Unite the Right Rally

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004


Oct 6, 2007
What an awesome and inspiring event for our side. The Daily Mail is reporting up to 6,000 White Nationalists are participating in the march in Charlottesville today. Though the DM alternates between calling our people "white nationalists" and "white supremicists". And in a comical piece of deception, at the pre-rally in Lee Park on Friday night, the alt-right folks at times were chanting "you will not replace us!" Which the DM reported as " Jews will not replace us! " How do you like that one!!
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Oct 6, 2007
Apparently one of the communists drove a car into a group of Nationalists, don't know yet if there were casualties.

Sounds like the antifags are copying ISIS tactics. They are true brothers-in-arms, both intent on destroying white people and white civilization.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
It's pretty outrageous what took place today. The rally goers were made to disperse from the park into the crowd of antifa and BLM people were they were spit upon and assaulted. If they were worried about violence, the action by Charlottesville was one of the stupidest ever.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I'm watching CNN and Fox News, and they are as one in denouncing the Nationalists, much as the Democrats and Republicans will be one on this. The words "hate" and "hater" are in seemingly every sentence being spewed by the analysts. Trump is about to speak and all the pressure is on him to strongly denounce only one side.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Trump to his credit denounced all sides instead of specifically mentioning the alt-right, the Klan, "white supremacy" and the other inflammatory bugaboos the fake news media wanted him to say. I think the system's in shock that so many young, fit White men, none wearing silly uniforms, are starting to mass in public and defend themselves like this. Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and the rest of the GOP cucks are condemning White Nationalists in terms as strong as those being used by the Democrats. That's a healthy thing imo, the nationalist movement is an organic, genuine one totally separate from and hostile to the GOP and "conservatives."


May 1, 2015
Trump to his credit denounced all sides instead of specifically mentioning the alt-right, the Klan, "white supremacy" and the other inflammatory bugaboos the fake news media wanted him to say. I think the system's in shock that so many young, fit White men, none wearing silly uniforms, are starting to mass in public and defend themselves like this. Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and the rest of the GOP cucks are condemning White Nationalists in terms as strong as those being used by the Democrats. That's a healthy thing imo, the nationalist movement is an organic, genuine one totally separate from and hostile to the GOP and "conservatives."
Yes, I was thinking the same thing while at the gym watching Fox "Fake" News in between sets. Events like this really help expose the faux conservatives from the more nationalistic ones, both politicians and the media. Fox "News" has now been exposed as anti-White as CNN and MSNBC. Nice to see Trump walk away and ignore that White SJW cuck reporter and the White SJW female reporter that kept asking him about his support from "White Nationalists"...he just kept walking back to the curtain and never acknowledged them.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Trump to his credit denounced all sides instead of specifically mentioning the alt-right, the Klan, "white supremacy" and the other inflammatory bugaboos the fake news media wanted him to say. I think the system's in shock that so many young, fit White men, none wearing silly uniforms, are starting to mass in public and defend themselves like this. Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and the rest of the GOP cucks are condemning White Nationalists in terms as strong as those being used by the Democrats. That's a healthy thing imo, the nationalist movement is an organic, genuine one totally separate from and hostile to the GOP and "conservatives."
Agreed. Where were these cucks during the dozens of BLM and antifa protests over the last 8 years?......Crickets. Scum Repubs. Man, telling you they do not put a tax reform bill on Trump's desk and seal the south border, the party will implode and out of the ashes a new party may emerge. So sick of these weak selfish Repub cucks.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Looking forward to hearing the story of the guy who ran his car into a bunch of antifa scum.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
P1$$ on ALL the neocucks! They're about as horrid as the pinko SJW scourge. Hats off to those who gathered (& fought) in VA today.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
Here's the score. White civil rights activists 1, anti-whites 0.

We win.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This YouTube video by a nationalist sympathizer, or maybe that rarity, a neutral journalist (and a nice looking girl at that) shows how the cops disappeared when antifa and BLM started to march. The alt-righters had a permit but weren't allowed to demonstrate; antifa had no permit but were allowed to take over the streets:


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
A few excerpts from the "The Mirror" (UK) bolshevik agitprop fake news:


Two dead as police helicopter crashes in woods and explodes into flames amid Charlottesville anti-Nazi protests

Witnesses say the helicopter hovered low over houses and then spiralled to the ground and crashed in a wooded area near a golf course after stalling


"This was terrorism": One protester confirmed dead after 'motorist deliberately drives into anti-Nazi activists' at white supremacist rally"

"Violent scenes erupted earlier when white supremacists protesting plans to remove a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee clashed with anti-Nazi activists."

