tuskeegee airmen

Oct 24, 2005
A taboo has been broken. The all black 332th fighter group, the Tuskeegee airmen, had always claimed that they never lost a bomber that they were escorting.

In the last 20 years, I heard whispers at air shows and seminars that this was not true. No one was willing to do the research. Besides, it seem like such a nice story.

Now it is believed that they might have lost a few bombers. I accept that they lost a few bombers but not that they did not lose any.

Lets remeber who did win the airwar in Europe- Zemke and the wolfpack (56 Ftr group) and Blaklee and the 4th fight group.


Dec 15, 2005
What!!! They never lost a bomber!!!

Next you're going to tell me that Josh Gibson really probably didn't hit 80 home runs in a season. If those sometimes forged, disorganized, and not credible sources of all "African American excellence" are not good enough for you then...you racist!


Sep 9, 2005
Still untarnished heroes


My reaction is, "So what?"

Even if a few bombers were lost during the 1,500 missions the Tuskegee Airmen flew during World War II, the overwhelming success of their service cannot and will not be disputed.

The quality of their service is not in dispute.

They are being honored for their service -- breaking the color barrier, defending their country and performing in an exemplary manner.

Further research may confirm that their perfect record as bomber escorts is incorrect.

But that will do nothing to marginalize the excellence of their service or their worthiness to be celebrated and honored.

They are American heroes.
So it doesn't matter that their perfect record has been tarnished, they still should be worshipped!!
Edited by: Deacon


May 20, 2005
I'm a big WWII aviation buff.
I have no problem with admitting they served honorably. But they are worshipped as Gods. Lots of White squadrons had records as good or better, so what? They shoudln't be dishonored, but nor should they be blown out of importance. Their racial makeup is interesting too. I watched a thing about the only ace they produced. Very Cafe-a-Lait. When he went into a barbershop in the South once, the barber had to ask if he was a negro. And blacks haven't exactly taken over the occupation of fighter pilot, even with all the advantages their politically correct color would confer, now have they?

The average member of the public has heard of the Tuskegee Airmen, who produced 1 ace, and as it turns out, may have lost a bomber or two after all. 90% of them have never heard of Richard Bong and Thomas Macguire (highest scoring American aces), George Preddy, (highest scoring American ace, European theatre.) And of course, NONE of them have heard of the German aces, many of whom had over 100 kills. But I digress.... Perhaps as many of them have heard of Chuck Yeager as have heard of the Tuskegee airmen, but maybe not. And how many of them have ever heard of Bob Hoover, probably the best flyer in history? When you look at it, it is yet another sign of how twisted our society has become.
Oct 24, 2005
The top American ace was Francis Gabreski of the 56th fighter Group (Zemke's wolfpack). George Preddy was the top P-51 ace, however.

I am curious about the number of missions flown by the Tuskegee airmen and how many were straffing missions. Straffing missions were the ones where you had the most losses.
Dec 18, 2004
I'm also a WWII aviation buff. The fact is that the public doesn't know the names of practically any of the top WWII American fighter pilots. Forty years ago, some people would know of Richard Bong as the leading American ace of the war, but Bong died while testing a jet fighter in August 1945, so his fame gradually faded.

A few years ago, I asked my former college history professor to name some of the top American aces of WWII. He couldn't name a single one. He did know who Eddie Rickenbacker was. Rickenbacker was the top ace of WWI.

If asked to name an American fighter unit of WWII, very, very few could name the 4th or 56th fighter groups. A good many could name the Tuskeggee Airmen.

There is one American fighter pilot of WWII who became famous. Namely, Chuck Yeager, due to a best-selling autobiography and numerous TV commercials. Yeager was also famous for being the first man to break the sound barrier. Some people even think Yeager was the top American ace. He was credited with 11 air victories. An oddity is that Yeager got 5 kills on October 12, 1944; and 4 on November 27. He thus scored 9 of his 11 victories on two missions.


Apr 22, 2006
what about the black sheep squadron? I think they had a pretty good record.
Dec 18, 2004
Yes, I should have mentioned Greg "Pappy" Boyington and the Black Sheep Squadron. Boyington wrote a best-seller in the 1950's (Yeager's book was in the mid-1980's). NBC had a (extremely fictionalized)TV show about the Black Sheep during 1976-78.

The TV show portrayed the squadron as a group of misfits who were on the verge of court-martial before Pappy took charge of them. The surviving members were rather upset with this portrayal as they were actually Marine officers who were posted to the unit in a routine fashion.

Still, Boyington and Chuck Yeager are the two American fighter pilots of WWII who are famous decades after the war.
Oct 24, 2005
Amen to Sports historian. The 56th and the 4th broke the back of the luftwaffe during WW II. I recent that they are being ignored while the tuskegge airmen are portrayed by the uniformed media that they were the top fighter group in WW II. I met a few, and they are nice guys, but it was Zemke, Grabinski, Shilling, Blaklee, Godfrey, Gentile, Woodson, and Kid Hofer who won the war.

Another group that is falling down the memory hole are the Flying Tigers. At least they had a few movies made about them. Now they are forgotten. When Robert Scott died, I told others that at the Atlanta Olympics, Scott not Cassius Clay, should have carried the torch. Scott was in his 80's and in better shape.

BTW: They were called "Black Sheep" because they were replacements that were not assigned to any squadron. In another words, orphans or bastards. Boyington's idea was to take all these replacements into a new squadron. Person behavior had nothing to do with their nickname.


Jul 27, 2005
United States
White_Savage said:
I'm a big WWII aviation buff.
I have no problem with admitting they served honorably. But they are worshipped as Gods. Lots of White squadrons had records as good or better, so what? They shoudln't be dishonored, but nor should they be blown out of importance. Their racial makeup is interesting too. I watched a thing about the only ace they produced. Very Cafe-a-Lait. When he went into a barbershop in the South once, the barber had to ask if he was a negro. And blacks haven't exactly taken over the occupation of fighter pilot, even with all the advantages their politically correct color would confer, now have they?

The average member of the public has heard of the Tuskegee Airmen, who produced 1 ace, and as it turns out, may have lost a bomber or two after all. 90% of them have never heard of Richard Bong and Thomas Macguire (highest scoring American aces), George Preddy, (highest scoring American ace, European theatre.) And of course, NONE of them have heard of the German aces, many of whom had over 100 kills. But I digress.... Perhaps as many of them have heard of Chuck Yeager as have heard of the Tuskegee airmen, but maybe not. And how many of them have ever heard of Bob Hoover, probably the best flyer in history? When you look at it, it is yet another sign of how twisted our society has become.

Overglorified and overexaggerrated,by the same leftist jews and brainwashed,filthy-rich,self-loathing,guilt-ridden Whites ,that have overglorified and overexaggerrated the greatness of the negorilla leagues,satchell paige,josh gibson,etc.


May 20, 2005
But Screaming Eagle, it don't count unless it's in a P-51
Oct 24, 2005
To White Savage:

Actually, there no plane as great as the P-38.