Tutankhamun was not black


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
We had some very interesting discussions about Egyptian history interspersed among threads. Who was King Tut and what race were the Pharaos?

[url]http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070925/wl_africa_afp/egyptarch aeologytutankhamunrace[/url]http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5iB6u3XEMp9IrJfl-kH6FHNgZCg_A

<TABLE id=article cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>
<H1>Tutankhamun was not black: Egypt antiquities chief</H1>

Tue Sep 25, 12:18 PM ET

CAIRO (AFP) â€â€￾ Egyptian antiquities supremo Zahi Hawass insisted Tuesday that Tutankhamun was not black despite calls by US black activists to recognise the boy king's dark skin colour.

"Tutankhamun was not black, and the portrayal of ancient Egyptian civilisation as black has no element of truth to it," Hawass told reporters.

"Egyptians are not Arabs and are not Africans despite the fact that Egypt is in Africa," he said, quoted by the official MENA news agency.

Hawass said he was responding to several demonstrations in Philadelphia after a lecture he gave there on September 6 where he defended his theory.

Protestors also claimed images of King Tut were altered to show him with lighter skin at the "Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs" exhibit which leaves Philadelphia for London on September 30.

The exhibition sparked an uproar when it kicked off in Los Angeles in June 2005 when black activists demanded that a bust of the boy king be removed because the statue portrays him as white.

The face of the legendary pharaoh, who died around 3,300 years ago at the age of just 19, was reconstructed in 2005 through images collected through CAT scans of his mummy.

The boy king's intact tomb caused an international sensation when it was discovered by Briton Howard Carter in 1922 near Luxor in southern Egypt.</TD></TR></T></TABLE>


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
In my world history class our teacher has been talking about how most of egypts pharohs were of macedonin descent due to the influence of Alexander The Great conquering.


Aug 30, 2007
Blacks like to believe that the great civilizations of the past were their creation. They have the same attitude toward many inventions.

It makes them feel better about being, in general, such hapless losers.

If just some local black yokels at the liquor store or barber shop go around claiming Jesus was black or the ancient Egyptians were black, it doesn't matter.

When ostensibly educated whites join blacks preaching this dreck to students, though, then that's dangerous.

It's one thing when my wife lets my 2 year old son lick the bowl after she's mixed the ingredients for a cake, and telling him "honey, I couldn't have baked this cake without you!" But it is another thing to let him handle the oven.


Apr 13, 2005
This is common in schools nowadays. All you have to do is look at the Egyptians' own artistic portrayals of themselves and you can see they have white features.

Ancient Egypt was, however, a multi-racial society at some point in its history.Edited by: Bronk

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I saw a reconstructed skull made out of clay and he clearly looked Caucasian/white. He looked similar to a Jewish person, which would make sense since Egypt borders Israel. I thought the ancient Egyptians were brown skinned people that looked similar to Iranians skin hue wise, but they have never been Sub-Saharan African looking. Anybody that states that has a political agenda.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Blacks claim to have invented everything from the lighbulb to modern medicine. It amazes me. I was told by one black kid a while back that they are superior because they have more fiber 2 muscles which are fast twitch and superior builds. They also claim whites stole everything from them. Now that is so easy to discredit because just look at the average black iq today of 75, which is mildy retarted. Maybe whites stole brain cells from them and put them into their own brains. Idiots.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
whiteathlete33 said:
They also claim whites stole everything from them. Now that is so easy to discredit because just look at the average black iq today of 75, which is mildy retarted. Maybe whites stole brain cells from them and put them into their own brains. Idiots.

If White's imitated, copied and stole black success and their inventions --- how should blacks respond?

They should imitate successful "Whites" --- because current White success is based on ancient black achievement!

They wouldn't be acting "White" --- they would be following the ways of their ancient, and successful, black ancestors!

Why can't they see this? Why do they refuse to summon up the brilliant and Civilizational-building creativity that surely must be in their very blood?

When will they turn Philadelphia, St. Louis, Detroit, Flint, Gary, Baltimore, Birmingham, Orlando, Miami, Cincinnati, Memphis, Milwaukee -- and on and on -- into paradises of civility, stability and great achievement?

While the world is watching, create another wonder of the world that the world can marvel at. Do it, already -- "just do it" -- to use an advertising slogan.
Jan 5, 2005
United States
white is right said:
I saw a reconstructed skull made out of clay and he clearly looked Caucasian/white. He looked similar to a Jewish person, which would make sense since Egypt borders Israel. I thought the ancient Egyptians were brown skinned people that looked similar to Iranians skin hue wise, but they have never been Sub-Saharan African looking. Anybody that states that has a political agenda.

