achieve with this event was achieved by Signer, Bellamy, McAuliffe, and their complicit mainstream media cronies.

I know it wasn’t exactly Dunkirk out there, but I also tire of history snobs pretending that honor, sacrifice, and nobility are all things that belong to different men in different eras than our own. The bruises and wounds our fighters compared back at our sinister supervillain mountaintop retreat were fully authentic, as were the corneal abrasions on my priest’s eyes as he lied in bed all day. Sunday afternoon he finally agreed to go to the hospital after the second day of being unable to open his eyes. Father Matthew Raphael Johnson didn’t receive all of the mainstream media puffery and police protection that the globalist clergy standing in solidarity with antifa received. He wasn’t there for a contrived photo op. He was there for his flock.

The media can try to blame nationalists all day long, but just about anybody short of Mother Theresa herself, memory eternal, is going to fight like hell when they’ve got the fully armed National Guard blocking them from one side and a real life zombie apocalypse of pissed off degenerates with flamethrowers on the other. This weekend, the media narrative has been all about “nazi terrorism,” pretending we shot down the helicopters, drove into people on purpose like White ISIS, and sucker punched innocent anti-racists who were there to passionately yet peacefully demonstrate their principled opposition.

To be awkwardly honest for a brief moment, this situation was structurally unfair to the antifa. Every single similar event had basic police presence which defined basic boundaries on how bad things can get. There’s been an element of theater this whole summer with people on both sides dressing up in wacky costumes and trying to “battle” with all the bravado of a man who the bouncer was holding back. Antifa did mobilize their largest ever assembly, but they arrived to fight for their ideas, ...not fight for their lives. Daryl’s naturally running with his necessary narrative in his cable news appearances, that nazi terrorism has run amok in the New South. But we both know what happened was a spectacular and utterly preventable government leadership failure.

The antifa will likely also be stakeholders in the epic civil liberty lawsuit taking form. So will the journalists, pedestrians, and hopefully even the officers who were unlawfully ordered to host a bum fight for the mayor’s amusement. For a couple hours in Charlottesville, the Signer hosted a bizarre Hunger Games tournament with the hope that he would get to be the man who crushed the altright once and for all. Instead, he lulled America’s antifa subculture into the greatest humiliation in their entire history, notarized the altright’s transition from an Internet subculture to a proven street fighting faction, and got his own people killed and maimed. Hail Victory! Death to the World! And hail each and every last man and woman who fought the federal, state, and local government, the military, and the full force of the radical left, and emerged victorious!

Hello to all my CF comrades.

Yes, I am still alive and well. Long, long time since I logged on, but I have been following CF for months nonetheless to stay in touch with the soul of my like-minded friends. With all that is happening in the Civil War 2 going on, I decided to get on here and encourage everyone to stay focused, calm and resilient regardless of what the satanic scum-buckets do, and they are doing it at an escalating rate. From the very top all the way down to the street level antifa/SJW demon-infested trash we can expect them to continue unrelenting and shameless acts of violence and mayhem. The ones at the top will do it behind the scenes, behind the curtain, as the subtle snakes of their Father the Devil that they are. These "people" are the enemies of humanity. They are certainly enemies of God and all that is decent and they want to destroy all Whites and Western civilization. Today, it's historic statues of more "evil Whites" coming down all over the nation...

Satanic, anti-White agenda of any kind=Good

I just saw pictures and short clips of the driver/the car who killed the woman and I saw the scene from different angles. This guy, like the other people who assembled was probably just in fear of his life from these Leftist mobs of crazed thugs. I would have done whatever I could to defend myself.

The Mayor and the Police are TOTALLY to blame for what happened up to that point. They MADE IT HAPPEN by putting the activists into the enclosed cage of rabid wolves and venomous snakes. The Police were ordered to stand down and let criminals assault everyone who was not "one of them". That day and the way it is being portrayed in all LSM bar none was a gift to the brain-washed masses of Leftists who just "know" that Whites are inherently evil and racist. Like the Imposter-in-Chief who squatted at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for eight years infamously said, "Racism is in America's (read: White people's) DNA!"...pffft. The Leftist demonic dirtbags are emboldened to do all-out shameless, criminal violent acts to destroy and physically harm or kill any White that doesn't go along with the Communist/Totalitarian agenda.