(They totally tipped their hand with their "vile..." comment!)
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Dec 19, 2010
Ted Cruz is now calling for a DOJ investigation for acts of 'domestic terrorism' after a litany of 'bipartisan' screeching throughout the day

The speed at which ZOG and the media flipped the script and made **** up is 1984-esque

To paraphrase our fellow basketball-Americans those at Unite The Right literally DINDU NUFFIN wrong and are receiving universal hate


Aug 22, 2012
>be white supremacist
>mother's last name is bloom

really activates my brain matter


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

The System Revealed: Antifa, Virginia Politicians And Police Work Together To Shut Down #UniteTheRight



The System Revealed: Antifa, Virginia Politicians And Police Work Together To Shut Down #UniteTheRight

Charlottesville Survivor
August 12, 2017, 9:34 pm
A+ | a-

The mask is off.

There can be no further delusions nor any more comforting lies. “America” and the supposed “freedoms” guaranteed by its Constitution are as relevant today as the Holy Roman Empire’s claims to sovereignty or the head of the House of Stuart boasting about being King of England.

In Charlottesville, Virginia, the police department openly attacked a demonstration in defense of European-American heritage. They did these despite the Unite The Right rally having secured a permit (after legal action) and having every right to host its peaceful demonstration in defense of the Robert E. Lee statue.

“Antifa,” the openly communist, anti-white and violent thugs who exist solely to attack European-Americans, were out in force in the city, using the cowardly tactics they specialize in: spraying demonstrators with mace, throwing bottles and bricks, and attacking people with weapons (including a homemade flamethrower).

It is quite true, as VDARE.com reported, that the police did not protect demonstrators from Antifa and did little to prevent confrontations. Attendees of the demonstration, rather than walking a clear path to the park, were instead forced to walk through a line of screaming protesters. Liberal clergyman and elderly women held signs about “peace” and “love” and smiled benevolently—as violent Leftist protesters attacked from the crowd. They are as culpable as the Antifa themselves for the violence unleashed.

But that was not close to the worst. Demonstrators did not need protection from Antifa. All the police would have had to do to ensure a safe demonstration was simply go home—which is what happened in Berkeley. Patriots equipped with shields, inured to Antifa tactics of throwing bricks and spraying mace, had secured Lee Park (excuse me, “Emancipation Park”) and may indeed have outnumbered both Antifa and counter-demonstrators in terms of pure numbers. Several were armed, and the city fathers should be offering Unite The Right activists tearful tributes for the latter’s saint-like restraint in not opening fire despite more than justified provocation.

If police had done nothing, the public would have been safer. Instead, unforgivably, the police attacked (not dispersed—attacked) the legal demonstration, threatening attendees with arrest if they stayed in Lee Park.

Then activists, totally unprotected by police, were deliberately funneled into a gauntlet of attacking Communists, in a kind of Kill Zone. Injuries on both sides were predictable. (Of course, much like cuckservatives who bow and scrape tothe Main Stream Media, the police were then insulted by the Communists for their trouble.

This could have been a relatively stable situation: a patriot demonstration protected by its own shield wall (and ideally, by police who actually did their job) along with a separate group of Leftist protesters, with both groups enjoying the right to free speech supposedly guaranteed them by the Constitution.

Instead, the police precipitated a running battle which engulfed all of Charlottesville. The result: Antifa running wild and chasing down isolated pockets of Unite The Right attendees as the latter defended themselves as best they could, with bystanders were caught in the melee. Police showed no interest in doing anything other than threatening patriots with arrests for “unlawful assembly.”

In contrast, of course, Leftists were free to disobey the laws and marched merrily down the streets, many chanting “Black Lives Matter!”, causing chaos as they went. As Rebel Media’s Faith Goldy reported, this was an absurd “double standard.” Anarcho-Tyranny was the order of the day in C-Ville.

