Trying to understand



In high school and college I competed against many black athletes. Some of them were way better than me, some of them I was way better than. My point being in 90% of the cases in team sports, the best players play. For example, a co-worker of mine would always whine about how Kevin Curtis should have been starting over Issac Bruce when he played for the Rams. "Why on earth would the Rams do that?", I would ask. His reply, because Kevin is younger and way faster than Bruce. So of course it was some conspiracy to keep the white man down. The real bottom line in that situation is that while KevinCurtis was indeeed faster than Bruce, he wasn't better. The betterreceiver started. If Curtis were black, guess what?, Bruce still would have started because likeI said before, for the most part the best players play. I'm proud of my race, but i'm also not a darn fool either. I'm not going to go around crying conspiracy because the Dolphins cut Wes Welker. He wasn't good enough to be on the team or they would have kept him. What I'm trying to understand is this. Is the purpose of this site about seeing white athletes start and/or play just because they are white, even if there is a more talented Black, Hispanic, or Asian athlete ahead on the depth chart? Just wondering.
About Us

There are no white starting cornerbacks in the NFL out of 64 players who start at that position. In fact, there are no white cornerbacks in the entire league. There are zero starting white tailbacks. No white running back has run for over 1,000 yards in nearly a quarter of a century. Only about five percent of starting wide receivers and safeties are white.

Has this amazing and now permanent disparity in a sport that whites have always loved and played so well come about solely because of "black supremacy" in athleticism? The NFL was integrated racially in the 1960s, '70s and '80s and there were plenty of whites then who played all defensive positions and who ran and caught the ball and who excelled at it. It is only since the late 1980s that certain positions in professional football have become for all intents and purposes black only.

Might there be other factors involved? For example, did you know that the 119 Division I-A major college football programs, with very, very few exceptions, simply refuse to recruit and develop white tailbacks and white receivers no matter how outstanding they are in high school? And that the media enforces this rigid segregation by using euphemisms and descriptions that demean white athletes?

Talented white athletes who want to play tailback, receiver or cornerback must go to a small college program or go the very difficult route of becoming a walk-on at one of the major programs. And since it is the Division I-A programs that supply almost all the players in the NFL, it is hardly surprising that the white running back and wide receiver has become almost extinct, as have whites playing defense in general.

The truth is that white football players, no matter how talented, are directed into a racial Caste System that limits them to being offensive linemen, kickers, quarterbacks (though more and more major college programs are recruiting blacks for that position), and the occasional defensive position, usually linebacker or defensive end.

Caste Football looks at the racial dynamics of football and of sports in general. We have no sacred cows we worship, no taboo subjects we won't discuss. We respect the fact that blacks make good football players. But we believe that by looking at football and sports overall through an objective lens rather than simply accepting the propaganda slant of the media, it is clear and obvious that whites are just as good as if not better athletes than blacks.

To give just one example, even though whites are only 10 percent of the world's population, they win over 90 percent of the medals at the Winter Olympics and over 70 percent of the medals at the Summer Olympics, including many medals in sprinting and jumping.

Caste Football's goal is to see that white athletes are respected for their abilities, and that they receive the same opportunities to succeed as non-white athletes.

That pretty much says it all. If you think that an all black NFL, NBA, Track and Field, Boxing, etc. is a good thing, then you may want to spend your time elsewhere.
Cmon, just give up. You are truly pathetic.
okay, lets say a coach starts a white player in a traditionally black position, the second he messes up that coaches job will probably be on the line, people will be wondering what was he thinking, all players mess up though, so unless that player is near perfect at a normally black position ( which black players are usually not even near perfect at) he will not see time on the field,but often times a white player is just slightly better than his black counterpart, or on the same level,(BECAUSE ALL RACES are pretty damn similiar, because blacks aren't superior and whites aren't inferior or superior) so no reason for the coach to take a risk on him, are you a coach in high school or college? do you know any? do you know what they have to deal with? i know a high school coach and he constantly has to deal with parents wondering why their kid isn't starting at such and such position claiming that their kid is the next reggie bush, do you know what its like to deal with a black parent thinking their son is the next reggie bush seeing a white player above their son on the depth chart? it happens with all the positions "my son has a cannon for an arm he should be quarterback" so unless a kid is superman at his position and never makes mistakes, he is not going to get the starting job, even if he is somewhat better than the black kid starting, even if they have a better chance of winning with the white kid, because coaches are scared, that doubt, what if the white kid makes one error, then he put himself in jeapordy, if the black kid makes multiple mistakes then its okay, but not for the white kid. take that into account with stereotypes most coaches have that the black will be automatically better at certain positions, the white kid gets moved to another position without even getting a chance to prove himself, or he'll get a few reps in practice to prove himself, one mess up and hes deemed not fit for the job
lilly white wrote:

"I'm not going to go around crying conspiracy because the Dolphins cut Wes Welker. He wasn't good enough to be on the team or they would have kept him."

So you are saying Welker wasn`t good enough for the Dolphins, but we know he was good enough to get 1000+ receiving yards for the Super Bowl Patriots. Brilliant.

"My point being in 90% of the cases in team sports, the best players play."

Your proof is what?

"Is the purpose of this site about seeing white athletes start and/or play just because they are white, even if there is a more talented Black, Hispanic, or Asian athlete ahead on the depth chart?"

We all know that there are many outstanding black football players in the college ranks and the NFL.
In fact, the homepage says that "we respect the fact that blacks make good football players." (We also know this holds true for a few other sports like basketball.)

But whites have not been getting fair opportunities for many years-not only in football-but in a number of other sports.

For example, of the millions of white kids who have put on the pads in the past 20 years, only Jason Sehorn was good enough to make it as a CB in the NFL? Are we to believe that only a handful of others like Steve Gregory and Dustin Fox of late are even good enough to play a few games here and there as backup CBs?(And of course there has to be some side reference to them also being backup safeties.)

"Caste Football's goal is to see that white athletes are respected for their abilities, and that they receive the same opportunities to succeed as non-white athletes."

This is what got me interested in this site, and I think it is what interests the many others who participate in Caste Football discussions, or just visit this site. (I come online often when most people are sleeping in the U.S., but there are sometimes 20-30 "guests" checking this place out.)
Colonel_Reb said:
Cmon, just give up. You are truly pathetic.

This little troll wouldn't be ghosting us so often Reb if this site wasn't truly bothering him at some core level. He probably gets some momentary mental orgasm everytime he succeeds in getting a post in and a few responces to his lame utterances.
guest301 said:
Colonel_Reb said:
Cmon, just give up. You are truly pathetic.

This little troll wouldn't be ghosting us so often Reb if this site wasn't truly bothering him at some core level. He probably gets some momentary mental orgasm everytime he succeeds in getting a post in and a few responces to his lame utterances.