I doubt the guy can get a fair trial, even with whatever video evidence exists on his side. The media has put this guy in the bag. Well, of course, he's White so it's a done deal, right? I hope not, but we'll see how good his lawyer is and how objective the jury is. Maybe he's guilty as hell. Maybe not. We honestly don't know yet. But Don is right that the ENTIRE NEWS INDUSTRY INCLUDING "CONSERVATIVES" ARE NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING FOR WHITES' INTERESTS.

We are in a Civil War. It is literal and not figurative. It is not hyperbole. There is no doubt whatsoever.

Stay focused. Stay courageous. Stay positive. Never stop standing up for what is right. Never.
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The former teacher of James Fields Jr., Derek Weimer, who has been telling media Fields was fascinated with “Nazi” Germany, also says Fields told him he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. If that turns out to be true, I’m wondering if his defense will present it.

I was reading an article (Aggression and Impulsivity in Schizophrenia) and found two paragraphs of particular interests:

Because of the multidimensional etiology of aggression, making treatment decisions can be difficult. The underlying psychosis, poor impulse control, and comorbid substance use all need to be managed. In addition, the personality traits that may have contributed to the violent behavior need to be recognized. Hostility and aggressive behavior during psychosis can result when patients with a thought disorder or persecutory delusion perceive themselves as threatened. Patients with paranoid schizophrenic manifestations of suspiciousness, mistrust, and anger may be particularly challenging for clinicians who need to abstain from questioning the patient’s delusions.

Clinicians need to ensure that a safe place—for themselves and for the patient—is available where they can meet with the patient. In the emergency department, this can be particularly challenging if no dedicated space is available. A crowded place with many other somatic emergencies can impair proper management of aggressive and impulsive behavior. In such settings, administration of sedative agents is often the first-line approach, whereas when quiet rooms are available, there may be more space for collaboration between physicians and patients, leading to less invasive interventions.

I can see someone with this mental disorder (I guess it really depends on proper medication, I don’t know) becoming delusional and perceiving a threat in Saturday’s situation. Especially, if he was made to exit the park into the hateful crowd of Antifa. That could have been the process of setting him off into a paranoia episode. Anyone here with more knowledge on the topic?
Great! Thanks for posting that!

"Catcher in the Reich: My Account of my Experience in Charlottesville," by Matt Parrott
mattparrott41 in altright


My heart sank and my adrenaline dumped when our formation marching toward Lee Park slowed to a crawl and then a stop, and then I heard yelling at the front of the line. My prediction going in was that since the National Guard and a smorgasbord of law enforcement communities had dispatched hundreds of officers to restore order, that this would be orderly and civilized, like Pikeville.

I was dead wrong. They weren't there to keep the peace, but to stoke anarchy, ...an outcome the ideological "anarchists" soon came to regret.

In Pikeville, the police had plenty of time to plan and prepare. The police had accurate estimates for crowd size and strength on both sides. There were no surprises and the event was completed with no injuries, with both sides feeling that law enforcement had protected their right to express themselves. Surely, they wouldn't gamble or get "clever" about a rally of this magnitude.

Charlottesville had plenty of lead time and accurate stats going in, as well. But the City of Charlottesville and the governor wanted to achieve what the mayor of Pikeville and the governor of Kentucky didn't. They set us up for a massacre. They dutifully stood back, smug in the fact we would be defeated, humiliated, and dispersed by the single greatest mob of antifa radicals in American history. Knowing the raw logistics, and realizing upon entry what the police were doing, I confess that I also assumed we were going to end up butchered and broken. Those were the simple event logistics.

Southerners don't calculate odds the way we Yankees do, and the League of the South were directly in front of us in the line. With a full-throated rebel yell, the League broke through the wall of degenerates and TradWorker managed to enter the Lee Park venue itself while they were largely still reeling. Michael Tubbs, an especially imposing League organizer towered over and pushed through the antifa like a Tyrannosaurus among raptors as league fighters with shields put their training to work.

