You asked me an equally specious question. Therefore, I will take your vision of a multi-cultural heaven quite literally.
"Do you really want a god so capricious he only cares about White people?"
I don't want caprice, I want specialization. People are different, with different needs, often in conflict with other peoples. This makes everyone having the same heavenly helper problematic.
Each and everything about each and every person on the deepest levels is a result of their genetics and their culture. If this means we "worship our race", fine, whatever you want to call it. It makes more sense than worshipping some other things I could name. Every natural organic religion (as opposed to "Wild Idea" religions which are often alien and imposed on a people by force) grows deeply from what a people is, what they have experienced over their long religion. The myths tell their truths, their Gods are like the men and women, and the good and bad, of the tribe writ large, the moral code and "style" of the religion reflects what works for a given people's, given their unique character and longings of their individual souls.
Not only do I think White men should follow their own ancient tradition that grow organically from their evolution as a people, so should Black, Asian, AmerInds, etc. I might not like living in the same place as Black people, but I realize the Black Way is best-Best for Black people that is, in a Black nation following Black religion.
It is amazing to me that someone like you, so favorable towards racial pluralism in a society (provably harmful), despises religious pluralism (proven harmless, except for a few "Wild Idea" religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) so much. Some say racialism has caused great evil, but religious exclusvism has historically caused more wickedness, war, and murder.
These are the proofs that Christianity is not "The One True Way":
1. If the Christian God was the One True God, the Only God that Exists and the only entitity that can actually render Help, then why do non-Christian religions continue to exist? If all other religions are impotent shams, then how has the majority of the world's population managed to maintain non-Christian religions against the mighty power of the One True Religion?
2. Since the Bible provably contradicts scientific fact and itself in several places, the its veracity can be questioned. If parts can be questioned, the veracity of all can be questioned.
3.Southern Knight wrote "There is not one single human being who can attest to what lies beyond this life because, in order to do so, THEY MUST HAVE DIED!"
This is not quite true. Some persons have temporarily "died" and brought back compelling and consistent descriptions of what they experienced. But these descriptions do not support the Christian model. People see dead relatives or pets as often as they see Jesus. Some non-Christians have met Allah, Buddha, etc, instead of the purported lake of fire. Even non-religous persons have seen simular things. It seems that practically every decent person has a happy-luvey near-death experience, Christian or no, and the non-Christians certainly don't seem to get tossed in a lake of fire.
Furthermore, there are hard-to-explain cases of reincarnation, definetely in defiance of the Christian model.
Finally, the persons in every human society over the eons who have shown some talent for communicating with the spirit world do not report it to be ruled by Christian God, or any other monarch for that matter.
Therefore, there is no hard evidence that Christianity is "The One True Way", inconsistincies with it's Holy Scriptures, and the evidence we do have of a supernatural world does not support Christianity as "The One True Way."
At this point, I must make the caveat, I am not arguing that Christianity is not A WAY. I do not set out to prove that Christianity is all bunko, that Christians won't go to Christian heaven, or, Dios Vos, that Christians will all be tossed in a lake of fire. That is what Christians believe about other religions, not what I believe.
My point is that you and other Christians always respond to argument's about Christianity involving social utility or personal taste by claiming that social utility and personal taste do not matter, because "Christianity is the One True Way". Since I have offered unassailable evidence that Christianity is not The One True Religion, pragmatic social utilty and personal taste is back into play, and constitute valid arguments for religious view, especially mine. This contradicts your (presumed) theory that I am a Heathen because I am ignorant of religion, Christianity, and the evidence that exists about the supernatural realm,(provably false) or because I am just fundamentally evil somehow. (Harder to disprove, but such prima facia assumptions don't lead to a very civil discussion, now do they?)
Edited by: White_Savage