Town too white? Get ready for more cultural enrichment


Dec 19, 2010
A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.â€
Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school — all to document “inequalities†between minorities and whites.
This Orwellian-style stockpile of statistics includes a vast and permanent network of discrimination databases, which Obama already is using to make “disparate impact†cases against: banks that don’t make enough prime loans to minorities; schools that suspend too many blacks; cities that don’t offer enough Section 8 and other low-income housing for minorities; and employers who turn down African-Americans for jobs due to criminal backgrounds.
Big Brother Barack wants the databases operational before he leaves office, and much of the data in them will be posted online.
So civil-rights attorneys and urban activist groups will be able to exploit them to show patterns of “racial disparities†and “segregation,†even if no other evidence of discrimination exists.
Obama is presiding over the largest consolidation of personal data in US history.
[h=3]Housing database[/h] The granddaddy of them all is the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing database, which the Department of Housing and Urban Development rolled out earlier this month to racially balance the nation, ZIP code by ZIP code. It will map every US neighborhood by four racial groups — white, Asian, black or African-American, and Hispanic/Latino — and publish “geospatial data†pinpointing racial imbalances.

The agency proposes using nonwhite populations of 50% or higher as the threshold for classifying segregated areas.
Federally funded cities deemed overly segregated will be pressured to change their zoning laws to allow construction of more subsidized housing in affluent areas in the suburbs, and relocate inner-city minorities to those predominantly white areas. HUD’s maps, which use dots to show the racial distribution or density in residential areas, will be used to select affordable-housing sites.
HUD plans to drill down to an even more granular level, detailing the proximity of black residents to transportation sites, good schools, parks and even supermarkets. If the agency’s social engineers rule the distance between blacks and these suburban “amenities†is too far, municipalities must find ways to close the gap or forfeit federal grant money and face possible lawsuits for housing discrimination.
Civil-rights groups will have access to the agency’s sophisticated mapping software, and will participate in city plans to re-engineer neighborhoods under new community outreach requirements.
“By opening this data to everybody, everyone in a community can weigh in,†Obama said. “If you want affordable housing nearby, now you’ll have the data you need to make your case.â€
[h=3]Mortgage database[/h] Meanwhile, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, headed by former Congressional Black Caucus leader Mel Watt, is building its own database for racially balancing home loans. The so-called National Mortgage Database Project will compile 16 years of lending data, broken down by race, and hold everything from individual credit scores and employment records.
Mortgage contracts won’t be the only financial records vacuumed up by the database. According to federal documents, the repository will include “all credit lines,†from credit cards to student loans to car loans — anything reported to credit bureaus. This is even more information than the IRS collects.
The FHFA will also pry into your personal assets and debts and whether you have any bankruptcies. The agency even wants to know the square footage and lot size of your home, as well as your interest rate.
FHFA will share the info with Obama’s brainchild, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which acts more like a civil-rights agency, aggressively investigating lenders for racial bias.
The FHFA has offered no clear explanation as to why the government wants to sweep up so much sensitive information on Americans, other than stating it’s for “research†and “policymaking.â€
However, CFPB Director Richard Cordray was more forthcoming, explaining in a recent talk to the radical California-based Greenlining Institute: “We will be better able to identify possible discriminatory lending patterns.â€
[h=3]Credit database[/h] CFPB is separately amassing a database to monitor ordinary citizens’ credit-card transactions. It hopes to vacuum up some 900 million credit-card accounts — all sorted by race — representing roughly 85% of the US credit-card market. Why? To sniff out “disparities†in interest rates, charge-offs and collections.
[h=3]Employment database[/h] CFPB also just finalized a rule requiring all regulated banks to report data on minority hiring to an Office of Minority and Women Inclusion. It will collect reams of employment data, broken down by race, to police diversity on Wall Street as part of yet another fishing expedition.
[h=3]School database[/h] Through its mandatory Civil Rights Data Collection project, the Education Department is gathering information on student suspensions and expulsions, by race, from every public school district in the country. Districts that show disparities in discipline will be targeted for reform.
Those that don’t comply will be punished. Several already have been forced to revise their discipline policies, which has led to violent disruptions in classrooms.
Obama’s educrats want to know how many blacks versus whites are enrolled in gifted-and-talented and advanced placement classes.
Schools that show blacks and Latinos under-enrolled in such curricula, to an undefined “statistically significant degree,†could open themselves up to investigation and lawsuits by the department’s Civil Rights Office.
Count on a flood of private lawsuits to piggyback federal discrimination claims, as civil-rights lawyers use the new federal discipline data in their legal strategies against the supposedly racist US school system.
Even if no one has complained about discrimination, even if there is no other evidence of racism, the numbers themselves will “prove†that things are unfair.
Such databases have never before existed. Obama is presiding over the largest consolidation of personal data in US history. He is creating a diversity police state where government race cops and civil-rights lawyers will micromanage demographic outcomes in virtually every aspect of society.
The first black president, quite brilliantly, has built a quasi-reparations infrastructure perpetually fed by racial data that will outlast his administration.
Paul Sperry is a Hoover Institution media fellow and author of “The Great American Bank Robbery,†which exposes the racial politics behind the mortgage bust.