You are probably right 301.
First of all Steve B, your an idiot. I think you need to spend some time at one of those Sylvan learning centers with the rest of the 7 year olds out there and attempt to get your reading comprehension up to arespectable level. At no point in my post did I imply that I desired an all black NFL, NBA, or whatever else. It's ok though, just remember read the entire passage and if there is any part that you don't understand ask an adult for help. Let me know how that works out for you ok? Thanks! Next order of business. Dwid, I'm glad you asked, and yes I do know a few high school coaches and even a D3 head coach. So I do know what they have to deal with.It seems tomethe coach you are talking about obviously has no balls if he's going to let the potential wrath of some delusionalparent dictate who starts or plays on his squad. Furthermore what parent regardless of race doesn't think that their kid should be starting instead of being a back up? Moving right along, Van Slyke CF, oh Mr. Van Dyke. I think you may be a bigger idiot than Steve B. Let's see... Wes Welker, undrafted out of TT, for a reason I may add, cut by San Diego, where I know you don't have to tell me, he didn't get a fair shake. Welker then spends 4 years in Miami ,who fields the equivalent of a junior high school program year in and year out, as a 5th team receiver and special teamer. Then it's on to New England where careers are revived. Wes obviously is better than the talent around him save a fellow named Randy Moss, andIdare any of you half wits on this site tosay otherwise. Well Van Dyke this is my proof that in 90% of the cases the best players play, otherwise how could Welker have done what he did? If he wasn't the 2nd best receiver on the squad he wouldn't have. Lastly if a white kid is good enough in comparison to the athletes he's competing for PT with he'll play. CB, RB, WR, waterboy, whatever if your better than the other guy you will get on the field! Guest 301 all I have for you is, it's "responses", borrow some of Steve B's flash cards will ya. Ok, I lied Guest 301, I will say your not as huge of an idiot as the rest of these clowns and by the way this site doesn't bother me on some core level. I actually enjoy viewing the responceson this site,I mean responses, ignorance is contagious, and now that I think about it yeah, you're just as big an idiot as your friends here. I've saved the best for last, Colonel Reb and White Power. Let's establish something shall we? The "little troll" you refer to is some other clown, not me.I can understand how you would think I was him because I questioned your pro white stances on this forum.That's ok though, I'm not mad at the two of you for being idiots, I see that it's a requirement. Not that it matters, but I am in fact white.Lilly white to be quite honest,I don't like the sun very much, but thatisaside from the point. Also asidefrom the point is that CMON is right no white guy has ever broken 10 seconds in the 100m. Again an argument for another time. I can't speak for this other guy, but I don't plan on "ghosting" you jackasses. Sure you'll delete my account in typical cowardly internet tough-guy fashion, but I'll just create a different profile and come right back to challenge all of your lunacy, as will some of my non-white friends that I've told about you douche bags. So I'll take a minute to review, Steve B I hope you remember to share the flash cards with the other kids, Dwid tell you coach friend to grow some nuts, Guest 301 tag along with Steve B and get a spelling tutor, Van Slyke, get a clue and let's see where Welker is in a year or two when some high profile free agent WR comes to the Pats, remember the best players play, Colonel Reb and White power get your facts straight before you call out the devil. Goodnight you pathetic crop of morons, I look forward to hearing from you all soon!
You said you don't plan on "ghosting you jackasses" and then you say after we delete your account that you will come back under a different profile to challenge our lunacy once again. Sounds like ghosting to me. So which is it, make up your mind. How's that for a response? No need for the lilly white spellcheck feature, I think I got it right this time.
Little boy, you unwittingly made our argument for us about Welker. All he needed was a chance. He was cut from San Diego without getting a chance. San Diego had a very weak receiving corps when Welker was there. He was way underused by a terrible Miami team that had a weak receivingcorps. In fact, Nick Saban very nearly cut him. All he needed was a chance, and he got one. Do you thinkWelker is the only white talent denied afairopportunity? What's rare about Welker is thata teamdid finally get him a chance; the vast majority of talented white RBs, WRs, DBs, etc., are not recruited, and if they still manage to shine in college in most cases the NFL will have no use for them. Welker is only the tip of a very large iceberg of white football players who have been discriminated against.

Yes, you are done here, no matter how many times you try to re-register. Morons and their abusive writing style aren't hard to detect. Hint: There's this thing in writing called paragraphs. I'm sure the concept is way over your head, so maybe your fifth grade teacher can tell you about it when you report to grade school in a few weeks.
okay you responded about the part about parents, yes alot of coaches have no BALLS, but it involves other things too, like say coach is afraid of losing his job maybe? because because a black parent can not only complain to the coach they can also go to other people higher up in the school and complain about white favoritism, the school doesn't want anything to do with that even if it seems absurd and untrue, any negative press that the school coach might racist even if it doesn't hold weight is very damaging. Or lets say multiple parents are complaining, spreading the word around that coach might be favoring white players over blacks because the black rb is obviously better than the white kid when in truth he might not be, then everyone is focusing in on that white kid and every mistake he makes screaming for the coach to be fired, so the easiest thing for the coach to do is stick to the caste formula, where whites only play certain positions, but now that is even changing because coaches are getting sh*t for not giving "fair" shots to black players at quarterback.

As for Wes Welker being less talented than Randy Moss, that is debatable. They both bring to the table different skill sets. I think both are equally talented at what they do.
lilly white, or whatever your screen name is/was, you give yourself far too much credit. You see, troll = troll. You are all the same. You are pathetic losers who have nothing better to do than use your misguided angst to try to set us straight. It never works because yourargument is as full of holes as Swiss cheese. Our arguments are sound,as you see with Don's post aboutWes Welker. We won't be swayed by any brattish malcontents either, no matter the number. Go try something you have a chance of success at, like sucking on an egg.
It's more about mass media than it is individual coaches. That media affects most of the public's percerptions including coaches'. I doubt that you are going to understand that though unfortunately.
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