Cesar Hess, a Regional Coordinator of ours who’s an experienced combat veteran, worked with the League, NSM, and other Nationalist Front groups to help create two shield walls. One was at the stairwell and one was to the right of the stairwell. This was the area designated for the fight by the officers, who intentionally left it entirely unprotected and unsupervised. Our men were clearly less armed than theirs and it showed. They blasted pepper spray like a startled squid every time we pushed them back, launched their little smoke and stink bombs, and even began propelling their own urine and feces at our men when their munitions ran low.

While most of the Identity Evropa men were occupied on other fronts, they sent a detachment of fighters to assist us and to relay intelligence to Jason Kessler and other organizers. They offered more fighters, but we had our positions amply covered. I ended up investing most of my time during the fighting diving into the brawl to extract men who had been disabled by pepper spray to lead them to our several medic teams for treatment.

We had guys get pepper sprayed, get treated, and dive back into the fight, only to be pepper sprayed and treated again, then dive back into the fight! While Cesar’s TradWorker, Schoep’s NSM, and Dr. Michael Hill’s League men stuck with a relatively organized plan to define and secure the event perimeter, the Outlaw Hammerskins wove around through the antifa crowd like they were invincible. With the exception of some pretty nasty flesh wounds they treated themselves (then re-entered the fight), they pretty much proved invincible out there.

While milling through the brawl, I spotted Daryl Lamont Jenkins. After he recognized me and called me out, a half-smile and a knowing look in his eyes confirmed that he was also bewildered. He’s also been at this game for a very long time and he knew that this event was going wildly off course. Moments later, an aging transvestite--I won’t dignify this deranged broad-shouldered man in ill-fitting women’s clothing as a full tranny--got up in my face and started yelling at me threatening to dox and expose me. I was far more afraid of his rotting teeth and clumsily applied clown makeup than being outed as a nationalist.

As a full confession, I didn’t land a single blow against an antifa the entire event. I have in the past, and it feels great. But I felt that there was a shield wall and the first priority was simply getting men far better at fighting than myself who had been temporarily blinded or bowled over behind the wall to recover.

That we all (united!) decisively won the fight isn’t spin. It isn’t an angle. Even excepting the automotive incident and the police helicopter Chris Cantwell shot down, antifa received dozens of ambulatory injuries while only a couple of our men required more than mere first aid on the scene. Signer’s third world thug government worked hand in glove with the antifa and police to corner our dramatically outnumbered men for a beatdown on primetime television, and their defeat became a primetime spectacle.

I have no idea how long we were fighting. Time slows down. I’m guessing we were there about an hour before the antifa had become so discouraged and frightened that they were crying out for the police to help them. Our men remained on our permitted premises, so help only meant one thing: helping them break our defensive line. I was walking a fighter back to the medics when I heard the police announce over the megaphone that it was now an “unlawful assembly” and that everybody was to disperse.

Cops started directing our men to break their defensive line so we did so, assuming this was all part of some plan. It was. The plan was for the cops to break our line so that antifa could finally run wild through the park. The cops broke our line and then exited the area altogether. That was their contingency plan in case the antifa couldn’t break our line. That didn’t work either. They fared even worse in an open melee than they did against our shield wall.

Bear in mind while reading this that we were entirely trapped in the park. Fighting was not optional. This was classic self-defense in the most simple and direct manner. The police had deliberately removed our ability to protect ourselves while not offering us protection. As the police began forming into a straight line preparing to vacate the park, I yelled at an officer, “How are we supposed to exit?! How the **** do we peacefully exit the park?!”

He smiled smugly and pointed in the opposite direction of our entrance, through their barricades, and through a human sea of degenerates open-carrying with open sores. As Cesar is the commanding officer, I asked his permission to go “Charlie.” I handed him my helmet and walked up to the Robert E. Lee monument to stand my ground and occupy my constitutionally protected free speech event space alone. Heimbach, Cesar, and the rest of the leaders were trying to guide our men in the direction the officers ordered, retreating at the behest of the cops who weren’t going to allow us to occupy the space we had firmly secured.

