Time conversions

I don't have the actual calculation available but I will look into it.I have seen it many times on sites like the IAAF.org or Track&fieldnews.com on the message boards.

In general,you could equate a 6.50 in the 60 meters to approximatley at 10.00 in the 100 meters.That is why Andrey Yepishin running a 6.52 in the 60 last weekend was such a big deal.When any sprinter can get into that range,you are truely,world class!I hope this helps.
I have seen this formula used, which seems to be pretty accurate:

100m time = (2*60m time) - 3.00

So, a 6.50 would be 10.00. Yepishin's 6.52 would be a 10.04. Add a little tailwind to that and he breaks 10.00.
Edited by: SteveB
This Yepishin guy is the fastest Ruskie to come along in a while, and I can't help but see it as kind of instructive that there is very little to be found about the guy on the internet...Russian culture has a pretty sizeable presense on the 'net, and just about any mid-level Russian hockey player will have dozens of photos and write-ups floating around, but I couldn't find even a single decent pic (>200 pixels) or write-up on this guy... Imagine what would happen if Russia actually CARED about track?
Track is virtually dead in Russia on the male side. Supposedly because the sport is relatively poorly paid. The best Russian athletes want to play soccer, hockey, basketball or box and very few athletes want to run or throw or jump in track and field anymore.......
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