Oct 6, 2007
I also read this article yesterday. Could this be the thing that finally wakes up a meaningful number of the TV watching, smartphone-hypnotized sleepwalking zombie White masses? We can only hope so.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Can't wait. Bart Scott voice


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Pretty scary stuff. The federal government is way overstepping its bounds now (not that is hasn't been for the past several decades) - it should have no say in state or local matters. It totally ignores the broken black family, welfare, failed government programs as the reasons blacks are not succeeding in moving out of their ghettos. Rather than working for a better life, a middle class attitude and assimilation with America the government is going to blame whitey for all the failures within the black community. It's social engineering that is bound to fail. Importing failed people into smaller cities and towns will only expose more of white amerika to the truth and cause further racial tension (which at this point is a good thing). Hopefully the next president and congress put an end to this social engineering project as it is designed to further attack and destroy the mostly white middle class.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Pretty scary stuff. The federal government is way overstepping its bounds now (not that is hasn't been for the past several decades) - it should have no say in state or local matters. It totally ignores the broken black family, welfare, failed government programs as the reasons blacks are not succeeding in moving out of their ghettos. Rather than working for a better life, a middle class attitude and assimilation with America the government is going to blame whitey for all the failures within the black community. It's social engineering that is bound to fail. Importing failed people into smaller cities and towns will only expose more of white amerika to the truth and cause further racial tension (which at this point is a good thing). Hopefully the next president and congress put an end to this social engineering project as it is designed to further attack and destroy the mostly white middle class.

Obama's trying to do as much damage as he can. He's got what a year and a half left as president?! Unleashing this vile plan at the end of his term.. Quite disturbing doing his best to further decay America by spreading inner city filth around. Dark times.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Obama's trying to do as much damage as he can. He's got what a year and a half left as president?! Unleashing this vile plan at the end of his term.. Quite disturbing doing his best to further decay America by spreading inner city filth around. Dark times.

Yep, he is an unabashed racist against whites. I have yet to hear him make any sort of comments or speech on the muslim who killed the four white marines. He had no issue spinning up a storm to attack the confederate flag though. I really hope more and more whites are waking up.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Yep, he is an unabashed racist against whites. I have yet to hear him make any sort of comments or speech on the muslim who killed the four white marines. He had no issue spinning up a storm to attack the confederate flag though. I really hope more and more whites are waking up.

On internet whites are fed up. Hopefully inreal life people are voicing their displeasures to their neighbors, friends,and family. Then eventually their displeasure with the establishment! Obama was sure right about change that bastard promised and he's delivered.
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Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
There was a link to this story on Drudge. The last two people in the video featured in the article are rational.

VIDEO: Liberals Sign Petition to Support “White Privilege Taxâ€
A 1% income tax on all white people to be redistributed to help "minority communities"

y Paul Joseph Watson | July 20, 2015
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As Barack Obama unveiled a new program to collect data on Americans by race in order to document “inequalities†between minorities and whites, Americans signed a petition to impose a “white privilege tax†on all Caucasians.


Mark Dice’s latest ‘man on the street’ stunt is perhaps his most outrageous yet, proving that leftists will advocate unbridled insanity so long as they are told it’s in the name of fighting racism.