From the base of the statue, I had a beautiful panoramic view of the final minutes of the battle. At this point, the antifa were a terrifying spectre, drenched in their own blood, sweat, tears, and pepper spray. Perhaps they’ll learn some day not to fire that **** when they’re in a standstill melee. Perhaps not. For all their hanging around college campuses, antifa never seem to learn anything.

Most of the antifa had become so discouraged at this point that they had retreated back. Only a handful of their heartiest fighters, positively exhausted, fumbled aimlessly, half-blinded by their own chemical weapons, lashing out at the nationalists who were being forced into them by the encircling riot cops. Andy Nowicki came into focus, looking--in both physiognomy and attire--more like a liberal reporter than an altright sympathizer, yelling at the riot cops and demanding to know why and how they were clearly and directly violating a federal judge’s direct and simple order.

Our men and women were laughing, joking, and beginning to celebrate as the scale and scope of the victory was coming into focus. All of the antifa the entire left could muster were afforded a blank check to beat us to death by the complicit police force of this anti-white local, state, and federal government. For everyone but me, the lethally dangerous job of working through the maze of antifa mobs, police blockades, and contradictory police directions back to their vehicles was just beginning.

I wrote a status update on my Facebook wall, “We will not be replaced.” and then put my phone away. Shortly afterwards, I was zip-tied and led into a wagon which took me to the police department directly beside our parking garage and released. They attempted to have me sign a form promising not to return to the park, which I refused to do. I remained calm and polite, as I’m not there to challenge the physical power of the state. I’m here to expose its corruption and complicity in White Genocide.

The police immediately let me out. I was only a political prisoner for about 20 minutes, not nearly long enough to write my manifesto. Fortunately, the jail was right beside my parking garage and my civil disobedience had earned me a free pass out of the most dangerous part of the whole event. I called up Heimbach to find out where everybody was at and Heimbach explained the nightmare unfolding in a raspy and strained voice. We went out to battle the left’s elderly chainsmoking cat ladies and all went home sounding like them. He explained that “Everybody is lost. Everybody. The police are chasing small groups of both sides in random directions and into blockaded blind alleys.”

I had thought all my adrenaline had been expended already, but the thought of my men being herded into dozens of traps in the narrow streets and alleyways of Charlottesville frightened me all over again. The police all appeared angry, frustrated, and confused as I’ve never seen them before. While I was furious at them at the time, it’s clear that they were the victims of an egregious leadership failure which also imperiled them. They were not able to keep up with the entirely unnecessary chaos they had been ordered to unleash and then ordered to deal with. Police don’t hire on to enact a maniacal politician’s revenge fantasies. They hire on to protect both townies and visitors alike and they were being used.

I fully sympathize with and support the young man who, after finally making it alive to his vehicle, was fully blockaded, swarmed, threatened, and explicitly denied any police protection. Mayor Signer and the officers who obeyed his immoral and unlawful order killed that girl who died in the street after playing her fun little game of mob violence. The liberal political class and the government are shrieking so loudly at me and mine right now precisely because they know they’re guilty, know they’re caught red-handed, and know that the only way through this is to steamroll over us with a nationwide hysteria.

But cooler heads will prevail. Facts will come to light. Video will be examined. The alternative media won’t let this story go the way the hand-in-glove mainstream media wants it to. The ACLU is already closing in on the government’s absurd handling of this event. With the amount of manpower and firepower at their disposal, the Commonwealth of Virginia could have EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY forced both antifa and nationalists to sit on picnic blankets and play patty-cake together. Instead, Mayor Signer and Vice-Mayor Bellamy chose to lead the nationalists into a trap, corner us with the help of the ******* military, and stand by as we were beaten to death.

It didn’t play out like that, but that was clearly the plan.

Driving around looking for lost goys, I spotted Andy Nowicki stumbling along by himself on the side of the highway. I parked and the two Identity Evropa allies who I had also found wandering by themselves alone on the street raced down the street to gather him up. I drove back and forth repeatedly from the parking garage through the city sweeping up comrades and driving them to safety. Like a catcher in the rye, I spent most of my time at both the melee itself and the period afterward frantically racing around trying to account for everybody’s safety.

