Top 5 Toughest QB

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
From ESPN Insider, Steve Muench, Scouts Inc:

He lists the following quarterbacks as the toughest in the league. Given the state of the caste system in the NFL, does this list actually surprise anybody?

1) Brett Favre
2) Steve McNair
3) Donovan McNabb
4) Drew Bledsoe
5) Byron Leftwich
Lets see, how many games has Peyton Manning missed in his career? Oh that's right, NONE! McNair gets injured every other play, he is not even in the top 30! Honestly beyond Favre, noone belongs on this list! The only suprise is that Vick is not on there.
His top ten would probably include all the black starting QB's in the league. Byron Leftwich is on the list? Why not Tom Brady who has played twice as many games?I read an article from a writer who thought McNair's reputation for toughness was undeserved. He felt many of his injuries were not serious and he over dramatized them to avoid practicing. Oh, but he willed his body to perform, would not take no for an answer.

Which reminds me of a pet peeve. How often do we hear of a player who has the flu or virus or spraind ankle or some sort of malady, yet takes the field and performs as well if not better than ever. I don't buy this. A few years ago I was hit with a virus that totally drained me of all energy. I could not get out of bed without having the room seem to spin around and would crash to the floor. No way could I play any sport particularly football and perform well.

I've had back spasms that caused me to black out and had a rotator - cuff injury to an arm which made it almost impossible to raise several inches from my side. If you placed a gun at my head and told me to raise it or die, I couldn't have done it. Nothing to do with will power. Some guys can play with a higher pain threshhold and some may recover quickly butno one is exempt from the laws of nature.

Of course we have the superman who can will his body to perform...BS.If it appears to be so, he probably was not hurt as badly as supposed. I remember Ray Nitschke galloping along with a bum leg and have seen players play in pain but still, there are limits.
What stupidity.

Notice how when they've got a list of something GOOD, they manage to squeeze blacks into it, even it's totally inappropriate? Or vis versa, if it's a list of athletes acting BAD, they manage to squeeze in Whites?

But if it's the "Sports List" top 10 running backs, they didn't manage to squeeze in ONE non-black.
Steve Mcnair is not tough...he's injury prone. Peyton Manning
will break Favre's consecutive starts streak. Didn't Manning play
a season with a broken jaw a few years ago?
The only two I agree on with that list is Favre and McNair. McNair plays through injuries which is very tough and Favre is like the energiser bunny. The other three are weak. I have no Idea how they could be even entered as potential canidates for that list. For Christ Sake even Chris Chandler is tougher than McNabb
Peyton Manning is not tough. He has a good offensive line, so he really doesn't take many licks out there on the field. I promise you...if he took one good one, he'd be wrecked-- add that to the fact that he has no real mobility. He'd get creamed.

Donovan McNabb. He's stupid for going out there and playing in his condition, but he's tough as hell for his performance this past Sunday against the Chiefs.

Favre is the toughest out of all of them. Over two hundred straight starts...that's awesome.
JayDukes said:
Peyton Manning is not tough.  He has a good offensive line, so he really doesn't take many licks out there on the field.  I promise you...if he took one good one, he'd be wrecked-- add that to the fact that he has no real mobility.  He'd get creamed.

Curious isn't it JayDukes, that Manning with his "no real mobility" and Tom Brady, with what I'm sure you also consider as "no real mobility" get sacked much less than Michael Vick and your boy Culpepper. In fact Vick was the most sacked QB in the NFL last year, Manning the least. How could that be???? Must have nothing to do with pocket presence and sensing and avoiding pressure, and everything to do with offensive lines, right? Maybe playing quarterback consists of a lot more than one's 40-yard dash time.
Maybe it has something to do with the ability to actually read a defense, check down on your reads, and get rid of the ball on time, too. The Patriots and Colts playbook consists of far more plays than "Pass Right, Pass Left, Pass Middle, and RUN," yet they have no problem getting the ball to their WR, unlike the scatter shot Vick and the interception-fumble prone Culpepper.
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