Just remember, someone who existed in North America 600 years ago looked nothing like someone who exists there today. When speaking of ancient places like Egypt, Israel and Iran we tend to make the false assumption that the people who live there today must be very similiar to the people who always lived there. This could not be further from the truth. The Middle East has been invaded by a minimum of 3 non-native ethnic populations (Turks, Mongols & Arabs). The people who existed before these "migrations" (Because of course they were only doing the jobs that Iranians, Egyptians and Assyrians wouldn't do) would have looked very different, had very different beliefs and probably been horrified if they had known what was going to befall their progeny.
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
Some blacks think everybody of significance was black. I have met blacks that have said Bethoven was black. I have heard blacks say Abraham Lincoln was black. It goes on and on with the lies


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
If egyptians were black then they would be completely differnt from other blacks with creativity etc.
If you look at inventors list by nationality on wiki you see that nearly all are white and even 5 out of 6 sub saharan african inventors were white alltrough some penis attributes and female demage sexual organs are not on the list.And holland for example has more inventors then china.you can't say becuase east asians are the same smartness as whites becuase look at the IQ score becuase IQ test are probably made by people that are smart in some aspects but not all,for a good IQ test you need people that are together great in all aspects of intelligence to make a good test.
Its ridicule to think that races only has genes differnces for looks and not for way of thinking just becuase others deciced it is not in the the range of P.C. the range that you are allowed without being demonized.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
I read that american blacks on average had 85 IQ with around 15% above 100 and white americans 54 % and average 102 .For 125 IQ it was that 8% of whites or so had higher and 1 in 1000 blacks. It was around this I dont know exactly but the ratios become much bigger with higher IQ.It is really hard to say that there are circumstances that blacks have around 3 or a bit less times the chance to get 100 or more IQ and have like 100 times less the environment, social factors to have 125 plus.it looks like 125 is close to 50% higher then average 85 so it is like 3 sd's of 13 which was 1 sd 40 points higher is 3.1 sd and for whites with 1 sd of 15 according 23 points higher is 1.6 sd.If you read about sd you can see very easily if environment outside genetics could have been the biggest part of the gap.It doesn't look like it at all.13 points on 85 is 15% 1 sd and for whites 15 is 1 sd on 102 is 15% too.if it was just environment then blacks would be let say the 100 plus environment which they are 3.5 times less would also be true for 125 IQ but you see the higher the IQ the bigger the ratio amount of whites vs blacks in %.

normal distribuiton is this

1/700 3 or more sd above average
1/40 2-3sd above average
1/6.251-1-2 sd above average
2/3 0 to 1 sd above or 0 to 1 under average

itr looks like 125 is just much more sd above average for blacks genetic so the ratio get very big white vs black becuase if it was just environment then the ratio would be the same at higher IQ then at lower.Also the 13 as 1 sd aoslutely but realtively close to same sd as whites at 15 points 1 sd.if it was totally egentic you would espect 15 points of whites/102 * 85 is 12.5 this you would espect if blacks had very little admixture.becuase they have around 20% white blood but some much less and others more 13 looks perfectly what you would espect as 1 sd.
In most things differtn races have same % realtively sd I saw at for example bodyparts..To me blacks have of environment living in contrie with like 70% whites higher IQ becuase of environment becuase you learn from smarter people.I also read that blacks adopted by white parents had 89 IQ so they got more pushed to their genetic limit.if there where purpple people with 20 points higher then whites then white minority IQ will also be boosted becuase it get higher from training next to the gentic. So I think blacks have like 20% lower IQ then whites and becuase of environment and bit white admicxture like 15% lower IQ.

I also read that whityes have relatively often genetic dopamine 7 alllel d4 receptor that makes you very creative oftewn high IQ but also more chance for hyper activity, manic depressive and more likely for obsessive and addictiveness( sex drugs rock and roll).It looks like lots of white artist probably have this, and white inventors.The dopanine 7 allel is nearly totally absent in east asia.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
I think the differnce is 30% naturally and 10-15% smaller becuase of social factors and admixture, in stead of 20 and 15%.i just fast gaved some numbers becuase I am pretty sure now that becuase of social environment the IQ differnce gap is smaller in stead of bigger what some people think or like to think.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
The ancient Egyptians weren't Negroes. Even the Nubians who lived to the south of the Egyptians weren't Negroes, tho they did import Negroes from sub-Saharan Africa, and eventually race mixing destroyed the great Egyptian civilization as it destroys every other civilization including our own.

"Race is everything, it is the only truth, it is the key to all civilizations. Any race that allows its blood to be mixed with that of an inferior race is doomed." - Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the UK