People can carry on about “unity” all day long. It’s easier said than done, especially as real differences in both style and strategy divide our distinct organizations. When the Marxist degenerates came swarming in, I was glad to have the AltKnight project’s non-white fighters alongside me. I was glad to have people I’ve beefed with in the past helping me carry men who’d been disabled by pepper spray to the medic station. I eagerly picked up every man I could regardless of project affiliation.

Mayor Signer and his co-conspirators royally ****** up more than they could ever realize. But long after the people who’ve been killed by his fuckups are buried and the people who’ve been permanently disabled by his fuckups have learned to live with their debilitating conditions, one fuckup that will live on long afterward is the unity which can only come from being forced through a trial of this magnitude and making it through to the other side. Ironically, the nationalist solidarity and unity Jason Kessler was trying to achieve with this event was achieved by Signer, Bellamy, McAuliffe, and their complicit mainstream media cronies.

I know it wasn’t exactly Dunkirk out there, but I also tire of history snobs pretending that honor, sacrifice, and nobility are all things that belong to different men in different eras than our own. The bruises and wounds our fighters compared back at our sinister supervillain mountaintop retreat were fully authentic, as were the corneal abrasions on my priest’s eyes as he lied in bed all day. Sunday afternoon he finally agreed to go to the hospital after the second day of being unable to open his eyes. Father Matthew Raphael Johnson didn’t receive all of the mainstream media puffery and police protection that the globalist clergy standing in solidarity with antifa received. He wasn’t there for a contrived photo op. He was there for his flock.

The media can try to blame nationalists all day long, but just about anybody short of Mother Theresa herself, memory eternal, is going to fight like hell when they’ve got the fully armed National Guard blocking them from one side and a real life zombie apocalypse of pissed off degenerates with flamethrowers on the other. This weekend, the media narrative has been all about “nazi terrorism,” pretending we shot down the helicopters, drove into people on purpose like White ISIS, and sucker punched innocent anti-racists who were there to passionately yet peacefully demonstrate their principled opposition.

To be awkwardly honest for a brief moment, this situation was structurally unfair to the antifa. Every single similar event had basic police presence which defined basic boundaries on how bad things can get. There’s been an element of theater this whole summer with people on both sides dressing up in wacky costumes and trying to “battle” with all the bravado of a man who the bouncer was holding back. Antifa did mobilize their largest ever assembly, but they arrived to fight for their ideas, ...not fight for their lives. Daryl’s naturally running with his necessary narrative in his cable news appearances, that nazi terrorism has run amok in the New South. But we both know what happened was a spectacular and utterly preventable government leadership failure.

The antifa will likely also be stakeholders in the epic civil liberty lawsuit taking form. So will the journalists, pedestrians, and hopefully even the officers who were unlawfully ordered to host a bum fight for the mayor’s amusement. For a couple hours in Charlottesville, the Signer hosted a bizarre Hunger Games tournament with the hope that he would get to be the man who crushed the altright once and for all. Instead, he lulled America’s antifa subculture into the greatest humiliation in their entire history, notarized the altright’s transition from an Internet subculture to a proven street fighting faction, and got his own people killed and maimed. Hail Victory! Death to the World! And hail each and every last man and woman who fought the federal, state, and local government, the military, and the full force of the radical left, and emerged victorious!

... Anyone here with more knowledge on the topic?

Yeah. I posted the video of the rabid communist mobs' violent attack on the man's stopped car - including by a baseball bat weilding black - that was being blocked by the mob that the police had permitted to commandeer the road, and like the police report initially said - and can be seen in the video - he was just trying to escape.
Nice Twitter Post:

Where was the media outrage when 4 days ago anti-Trump fanatic murdered a GOP committeeman with 2 bullets to the head? Silence is deafening.


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This is why the entire System unites as one against those who oppose White genocide. The monopoly mega-corporations have virtually the same agenda as the communists who have marched through and subverted all the important institutions in Amerika -- dumbing people down, erasing historical memory and pride, and processing people into easily molded mindless consumer units who respond correctly to the emotional cues their masters give them. There is no political "left" and "right," only left and extreme left. The United States is the world capital of communism aka globalism.

