Tribute To Tommy The Duke Morrison



I don't know if you guys ever thought of this or not, but it's about time we gave credit to my boy:

Props to Tommy the Duke Morrison, for being the ONLY white guy to ever beat Big Gawg Foreman. That's right. He's the only one. That right there ought to silence the idiots who claim that Morrison was never a legit threat heavy.

Take a look and see for yourself:

this aryan brother never stood a chance in hell:

Not even Big Gawg could knock out Chuvalo, so what Big Gawg did instead, he tenderized the body more than Rocky ever could have dreamed of tenderizing any hanging slab of beef. Chuvalo was ready for Gawg's No-Fat Griller after this one. :

this nappy-haired pseudo aryan never should have been in the same ring with Big Gawg:

here's a full-blown german aryan who fought badly but fell well:

Big Gawg's debut way back when. It showed the aryans just what kind of nightmare awaited them all thru the 1970s and beyond:

Big Gawg whacked this whop but good: [url] ed[/url]

Big Gawg breaks the Rock:

Ho Hum. Old Man Gawg beats the hell out of an Irishman:

Big Gawg gives a licking to a South African apartheid type:

Super tall angular random white guy gets beaten into submission by Big Gawg:

another giant clumsy white guy is no match for Big Ol' Gawg:

Rumor has it, after this uppercut, exploded glass was showered all over those with ringside seats at this one:

I'll say this much about my boy, though. Thank goodness Tommy Duke didn't have to face a young Big Gawg--a young Big Gawg could've run him down, I gotta admit.


May 3, 2006
Oh, dem good ol' days. Reckon you been playin' some blues lately, huh? BB King may be gone, but now we gots us BB gunn.


May 20, 2005
You just can't handle the fact that Whites have taken back boxing, can you? Bringing up a great White hype from the bad days of boxing when practically no Whites were trying to be proffessional boxers, how irrelevant and pathetic.

If you were a ******* (You are not), it might make sense for you to be threatened and bitter. After all, fist-fighting is the only worthwhile skill in which Blacks have ever been able to claim any evidence of superiority. The White wave in boxing belies that myth though. It proves that the changing colors of boxing have been mostly a cultural phenomenon, rather than some case of Blacks having some great genetic superiority in pugilism. I mean, at this point, people are having to admit that Whites are smarter than Blacks (Proven over and over. I'm not bragging too hard, mind you EVERY major race is smarter than Blacks.), far less criminal than Blacks (Once again, proven, but once again, EVERY race is far less criminal than Blacks), and here is the clincher, just as tough in a fight as Blacks, if not tougher. (Proven in the ring)

You are not a ******* though. You are a profoundly sick and disturbed scared White boy, brainwashed by the state, probably physically tiny and underdeveloped. Since you probably loose bladder control if a big Black looks at you funny, you cannot understand how White men face up to Blacks in combat sports, much less defeat them. It is too much of a spotlight on your own inferiority, so naturally, you become defensive.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Who's "Gawg" Foreman? You mean that oyld skool guy back in the distant path when the only people who boxed were black criminals too stupid to even qualify for factory jobs? Man that is old news. Those Ali/Foreman/Frazier clowns were jokes compared to the white super athletes with doctorates that are dominating the sport today. How can you even bring up thaat ol' sh!t from a hundred years ago! Read the news brother. White men rule.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
All I have to say is "Talkin about my boyz dis be crazy!"..


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
white is right said:
All I have to say is "Talkin about my boyz dis be crazy!"..

LOL. White is right, I remember that clown. I would love to see Ali in his prime verse Klistchko. Klitschko is too skilled for Ali. It would be an easy victory.


Are you nuts?

whiteathlete33 said:
white is right said:
All I have to say is "Talkin about my boyz dis be crazy!"..

LOL. White is right, I remember that clown. I would love to see Ali in his prime verse Klistchko. Klitschko is too skilled for Ali. It would be an easy victory.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Make up your mind if you want to be here tommy_gunn. You are very close to being banned. Go find a site where you feel at home if you don't support what we stand for. We don't need you here.

Klitschko would win by a knock out. Too big, too strong and he is fast enough. It would be a easy victory. He would do what he did to Chris Byrd.


Tommy_Gun was a probably raised by a "drunken white fan/dad". He grew watching too much TV. Programs like "Yo MTV Raps" and "Wide World of Sports" where he constantly heard that blacks were more creative and better in sports. After so manys years he believed it. He is the type of white male who has a inferiority complex shaped by the media. Look, I challenge everyone here that every commericial on TV portrays every criminal, coward, idiot, pervert, rapist, victim and loser as a white male.

In contrast, every blk male as the opposite. Tommy_Gun bought the B.S. from the media and sports hook line and sinker. While growing up I've run into dozens of Tommy_guns. He is one of those dumb white guys who fawn over guys like Michael Vick and Terrel and Pacman Jones. He is a coward at heart and probably does/did poorly in school. I say kept him on this site so we can educate him as well as make him out to be the jackass that he is.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I think this is the twit that used to post here pretending to praise Gerry Cooney, but if you want to keep him around as a punching bag we can let him stay for a while.


Don Wassall said:
I think this is the twit that used to post here pretending to praise Gerry Cooney, but if you want to keep him around as a punching bag we can let him stay for a while.

But wouldn't the boy be happier on or something? He could use pictures of "Gawg" and Cassius in their underwear, if he can find them, as his avatars (some wigger already got the Tyson picture, sorry, kid), and talk about "South African apartheid types" and "nappy haired pseudo Aryans" and "whops" to his little heart's content?


Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
I would say let him hang on a while yet, if he so chooses, he's something to laugh about.
Edited by: Maple Leaf


Yeah, I know. I know all about it. When small insecure people with totalitarian tendencies have their worldview challenged, they typically respond with denunciations, bans, and much much worse if they are actually in positions of power. See Stalin and Hitler.

Dude, you are absolutely hyperbolically maniacally delusionally whackadinghoy bonkers bonzo NUTS if you seriously think a gifted, powerful, skillful--but woefully chinless and stamina-challenged--boxer like Wlad could have ever beaten Cassius Clay.

Dude, are pipe dream fairy tales like this what you really need in your everyday life to get over your huge gigantic insecurity complex?

Sometimes blacks can be better than whites. Sometimes vice versa, but a helluva lot of times, it's the other way around.

Deal with it.

Grow some whiskers, be a man, and deal with it.

white lightning said:
Make up your mind if you want to be here tommy_gunn. You are very close to being banned. Go find a site where you feel at home if you don't support what we stand for. We don't need you here.

Klitschko would win by a knock out. Too big, too strong and he is fast enough. It would be a easy victory. He would do what he did to Chris Byrd.
Edited by: tommy_gunn

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Anybody still think this guy should be allowed to stink up the place? Delete the entire thread, imo.

Ban. Edited by: White Shogun


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
tommy_gunn said:
Dude, you are absolutely hyperbolically maniacally delusionally whackadinghoy bonkers bonzo NUTS if you seriously think a gifted, powerful, skillful--but woefully chinless and stamina-challenged--boxer like Wlad could have ever beaten Cassius Clay.

Wlad would destroy Clay.In all of your incarnations, it's always the same old story. Asthe KIng of Spain would say,"Por que no te callas?"

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
tommy_gunn said:
Yeah, I know. I know all about it. When small insecure people with totalitarian tendencies have their worldview challenged, they typically respond with denunciations, bans, and much much worse if they are actually in positions of power. See Stalin and Hitler.

Dude, you are absolutely hyperbolically maniacally delusionally whackadinghoy bonkers bonzo NUTS if you seriously think a gifted, powerful, skillful--but woefully chinless and stamina-challenged--boxer like Wlad could have ever beaten Cassius Clay.

Dude, are pipe dream fairy tales like this what you really need in your everyday life to get over your huge gigantic insecurity complex?

Sometimes blacks can be better than whites. Sometimes vice versa, but a helluva lot of times, it's the other way around.

Deal with it.

Grow some whiskers, be a man, and deal with it.

white lightning said:
Make up your mind if you want to be here tommy_gunn. You are very close to being banned. Go find a site where you feel at home if you don't support what we stand for. We don't need you here. Klitschko would win by a knock out. Too big, too strong and he is fast enough. It would be a easy victory. He would do what he did to Chris Byrd.
I liked him better when he talked like Amos and Andy at least that was worth a laugh or two, dat tru....


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Ali was a joke. His boxing career has been amplified by the politics surrounding him. A rational look at his career is enough to disprove that he was nothing more then a decent heavyweight. First, he "won" the title in a fixed fight with the phantom punch against Liston. He had 5 career loses, had a less then 75% knockout ratio in his wins. He was put on the canvas by guys like Henry Cooper, George Chuvalo, and Chuck Wepner. Ken Norton broke his chin! Not just Wlad but any of the current crop of good Eastern European fighters would knock this guys sh@t out of the ring.


May 20, 2005
It is interesting that our troll spoke of Stalin, since making White pride verboten in public is a prime tactic of modern followers of Stalin's brand of totalitarianism.
It is not Pro-White speech which is savagely suppressed by the media, ridiculed, and even outlawed in some locales, which carries any threat of totalitarianism at this point. To accuse White liberationists of "totalitarianism" is the height of asss-backwards newspeak.

This is a PRIVATE website, meaning that the OWNER of the website has the right to tolerate dissent or not on this website. (You remember property rights don't ya, one of the chief bulwarks against REAL totalitarianism.) No one has done anything to deprive anyone of the right to express their opinion, Don simply exercises his right to not let the more disruptive elements to express using HIS property.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
Axel Schulz beat Foreman in 1995 but was screwed by the judges. Even Mike Tyson admitted this.

Of all the black hopes of the 1970's, only Foreman and Holmes could hang today. Ali, Frazier and Norton would be WAY too small to hang with Klitschko.

But remember, these blacks from the 70s didn't have to face the Eastern Europeans as they could not turn pro. You must put an asterisk next to the records of Ali, Frazier, Foreman, Hearns, Hagler ...etc as they did not have to face the best. Now that we have an open system we can see who dominates who.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
Oh, and if the troll is still lurking, please remember this: Whites own 16 of the 20 belts from middleweight to heavyweight. And we will get the other 4 very soon. Your boys just can't hang.


I vote NOT to ban the wigger troll. That is what they do to me on their wigger boxing forums, ban me the instant I try to tell them things their prissy little ears don't want to hear - and it's not that much fun preaching to the choir - and it's fun to pick on these low-IQ mama's boys and show them up for what they are!

As for that phony hyped up media darling, Clay-Ali, I've been going on for years about how so many of his fights were won by cheating - crooked judges and crooked referees and fixed ring ropes and fixed gloves and Black Muslim intimidation. I just googled up some of my threads on various forums from 2002 when i had very carefully watched and re-watched those sham fights he had with Sonny Liston. You can find them by googling my name + clay-ali.

"Of all the black hopes of the 1970's, only Foreman and Holmes could
hang today. Ali, Frazier and Norton would be WAY too small to hang with

I agree.
