Charles Martel
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The Negro also killed his girlfriend. I'm not sure of her race.
Rafael Ramos is White by a Latino standard. It wouldn't shock me if the Wingnut wanted to kill two White cops and saw Ramos and his ethnic Chinese partner and settled for that...:huh:
The Negro also killed his girlfriend. I'm not sure of her race.
Latinos join whites as two of the dumbest and most naive groups of people in the world:
"The family of slain Officer Rafael Ramos also appealed for peace in the days ahead.
Cousin Ronnie Gonzalez said the family has already forgiven the gunman. "He's in the hands of God now," he said. "We don't believe in vengeance; we just forgive."
It's been said that if there's a race war blacks would lose because they're vastly outnumbered. But what you have on the other side is a timid, weak, spineless group of people who are in the forgiveness business and would rather willingly go to their graves than to fight back and be called racist. Those of us who are racially aware and see the reality are too small in numbers. We see and know what the negro is capable of, I wonder what it will take, if anything, for the masses to awaken.
What's the odds on her being white?
I don't think so.This story is another hoax. The agenda is 3-fold: tie-in with the Ferguson, Eric Garner, Hands-up, #ican'tbreathe orchestrated racial tension events; gun-control; and, push toward Federalization and Militarization of police. The event is 100% bull****. The NYPD commissioner is a liar reading a script for his masters.
I don't think so.
I have a friend who is on the force. He said he was in the police academy with one of the slain officers. They weren't friends or anything, he was just acquainted with him from there.
He also told me that the cops are furious with de Blassio. The NYPD are literally and figuratively turning their back on the Marxist, rat mayor. Remember he's only been in office for a year. I expect this to get really ugly between city hall and the cops.opcorn:
I don't think so.
I have a friend who is on the force. He said he was in the police academy with one of the slain officers. They weren't friends or anything, he was just acquainted with him from there.
He also told me that the cops are furious with de Blassio. The NYPD are literally and figuratively turning their back on the Marxist, rat mayor. Remember he's only been in office for a year. I expect this to get really ugly between city hall and the cops.opcorn:
Good post. Also if you watch the video, you will see that Garner says I can’t breathe several times after the cop (the one in the green t-shirt with 99 on the back) releases his hold. In fact, I believe Garner only says it one time before the hold is released.
I don't think so.
I have a friend who is on the force. He said he was in the police academy with one of the slain officers. They weren't friends or anything, he was just acquainted with him from there.
He also told me that the cops are furious with de Blassio. The NYPD are literally and figuratively turning their back on the Marxist, rat mayor. Remember he's only been in office for a year. I expect this to get really ugly between city hall and the cops.opcorn:
One good thing about the Mexican invasion is that they kick the negroes out of their neighborhoods. They make them leave. Mexico, except for a couple of small enclaves, is a negro-free country. I remember once when I was in Nogales there was a family of Negro tourists,and then a bunch of street urchins surrounded them and started stoning them. Back east,though, you have low class Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, from their cities' slums, who are largely ******* mixtures. People in South America are much more race conscious than many degenerate Norteamericanos.
Asians have no use for negroes either. They are very private, but you can imagine what the huge NYC Chinese community is saying to each other in their own language now.
Once I was called for jury duty in Manhattan. When they were selecting jurors a Chinese woman (the court house in Manhattan is right next to Chinatown) stood up and asked to be excused because she doesn't like blacks. That's what she said, and they excused her.