The casualties are piling up as I write this on Saturday evening [Charlottesville Rally Turns Deadly; One Killed After Car Strikes Crowd, by Phil McCausland, Emmanuelle Saliba, and Moira Donohue, NBC News, August 12, 2017]. A car plowed into a crowd of Leftist protesters, though it is unknown whether this was deliberate or politically motivated. But note that the only reason this was even possible is that law enforcement thought it was a good idea to turn over the streets to anarchists.

Adding to the chaos, there is also a report of a National Guard helicopter crashing nearby and two fatalities have been reported [Helicopter crash in Albemarle County, CBS 19, August 12, 2017].

All of this occurred after a “state of emergency” had been declared and demonstrations were supposed to have been halted.

It’s obvious to anyone on the ground, or anyone who has been paying attention to any of this over the last few years, that Antifa are responsible for the entirety of the violence. Leftists, no matter how extreme, do not have to fear Right Wing violence at their events, nor do they have to fear the police ignoring attacks against them.

Violence did not just “break out” at Unite The Right. Attendees were attacked—by Leftists and by the police. They worked together as seamlessly as if they had common leadership.

Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the System’s most shameless courtiers, Main Stream Media journalists, are trying to blame Unite The Right participants.

As Antifa openly slash tires, attack activists (and random bystanders) and parade under symbols of Communist mass murder, it is not as though journalists do not see what is happening. No one can pretend it is pro-white demonstrators who are being violent or destroying property, not even reporters. However, like the city government, the journalists are determined to disguise this reality.

But what’s most disappointing, though not surprising, is how Establishment Conservatives are going along with this—including Donald Trump.

Paul Ryan


The views fueling the spectacle in Charlottesville are repugnant. Let it only serve to unite Americans against this kind of vile bigotry.

8:59 AM - Aug 12, 2017
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Erick Erickson


Trump supporters, like it or not, the President has advisors who emboldened and catered to the alt-right and got POTUS to wink at it.

12:50 PM - Aug 12, 2017
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But it’s not Unite The Right that is “dividing” America. Whites who aren’t comfortable with being dispossessed in every single Western country, or with seeing the symbols of their heritage wiped out, gathered to protest peacefully.

And simply by speaking out against these perverse policies, they are accused of “division.” And for their trouble, they were attacked by an alliance of both law enforcement and Antifa.

Why should Unite The Right apologize for anything? Indeed, how can the “Far Right” be regarded as anything other than an incredibly moderate protest movement against a deliberate campaign of genocide?

Because neither “respectable conservatives” or Antifa can tolerate such questions being raised. Instead, we are now told that European-Americans even speaking against their dispossession “has no place” in 21st century America. “Respectable conservatives” agree with this narrative, even though the declining white majority that ensures limited government, low taxes, free markets and their other supposed policy aims will soon be rendered irrelevant.

As VDARE.com’s James Kirkpatrick wrote in October 2013:

Indeed, the real point of the “anti-fascists” is to make sure no one is talking about important issues. The antifa position seems to be “if we can’t generate resistance to the System, no one can!” You can’t intelligently discuss issues such as environmentalism, class divisions, or what a real community actually entails without talking about the realities of diversity and the costs of mass immigration. But of course, the very things that are most important to discuss are the same things we are not allowed to mention without drastic reprisals…

Meanwhile, the antifascists also serve a useful role for the Beltway Right. They ensure that activists stick to the script and never lose sight of their role as corporate lobbyists… Whenever someone does make an explicit connection between the conservative base and policies that would actually help the historic American nation, the antiracists cry “jump!” and Conservatism Inc. replies “how high?”

[The Dobermans Of Political Correctness, National Policy Institute]

Both the Cultural Marxist Left and the “Respectable Right” have made their true position known. As Leftists openly chanted at the event: “We Have Replaced You.”

The American government, at every level, is waging a campaign of extermination against its own people. If you protest against it, law enforcement tries to get you killed. And if you survive that, journalists try to get you fired.

And we are told this is “freedom.”

Don’t kid yourself any longer. You are under occupation.

And if you want to see what “hate” really looks like, gaze into the faces of the Leftist protesters in Charlottesville—and consider what’s coming for you and your family once they have complete power.

Charlottesville Survivor [Email him] is a white man who voted for Trump. The Left hates all white men who voted for Trump, whether they were in Charlottesville or not.