Asked to sign the petition to support a 1% income tax on all white Americans in order to “even out the playing field†and redistribute the wealth amongst minority communities, the first man in the clip is incredulous that such a policy would pass but signs his name to it anyway.

After a Puerto Rican man signs the petition, another individual who admits he is a non resident asks for clarification, remarking, “so in other words, tax the white man?†before signing the paper.

“We’re gonna take the silver spoon out of the white people’s mouths and put it back into yours,†Dice tells an African American man who enthusiastically signs the petition before stating, “appreciate it, man!â€

A man wearing sunglasses then seems even more keen to support the white privilege tax, telling Dice, “You’re the kind of white dude I like, thank you…white dudes that promote this kind of stuff are aware of the white privilege.â€

“Honestly, that’s awesome!†the man enthuses after signing the petition.

Thankfully, a number of individuals refused to sign the petition, realizing that fighting racism by instituting racist policies was a dumb idea.

The timing of the stunt is appropriate given recent revelations of a new government program that isn’t a million miles away from the notion of a white privilege tax.

The New York Post reports on the White House’s new data collection program which will pry, “into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.â€

“This Orwellian-style stockpile of statistics includes a vast and permanent network of discrimination databases, which Obama already is using to make “disparate impact†cases against,†writes Paul Sperry.

The program will also put pressure on areas deemed too white to change zoning laws to allow construction of cheaper homes in affluent suburbs in order to “relocate inner-city minorities to those predominantly white areas.â€

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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Quiet Speed, I love your new avatar partner! :)

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
Thanks DD. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used the tag you gave that senator from South Carolina. Flimsey. lol. Truly the best.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I don't see how HUD can legally get away with doing anything like this. They are stepping all over state and local governments and going way out of their sphere of influence. This is just another step towards pushing white people over the edge. I hope this gets fought Through legislation or lawsuits. It truly is amazing that Obama can be allowed to get away with this. Where are all the constitutional scholars and lawyers at? Things should have never been allowed to reached this point.

The president does not enforce the borders, does not speak up when citizens are killed by illegals (the blood is on his hands), touts Islam as a religion of peace - does not respect or even recognize the murder of the 4 marines and 1 sailor (all white), panders to the dysfunctional black community and incites riots and encourages continued ignorance, emboldens them to attack whites, does not treat white people equally under the law - treats them as second class citizens. He
could be impeached on all of those charges.

It really is amazing the damage he has done in less than 8 years. It's amazing so many white people are blinded and warped by cultural Marxism to accept this with a smile. The same idiots who voted him in. It does seem more and more are waking up though - not sure how many former liberals have converted but i think a lot of whites sitting on the sideline are being swayed over to the side of reason, self-preservation and common sense.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
There is nothing new about HUD's war on white America (redundant, I know). HUD is a weapon the radical integrationists have been using against white counties, towns and neighborhoods for decades.
Republican-types lately are excised about Obama's anti-white HUD agenda, as well as the Obama administration/Democrat Party policy of sanctuary cities for protection of illegal aliens. However, liberal Republican fanatic Jack Kemp, as George H.W. Bush's HUD Secretary, was a pioneer and co-conspirator in using HUD to integrate white enclaves. Kemp's program was called "Moving To Opportunity." As HUD Secretary, Kemp decreed HUD housing areas off-limits to immigration enforcement officers, explicitly calling them sanctuaries.
Kemp's successor, Henry Cisneros, remarked that he never had to ask for a greater budget or more leeway to devise programs because Jack Kemp had already done the heavy lifting (getting Congress to massively expand HUD power).
One famous case of forced neighborhood integration by the fedgov is the mid-1990's case in which Carter-appointee US District Judge Jerry Buchmeyer ordered the town of Sunnyvale, Texas (a Dallas suburb) to build "low income housing." The robed tyrant opined that Sunnyvale's one acre lot minimum unfairly excluded minorities from the majory-white town. According to the 2010 Census, Sunnyvale's white population is down to 68%.
Yonkers, New York experienced the same federal tyranny in the late 1980s. Town officials initially refused to devise a plan to build "low income housing," some even served jail time for defying the feds. But the federal steamroller does not relent.
HUD is the most destructive fedgov agency. Period.