UFC: Conor McGregor vs


Feb 23, 2013
New York
Conor was to face RDA who has pulled out reportedly for a broken foot. Sounds like training too hard. Not too bright that dope.

Josh Gross ‎@yay_yee
Confirmed with @kings_mma that RDA broke his foot during a sparring session on Friday. RDA kicked his partner's knee and that was that.

So now Conor is to face Nate Diaz, another dummy. I'm no MMA expert but I expect Conor to win by stoppage.
Nate Diaz, the drug-addled, trash-talking, marble-mouthed, doughy, wanna-be “gangster” and cheap shot artist with the IQ of an amoeba, is one tough SOB. His striking is nothing special, but his excellent BJJ and submission skills are probably the only way he defeats the hard-punching McGregor this weekend. Most likely, Conor will catch him with his notorious left hook within 2 rounds and put the vile little spic to sleep. McGregor is moving up 2 weight divisions, which takes some guts. Should be a good one.

That fight was close enough that I knew the black was going to get the nod even though I thought Lawlor won. Nevada judges are nothing if not predictably corrupt.
Wow. Conor turned into a "desperation wrestler," why the hell would he do that? He came back and started tagging Diaz after getting rocked. What a shame.
Might be a GSP-Serra moment for Conor. If he fought smarter instead of throwing a bunch of crap and leaving his chin wide open in the pocket Diaz would have had nothing for him.
Holly Holm also lost on a submission as well.

Seems to me that MMA has lost some balance and at the top level has become just Boxing With Really Small Gloves.

McGregor and Holm relied too much on their striking and paid the price. A good ground game can be a great equalizer and maybe tactics are swinging toward more balance. I enjoy seeing a good submission. I believe subs take more thinking to accomplish, and fighters who are lazy and rely on their punching power will be found out sooner or later.

Can't figure out why McGregor thought he could or should move up two weight classes.
Holly Holms punches so much harder than any women there is no excuse for not being ready to defend a leg hook and rear naked choke. But more importantly she was not aggressive. At one point she stuffed a Tate take down and had her up against the cage - she threw one punch and danced to the middle. That's playing not to lose. She could have ended the fight right there. Sometimes I wonder about the corner advice these fighters get. So many loser strategies.

For the McGregor match, how many times do we have to see that size does matter? Still McGregor took a stupid losing dive for a double leg take down. Diaz was the perfect opponent to beat McGregor. Bigger and longer with a tremendous chin. Going five rounds with a bigger guy who will land punches and dominate you on the ground (b/c of size) is hard to do.
Yeah, McGregor moving up 25 lbs from his previous bout made all the difference. It took a lot of guts to do, plus he "saved" the event after Dos Anjos pulled out 2 weeks ago. A few years back, an entire PPV was cancelled because Jon Jones refused to fight a different opponent (after his was injured) in his own division!

Conor looked slow at 170 lbs and had a terrible game plan to defeat a grinder like Diaz. He just stood in front of him and got blasted from a distance.

He didn't lose the FW belt, but there's been much talk of him moving up to fight in several different weight classes...so he probably cost himself a lot of money in the future.
I don't watch women fights so I could care a toss for that peep show.

Though Conor's arrogance got the better of him, losing to a 170 pounder is no shame; it was, however, the gag of a swaggering blunderbuss. Maybe now his trap he'll tighten up a bit.

This merry go round of belt holders makes the UFC the look of barroom brawler championships.
Watched the highlights, Conner was dominating with his strikes, but obviously the ground game did him in. He bit too much off.
Yeah saw a clip of when Diaz had McGregor on the ground. Looked like an 8th grader got hold of a 6th grader on the schoolyard. With the size difference and McGregor's mediocre ground skills it was game over.
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Conor had a very dumb gameplan. He was headhunting with power shots that like he said mostly hit arms and glove, throwing ineffective spinning kicks that mostly missed as well. He was having success working the body, abandoned it. He had success with his kicks working Diaz's legs, abandoned them. In the second round he came out and was putting it on Diaz, but midway through he had not KO'd Diaz and became badly gassed, leading to him becoming flatfooted and he kept his hands down in the pocket which led to Diaz finding his chin and rocking him, then Diaz poured it on.

In retrospect it was a very bad fight to take. Diaz had the excuse of a "10 day camp" so Conor had a lot of pressure to put Diaz away early in impressive fashion, but that only played into Diaz's hands. The fight basically played out like Nick Diaz vs Gomi.

Fighting at 170 was a mistake too, Diaz cuts from 180 or more and Conor was at 168. People that think Diaz didn't cut and fought at 169 lbs are not bright. Diaz has as bad a cut to 155 as Conor has to 145. So Conor was spotting 12-15 lbs to no advantage of his own. It was also the first time he had fought at that weight and skipped past LW.

McGregor will be back but he has lost his mystique and cost himself a great deal of earning potential. But he will still be a huge draw because of his fan friendly style and his willingness to fight anyone anywhere . He could work with the nearby Roger Gracie, and if he fights smarter he still has the best standup at 145 and 155.
Just shows how impressive Randy Couture and BJ Penn where to win titles at two different weights even Anderson Silva couldn't do that or Dana didn't want him to lose.
Just shows how impressive Randy Couture and BJ Penn where to win titles at two different weights even Anderson Silva couldn't do that or Dana didn't want him to lose.

Fedor could have (easily) held LHW & HW belts.

As for McGregor, he needs to hone up on BJJ, take down defense & better decision making.
Fedor could have (easily) held LHW & HW belts.

As for McGregor, he needs to hone up on BJJ, take down defense & better decision making.

Agree with decision making. He takes the mind-game routine he plays outside the ring into the ring where it leads to a loss of concentration that causes him to make mistakes like putting himself into a position for a take down. Others have and do the same mistake. When it's time to fight, fight, don't talk.
Sometimes a loss against a good opponent is the best thing that can happen to a fighter. It often takes that for a fighter to realize that additional skills are needed. And to Conor's credit, he was classy in defeat during his post-fight interviews.
I pull for White fighters, but they make it difficult when they act like d00$hbags or commie pukes (crusading for the sodomites, etc.). I was actually hoping a White fighter would crush that mick & teach him some humility (the old time way).
I was pulling for McGregor but was hesitant because Diaz is no slouch and he's used to loudmouths growing up in Stockton,intimidation wasn't a factor. As other have noted McGregor had a shitty game plan and attitude. Having a goal to KO a guy in round one is great but what happens if you can't finish him? You get gassed . He deserves credit for taking the fight and saving the main event. Now the question is who's next?
Conor doesn't seem to be the most stable recently, but hey, lets see what his massive star power can do.
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