Training and nutrition

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Any of you guys follow a particular dietary or training regimen, share it here. Tell us of your experiences on the program, what you've noticed as far as weight gain, loss, energy levels, personal bests, etc.

I recently came off an extremely low carb program. Basically I was eating meat, eggs, and dairy. My only carbs were condiments like barbecue sauce. Yes, I shed weight, several pounds in fact.

But my energy levels never recouped, I felt lethargic and tired frequently. I was nauseated for days at a time. The cravings were tough, too. I was hoping to become 'fat adapted,' as I've read a number of articles about the phenomenon, but I was unable to stay on the diet long enough to make the transition.
Yeah, I was afraid the Atkins stuff would do that. It'd be an easy diet for a carnivore like me, but ain't worth it. Thanks for being the guinea pig!
I lost a lot of weight on Atkins a couple of years ago. But you can't live on it. I think it's dangerous because if you start adding carbs to the diet and keep the high fat it'll effect your health. I was also nauseaous a lot and fatigued.
I tried the low carb diets too and lost ALOT of hard earned muscle and felt weak in the weight room.....The last 6 months I've been following this book called, "The Abs Diet".....It's the same diet the actor Ryan Reynolds was on when he trained for the movie, "Blade Trinity".....He was freakin' ripped for that movie, something like 3% bodyfat....It's the diet where you eat 6 times a day...Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.....

I do about 45-60 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week...Usually the treadmill once a week and the elliptical machine 3-5 times a week.....When I'm going to lift weights on my legs I'll just ride the stationary bike to warm up for about 20 minutes and then a cool down after weight training of about 10-20 more minutes.....

I also lift weights for about1 to 1 1/2 hrs a day about 5-6 days a week....

I'm pretty die hard about my training and usually during the week do my cardio real early in the morning and my weights later in the day....

I'm not a huge guy but I'm extremely cut....Whenever I take my shirt off people always freak out telling me they had no idea I was this muscular....I've followed a million different routines and diets over the years and this one has had the best results for me....I think everybody's body is different and different programs work better for others.....
Sounds pretty hardcore, Doc, nice workout and training regimen you have set up there.

I saw the Abs diet in the bookstore and browsed it there, but didn't buy it. Seemed like too much food to me, lol! After reading what you have to say about it, I'll take a closer look next time I'm at B&N.

Thanks for the tip.
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