Time for change


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Thanks Bear-Arms,so sad to know that so many Whites still feel that diversity is our strength,when in fact,it is our greatest weakness!
Ron Paul called Obama a fraud today on CNN. It was awesome.
The irony is the USA will not be 'the' country of any one of those races pictured, either. Anyone who think blacks and Mexicans will share a nation together is mistaken.
Looks like the cast of the typical TV commercial minus the white guy who plays the buffoon/idiot of the group.
What in the heck is the one between the Arab and the East-Asian? The more I look at it, the more I'm baffled. It has a muzzle like an animal, lips like an African and the dirty skin tone of a Mestizo... Why do I get the impression it can't comprehend numbers beyond 10?
Bear-Arms, where did you find this ad? This isn't a legit pro Obama, is it? It's a spoof, right?
Of course the black guy is wearing a suit and tie. He must be the civilized one and the one the women will want. I'm surprised they don't have him wearing a Harvard sweater.
The irony is the USA will not be 'the' country of any one of those races pictured, either. Anyone who think blacks and Mexicans will share a nation together is mistaken.

Anybody who thinks that any racecancoexist together in any shape or form is just plain disillusioned or just stupid. I thinkit's usually the latter. I think it's just a combination of religion andeconomics. These two factors are the main forces behind this race mixing. Equailty and belef in any kind of reigionto meare the biggest myths of all time.When the sheeple finally wake up and realize this then the fight can begin. But I don't expect that anytime soon.
Don Wassall said:
Looks like the cast of the typical TV commercial minus the white guy who plays the buffoon/idiot of the group.

Sad but true! Look at most "Sheeplevision" sit-coms and commericals...the white guy is always the incompetent goofball, lunkhead, villianous redneck or a scrawny little welp (David Spade, etc.).This Obuma ad is just standard pro-caste propaganda by the Globalist Elite controlled minions.