Troll at Stuff Black People Don't Like

Dec 18, 2004
A troll who sounds like our old friend Brutal has taken over a thread at Stuff Black People Don't Like about Peyton Hillis. His theme in post after post is that white running backs, Hillis in particular, are never as good as black running backs.
Good catch. 'Hirsch' also considers Rocky Marciano a 'one-dimensional' boxer who only fought declining blacks (because obviously when a white heavyweight reigns the black fighters are either in decline or otherwise engaged, no doubt being horribly oppressed in some dark corner of Amerikkka). Also that 'Aryans' are terribly upset the greatest boxing trainer was Eddie Futch and the greatest boxer was a 'black man by the name of Ray Robinson'. Yes, quite the buzz over at Aryan News Weekly and the Neo-Nazi Jack Dempsey Appreciation Society.

Another thing which caught my eye was Mr. SBPDL's assertion he's forgotten more about sports than the 'idiots' at CF will ever know. There's some question about what college Mr. SBPDL attended. I'm getting a distinct Brandeis/NYU vibe.

All of this is a shame. The concept is clever and the site delivers it well. But the calibration and enforcement of correct opinion is too great a temptation for some.
I think Don has it right regarding his theory that the moderator of SBPDL is black. This is largely due to his capitalization of "blacks" & lower case spelling of "Whites". Note most of us at CF do the opposite. IMO, he's either black or libtard trying tounge & cheek "humor", etc.
There is no doubt in my mind that the SPDL moderator is black. However, I don't believe it is tongue in cheek, but actually a rare self-hating black who is embarrassed by the disgraceful African-American culture.
DixieDestroyer said:
I think Don has it right regarding his theory that the moderator of SBPDL is black. This is largely due to his capitalization of "blacks" & lower case spelling of "Whites". Note most of us at CF do the opposite. IMO, he's either black or libtard trying tounge & cheek "humor", etc.

Actually, he points this out and mocks the site for it, and also mocked the assertion here that he went to a black college, North Carolina A&T. He capitalizes "Black" to mock it, because it doesn't deserve it. Don's a sharp guy, but has a blind spot on this one.
I've noted the capitalization of black but not white -- and have mentioned it to him in email exchanges. I've never written that he's black or that he went to a certain college. That was another poster here. I don't know anything about his background.
Don, my apologies for the incorrect inference above. I recalled your bringing the capitalization point about, but must have mixed up the assertion their site moderation was black. The more I think about it, I would say he's White...whether a lib or legit in his messages...I don't know.
Yes the guy at SBPDL has been rubbed the wrong way by CF and it's unfortunate because he is a natural ally. As GLS mentioned above he capitializes black mockingly and there is no way the guy is black if you read any amount of his stuff.
jaxvid said:
Yes the guy at SBPDL has been rubbed the wrong way by CF and it's unfortunate because he is a natural ally. As GLS mentioned above he capitializes black mockingly and there is no way the guy is black if you read any amount of his stuff.

I agree.
Looks like SBPDL is indeed ran by a White feller. This per our friend James Edwards & the Political Cesspool....

The Political Cesspool Radio Program is pleased to announce that Paul Kersey will be our exclusive guest this Saturday, March 5.

Mr. Kersey runs the very popular website Stuff Black People Don't Like and has just published a book of the same name that is currently racing its way up the Amazon sales chart!
Kersey is a fairly new member of the Caste Football Facebook Group and has posted a couple of links to stories from his site. It will be interesting to see what he has to say, if anything, about Caste Football tonight.
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