Truly Disgusting


Apr 6, 2007
What I'm getting ready to say isn't going to be popular with some, but this is what I'm concluding from this column.Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.Revelation: 20; 14,15Yeah Don, what's revealing and people here should think about this is; people who are Cabalists's, Mason's, Satanic's, etc. and believe these things have to acknowledge The Bible and Jesus Christ, because this is it's origin, so if they know this, then they should know their peril. The Bible says they will be thrown into the pit.So if one believes these things why would they align themselves with Satan, knowing their impending doom?Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, HE GAVE THEM OVER TO A DEPRAVED MIND, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, GOD haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.Romans: 1; 28-31The conclusion has to be, they are clearly Satanically possessed and it may be too late for them to become saved Christians.
Matthew 7


Apr 6, 2007
I'm a Mason AND I'm also a Christian. Not offended but when you throw out a blanket statement, damning folks to hell, expect someone to question it. Hope you're not offended.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I'm a Mason AND I'm also a Christian. Not offended but when you throw out a blanket statement, damning folks to hell, expect someone to question it. Hope you're not offended.

I'm not offended. I didn't damn anyone to hell! Maybe you didn't understand or I said it the wrong way.

I concluded from what the "COLUMN" said, using Biblical scrpiture. If you're refering to the don't judge verse in Matthew 7, I wasn't judging, although it doesn't bother me if someone judges me, I make mistakes on a daily bases, but I'm not proud of that.

If you're a Christian, then you should know I used Bible scripture. I didn't write the Bible, but I believe it. It will judge you and I; I can't.

Did the "COLUMN" not refer to cabalists and free mason's as part of a Satanic force? If it didn't, maybe I misunderstood the article.

Menelik, I don't want to get off the subject of the thread. We can take it to PM if you want to.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
As a supercessionist, fundamentalist Christian, I believe there's NO way into Heaven except through accepting Christ Jesus, Son of God Almighty as Savior. It's not about fraternal organizations or's about the precious blood of Christ shed at Calvary upon the cross for the redemption of all mankind's sin. We can accept this great gift and follow God's Word...or perish. It's not by works, but by grace of God and faith in and submission thereto. Here are the key principles which I embrace...

  • The Godhead as One with Christ as the intercessor for sinful, fallen man w/ the Holy Spirit as our daily source of strength and guidance.
  • The infallibility & inerrancy of the Holy Bible (KJV).
  • The physical resurrection & coming return of Christ.
  • The virgin birth of Christ via the Holy Spirit (thru Mary).
  • The subtitutionary atonement of Jesus on the cross (for all mankind).
I reject liberal/modern theology...WOF, prosperity gospel and zio-neocon chickenhawks (like John Hagee). However, as God gives us all free will....I certainly agree each person must make their own choice.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
What I'm getting ready to say isn't going to be popular with some, but this is what I'm concluding from this column.

Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Revelation: 20; 14,15

Yeah Don, what's revealing and people here should think about this is; people who are Cabalists's, Mason's, Satanic's, etc. and believe these things have to acknowledge The Bible and Jesus Christ, because this is it's origin, so if they know this, then they should know their peril. The Bible says they will be thrown into the pit.

So if one believes these things why would they align themselves with Satan, knowing their impending doom?

Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, HE GAVE THEM OVER TO A DEPRAVED MIND, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, GOD haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
Romans: 1; 28-31

The conclusion has to be, they are clearly Satanically possessed and it may be too late for them to become saved Christians.

From the studys I saw it looks like people still see therselves faster straight as somethinh others.A gay one is much more attracted to same sex or only slihhtly to opposite when people who filled i straight ranged from straight to full blooded gay who just slighy could control their stomach with sex and so called therselves straight.

what do you think a homosexual person should do, life a life with the gender he is not sexual attrected to?
like 60% of white gays do, and nearly all middle eastern gays.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
waterbed said:
;what do you think a homosexual person should do, life a life with the gender he is not sexual attrected to?

I think he should do the right thing--like Tyler Clementi. That guy was a role model for gay youth and they should all strive to emulate him.



Apr 6, 2007
I think he should do the right thing--like Tyler Clementi. That guy was a role model for gay youth and they should all strive to emulate him. (j/k)
Ha! I actually had to google this guy!

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Jewish ABC Airs "Good Christian BITCHES"


There should exist a very powerful watchdog group honestly and fearlessly blowing the whistle when Christianity is defamed by Jewish big media, unafraid to identify its perpetrators as Jewish. The Anti-Defamation League does this for the benefit of Jews. Whenever a politician or Christian leader comments unfavorably concerning Jews or Israel, ADL demands an apology and virtually always gets it. The alternative is political or professional ruin.

But ADL is silent regarding the defamation of Christianity. Good Christian Bitches is a television sitcom to air on Jewish Disney/ABC March 4, based on a book of the same title. Due to protest, its title has been shortened to “GCB” in American markets. No one is fooled. The show portrays Christian women as petty, gossipy and vindictive.

Can you imagine ADL’s response if a sitcom were called “Good Jewish Bitches?” But it is predictably silent in this case, too busy decrying campus criticism of Israel, unauthorized use of terms like “holocaust” and “Hitler,” and getting the mildest critic of Israel, Pat Buchanan, sacked from MSNBC.

How can Christians defend themselves from propaganda attacks like GCB?

I suggest not wasting your time contacting ABC. It is owned by Robert Iger, who is Jewish. GCB is produced by Jewish homosexual Darren Star, who also brought us Sex and the City (another work notable for its degradation of women and utter contempt for traditional religious beliefs). These men no doubt expect your protest, laugh at it, and have probably programmed incoming email criticism for mass deletion. (Ted has changed his mind on this. Contact info is below)

Instead, inform as many people as you can about Jewish media’s agenda to trash Christianity and corrupt America.