Anarcho-Tyranny Min

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Feb 23, 2013
New York
What was the purpose of the gathering in Lee Park? The purpose could not be to protect a statue from being taken down because the statue was not being taken down at that time. If the Lee statue is part of "white heritage" then a white man or woman must claim that inheritance. The statue is a physical object; the statue can have a proprietor; a man or woman must come forward and claim the property. America has the greatest law if only we perfect it when opportunity arises. If the purpose was to unify people of common ideas and perceptions, then gathering in a park at a urban area was of no value and made it possible for those of contrary ideas and perceptions to attack them. It was foolish for the organizers of the event to beg their public servants of the Public courts for permission to gather and talk to make unclear public displays of dissatisfaction with their fellow whites in the park. Why bother with this Public show anyway?

Was the gathering any success? No, a few men and women died, and many men and women were injured. The causes and concerns of the peaceful gatherers is unheard, and worse, the peaceful gatherers are being misidentified as all violent people.

We have to be smarter than this. Protests are a waste of time. The time and energy of thousands can better be used in private exchanges and private gatherings on private property where that can be protected with private security that even the Public police cannot lawful have unwanted intercourse with. We don't need to ask permission from some condescending servant on a bench to gather, talk to each other, to plan and socialize. Instead of making collaboration between whites a dreaded piece of work (like a protest) we can turn it into a picnic. If we don't like what our public servants are doing to our public property, then thousands making separate claims, separate suits, getting separate orders, and separate judgments and injunctions will put our public servants in their place and restore our property.

At the very least, Americans of European descent need to have families together while keeping to their stem families, we need to work together, exchange with one another, trade with one another, support each other, and socialize together -and, yes, sometimes at the exclusion of others (but not hating and fighting with others). We can do all of this without interference from anyone as there isn't anything we can't do with the simple provision that we cause no harm to our fellow man. We have only proved this for thousands of years.


Jan 27, 2016
What was the purpose of the gathering in Lee Park? The purpose could not be to protect a statue from being taken down because the statue was not being taken down at that time. If the Lee statue is part of "white heritage" then a white man or woman must claim that inheritance. The statue is a physical object; the statue can have a proprietor; a man or woman must come forward and claim the property. America has the greatest law if only we perfect it when opportunity arises. If the purpose was to unify people of common ideas and perceptions, then gathering in a park at a urban area was of no value and made it possible for those of contrary ideas and perceptions to attack them. It was foolish for the organizers of the event to beg their public servants of the Public courts for permission to gather and talk to make unclear public displays of dissatisfaction with their fellow whites in the park. Why bother with this Public show anyway?

Was the gathering any success? No, a few men and women died, and many men and women were injured. The causes and concerns of the peaceful gatherers is unheard, and worse, the peaceful gatherers are being misidentified as all violent people.

We have to be smarter than this. Protests are a waste of time. The time and energy of thousands can better be used in private exchanges and private gatherings on private property where that can be protected with private security that even the Public police cannot lawful have unwanted intercourse with. We don't need to ask permission from some condescending servant on a bench to gather, talk to each other, to plan and socialize. Instead of making collaboration between whites a dreaded piece of work (like a protest) we can turn it into a picnic. If we don't like what our public servants are doing to our public property, then thousands making separate claims, separate suits, getting separate orders, and separate judgments and injunctions will put our public servants in their place and restore our property.

At the very least, Americans of European descent need to have families together while keeping to their stem families, we need to work together, exchange with one another, trade with one another, support each other, and socialize together -and, yes, sometimes at the exclusion of others (but not hating and fighting with others). We can do all of this without interference from anyone as there isn't anything we can't do with the simple provision that we cause no harm to our fellow man. We have only proved this for thousands of years.

Way to sh*t on people actually trying to do something in real life instead of being a keyboard commando.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
Way to sh*t on people actually trying to do something in real life instead of being a keyboard commando.

Way to sound stupid and ignorant. I do plenty. I live it. They made things worse for themselves and others. The "right" is seen in a less favorable light today than yesterday. That water over there must have poisoned your brain.


Jan 27, 2016
"They" made things worse. You're ignorant. It's was one lone guy. The other people there behaved responsibly and were not to blame for the incident. You sound like every establishment talking head, using the actions of one person to condemn the rightful and righteous actions of the only resistance for our people out there.

And I bet we find that the driver was fleeing for his life as the antifa had targeted his car and so he panicked and tried to get away. If a mob of people was trying to attack me in my car I would do what was necessary to survive.