Corporations Increasingly Serve As Arbiters Of Public Morality

Who were the fools carrying Nazi flags at the rally?

The Cultural Marxist media loves to call anyone who cares about his race a "Nazi" and the photos of those idiots with the flags just give the racists who hate white people more ammunition to use against us.

National socialism, like any other kind of socialism, has been proven to not work very well for any country.

Adolf Hitler was a piece of shit and the enemy of the white race. He collaborated with the Bolsheviks who controlled the USSR to divide Poland, a predominantly white country. He was directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of more white people than any other single person, with the possible exception of Stalin.

Hitler sent the bravest and the best young Germans to their deaths in places like Stalingrad. Formerly great countries like the UK and France were bankrupt after WW II. DNA tests on his family members indicate Hitler was part Jewish, and the Chosen Ones are far more influential and powerful since the war than they were before.
Who were the fools carrying Nazi flags at the rally?

The Cultural Marxist media loves to call anyone who cares about his race a "Nazi" and the photos of those idiots with the flags just give the racists who hate white people more ammunition to use against us.

National socialism, like any other kind of socialism, has been proven to not work very well for any country.

Adolf Hitler was a piece of shit and the enemy of the white race. He collaborated with the Bolsheviks who controlled the USSR to divide Poland, a predominantly white country. He was directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of more white people than any other single person, with the possible exception of Stalin.

Hitler sent the bravest and the best young Germans to their deaths in places like Stalingrad. Formerly great countries like the UK and France were bankrupt after WW II. DNA tests on his family members indicate Hitler was part Jewish, and the Chosen Ones are far more influential and powerful since the war than they were before.

This is so clear -why so difficult for so many to grasp??? Well written Charles.
Yeah. I posted the video of the rabid communist mobs' violent attack on the man's stopped car - including by a baseball bat weilding black - that was being blocked by the mob that the police had permitted to commandeer the road, and like the police report initially said - and can be seen in the video - he was just trying to escape.

A smarter, calmer head would not have gone down that street when seeing the mob at the end of it. Or, once he came upon them, should have slowly backed out and away from them. Doing the first would have avoided trouble altogether; doing the second would have exculpated any crime he may have been accused of. He made many bad decisions.
This is so clear -why so difficult for so many to grasp??? Well written Charles.

Because it's much, much easier said than done. It's like me saying everyone who posts here must follow my political philosophy exclusively.

The "right" consists of a large number of small groups, a few of whom unfortunately like to use failed symbolism from the past. But they were a tiny minority at Charlottesville. If you insist on some kind of purity that all must adhere to, such demonstrations will never come together. It's just not possible at the present time in the incipient American nationalist movement. The nationalists at Charlottesville were literally forced to fight for their lives thanks to the communist politicians who sabotaged their First Amendment rights. Those young men all fought together, side by side, in real combat, including those few that like to wear nazi symbolism. Your ire should be directed at the communist politicians who set up the kill zone for the White nationalists.
Though the pro-whites are getting some bad publicity from the mainstream media about Charlottesville I have a feeling that in the long run the truth will come out. People will see what really happened and the distrust of the mainstream media will grow.
Who were the fools carrying Nazi flags at the rally?

The Cultural Marxist media loves to call anyone who cares about his race a "Nazi" and the photos of those idiots with the flags just give the racists who hate white people more ammunition to use against us.

National socialism, like any other kind of socialism, has been proven to not work very well for any country.

Adolf Hitler was a piece of shit and the enemy of the white race. He collaborated with the Bolsheviks who controlled the USSR to divide Poland, a predominantly white country. He was directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of more white people than any other single person, with the possible exception of Stalin.

Hitler sent the bravest and the best young Germans to their deaths in places like Stalingrad. Formerly great countries like the UK and France were bankrupt after WW II. DNA tests on his family members indicate Hitler was part Jewish, and the Chosen Ones are far more influential and powerful since the war than they were before.

Very well said.
American Freedom News