First, get educated. Read my article “Updated: Jews Confirm Big Media is Jewish”. For more documentation, contact the Standard and Poors and Lexis Nexus directories at your library. They confirm the saturation level of Jewish names heading and staffing ABC, CBS, and NBC as well as Viacom and Hollywood studios. A number of books written by Jews are also available in major libraries confirming Hollywood is Jewish. (The article, “Who Runs Hollywood? C’mon!” by Joel Stein in the LA Times is also instructive.)

Speak out in your church, conservative club, campus activist group, on the internet or as a caller on talk radio concerning the extent of Jewish power in media. Tell people it is not anti-Semitic to identify media monopolists as Jewish and anti-Christian. Wouldn’t you have such a right if Mormons or Muslims monopolized media, pushing their religious agendas?
Take these links to articles at documenting Jewish media’s prior sordid record of denigrating Jesus and His followers.

Things could already be much worse. They are not, thanks to the courage of those who publicly proclaim that big media has a Jewish identity and agenda.

Jewish media and ADL never give up their offensives to corrupt and de-Christianize America. That’s why every lover of freedom must join the National Prayer Network in our offensive of truth against those who want to erect their Judaic new world order on the ashes of Christian civilization.
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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
From the studys I saw it looks like people still see therselves faster straight as somethinh others.A gay one is much more attracted to same sex or only slihhtly to opposite when people who filled i straight ranged from straight to full blooded gay who just slighy could control their stomach with sex and so called therselves straight.

what do you think a homosexual person should do, life a life with the gender he is not sexual attrected to?
like 60% of white gays do, and nearly all middle eastern gays.


I guess you think they (homosexual's) should do what Jerry Sandusky did, because he was attracted to young boys, he should act on his sick, vile, disgusting, perverted, etc. thoughts and rape young boys. I guess women who are attracted to animals, have sex with animals, hell let's just let sick people everywhere just do what the hell they want, it's almost like that now anyway.

I don't know if you have children waterbed, but I do. Let a homosexual with any kind of sick intention come near my kids and I guarantee it will be the last time it does.

I see attractive women at my job everyday, but I don't try to have sex with them, mainly because I'm married and I love my wife. I make enough mistakes, I don't need to add adultery to my list.

We all have wrong thoughts, but that doesn't mean we should act on them. People have choices, homosexuality is a choice. It's up to them whether they want to act on their perverted liestyle or not.

For the record: I think I've said this before, Sandusky should be publicly impaled, on PMSNBC, CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. for what he did. Another guarantee, there would be alot less of molestations happening if we punished properly those who commit such perverted acts.
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
From the studys I saw it looks like people still see therselves faster straight as somethinh others.A gay one is much more attracted to same sex or only slihhtly to opposite when people who filled i straight ranged from straight to full blooded gay who just slighy could control their stomach with sex and so called therselves straight.

what do you think a homosexual person should do, life a life with the gender he is not sexual attrected to?
like 60% of white gays do, and nearly all middle eastern gays.

They should either marry a woman or remain abstinent...period. This mess about sex being a "need" is bogus, as it's desire (like gluttony, etc,). Breathing air is a need...water is a need. The Bible constantly alludes to putting aside (sinful) flesh for the spiritual. The Word also clearly reserves sexual relations only for a husband (man) and wife (woman).

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
They should either marry a woman or remain abstinent...period. This mess about sex being a "need" is bogus, as it's desire (like gluttony, etc,). Breathing air is a need...water is a need. The Bible constantly alludes to putting aside (sinful) flesh for the spiritual. The Word also clearly reserves sexual relations only for a husband (man) and wife (woman).

Thanks, DixieDestroyer. You used more tact than I did. My words tend to be too abbrasive for some.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
I dont have kids.I would want to get my healthy body back if I don't i will not have children.

I partly agree.I think your perception of your sexuality you can change but not the genes and embryo circumstences with testosterone etc. which influence sexuality.
There have been cumstences with with very uneven ratio's men /women and then large portion of people could go with own gender( nowadays I think like 78% of women and like 46% of men) in the past nearlky all people could, but people are a bit selected to other sex attraction althrough probably x chromosome less then y chromosome. but ful blood straight people and full blood gays can not go with respectively own and other gender easily.It s also a lot of ask to say let say a women who identifies as lesbian but is mostly attracted to women and bit to men and the differnce between perception and attraction you can often seen in a bit men looking women as a partner the women is attracted to go with a men.I would rather see the 30% of women that are more attracted to women to go with women then that she thinks she is straight and then always complains about here men in bed.

about phedpohhilia it looks like there is some correlation between being a male homosexual and be more likely to be practise phedophilia at least.I don't know why maybe same part brain or close to it.Poistive note most pedosexuals do not practise it.But I would be furious very mad probably as I had a kid that was raped by a pedo.

becuase non full blooded straight people are majority ( overall slightly and easilty of the female specie) i don't know if it can be compared to pedosexuality allthrough there could be some common ground in the brain.

this will be really difficult but maybe there could be made a study to people that say they are pedosexual but the ones that can controle themselves and ask how they do it so there could be learned from that from the minoirty of pedosexulas that practise it.If some say pcitures helped( maybe i am way to soft) you can give them some of that sick pictures to control them, to not to go over the edge, but it could maybe also be counterproductive.But you could find out in study maybe.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004

CAPTION: Fighting ***

In my time with the Army we thought all the Marines were ****, I guess its true?? :flame:


Apr 6, 2007
In my time with the Army we thought all the Marines were ****, I guess its true?? :flame:
Cold! Btw what was your mos?