UFC 54

White_Savage said:
You know I was watching Quarry-Frazier the other night, Quarry I guess being the best white HW from his period, and it struck me-this guy's physique nor his skills were all that impressive. Looked like he got off a bar-stool and into the ring. And he was a top contender who by definition could knock out 90% of the ******** on the planet!

Quarry was a hell of a puncher, his kid brother Mike on the other hand was an excellent boxer but had no power. Jerryremarkedif Mike had his power and He himself could box as well as Mike, they both would have been champs.People don't realize that boxers don't always have an advantage outside the ropes.He also said his older brother who was not a noted boxer could beat the hell out of him anywhere but inside a ring.