The quarterback who was just too good.
by Jimmy Chitwood
"The NFL
needs a dynamic athlete who can run and throw. He will revolutionize the quarterback position."Â
Football fans have been inundated with that media message for decades ... but the NFL doesn't want that guy to be Tim Tebow.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com


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Since the outcry for an "athlete"Â at quarterback began, fans have beenrelentlessly "informed"by media messages that insist there is "systemic racism"Â by college and NFL football teams opposing opportunities for black quarterbacks. This, we're told, is why there aren't hordes of black quarterbacks who can fill the bill.<O




In reality the exact opposite is true. <O




The fact of the matter is the caste system has done its best to force-feed the masses a steady diet of atrocious excuses for quarterbacks, what we at Caste Football refer to as a "black quarterback."Â With the endorsement of biased "scouting"Â services that artificially enhance the comparative abilities of black high school athletes, a steady stream of "electric"Â black quarterbacks has stacked the rosters of college programs across the country. And for better than two decades sports outlets such as ESPN have filled the public's mind with assertions that, "So and so [insert any black guy's name here] is a game-changer,"Â to give "validity"Â to the notion that fans are actually seeing the best players available. This scripted sermon is given religiously every Saturday despite the obvious fact that most of these "electrifying playmakuhs"Â aren't even marginally effective at throwing the football.<O




The truth is, the Powers That Be have been dreaming of aplayerlike Tim Tebow who would revolutionize the quarterback position for decades now ... only Tebow is the wrong color to be "that" quarterback. Or should I say black quarterback? <O




How many times have we been regaled with mythological tales (these are more correctly known as lies) about some affirmative action project taking the snaps who can throw the ball 80 yards in the air from his knees AND run like a tailback AND has the type of leadership skills that willlift his teammates to new heights? <O




The answer, of course, is that we've heard these liesevery single time a team trots out a new black quarterback ... and we continue to hear them until it becomes so obvious that saidindividual is such a piss poor shadow of what a real quarterback should be that even the Drunken White Fans realize he's an inadequatefacade. Then they trot out the next "game changer," and begin the lies anew.<O




The evidence of these failed "phenoms" is abundant in the NFL. The horrifying Kordell Stewart experiment. Colossal busts Akili Smith, Tavaris Jackson, JaMarcus Russell, Quincy Carter, Charlie Batch. The felonious novelty act Mike Vick. This year, Miami's head coach promised Pat White a shot to be the starter for the Dolphins "¦ and didn't laugh! For the record, White appeared in 13 games for the Dolphins and didn't complete a pass.<O




[As an aside, since the latter stages of Randall Cunningham's career, when he too became a pocket passer, the successful black quarterbacks have been traditional drop-back passers "¦ even those who began their careers as good runners "¦ from the adequate game-managers (Aaron Brooks and Jason Campbell) to the terribly inconsistent but sometimes brilliant (Donovan McNabb and Daunte Fumblepepper).]<O




Therein lies the problem with the White Knight. <O




You see, Tebowactuallydoes have the athleticism, passing prowess, and leadership ability that the talking heads have been craving all this time. Only he isn't black. <O




"Sadly," Tebow is very, very White. And not only in skin tone, butin character, as well. He's a great player who is also a great guy ... and he's too much like the heroes from classic, golden-age movies (when bigger-than-life characters were portrayed by White men) to be allowed.<O




As such, they have done everything within their power to destroy Tim Tebow's NFL future, as they have tried to do with that mythic figure in White America's consciousness. <O




Just take a look at the "news"Â reports coming out regarding his prospects as a potential NFL quarterback. It's as if all the "experts"Â who are quoted arereading from ascript:<O




"The biggest question that I have is that so much of his success was based on his run skills and competitiveness. In the N.F.L., that won't work."Â<O
"He doesn't have the pure passing skills, accuracy, or throw the ball well enough vertically. His mechanics are flawed and his throwing motion is awkward."Â<O
"I don't know how you take a kid in the first round, who you are going to have to change absolutely everything he does, his drop, his delivery."Â<O
"He has a windup delivery. He carries the ball too low. And he needs to read progressions. He's a helluva player, but how do you make him a first-round pick when you have to change so much?"<O
"Danny Wuerffel was a winner, too."<O
"He has a long delivery, and he probably doesn't know how to read defenses. He's inconsistent with his accuracy, and you have to question whether he can anticipate in the pocket. Plus, he never played under center. I'd have to put him on the board to see how smart he is, but I can't see him going in the first round. No way."


If they allow Tebow an opportunity, then it is possible that the old powers of our people would begin to re-surface in the common man's mind. That's why all the "problems" with Tebow are repeated incessantly, when in reality the "problems"are actually just the opposite. In fact, if he were black, these "problems" we keep hearing about would actually be referred to by another term (one that is always associated with the negro afflete).<O


That word is upside.<O




You see, all Tebow's negative issues are technique related. He has sloppy footwork. He has an elongated throwing motion. His accuracy is sometimes erratic. He rarely has taken snaps from under center. <O




Six years ago (in the 2004 Draft) there was another quarterback who was tremendously successful at the college level, who was also a physically imposing athlete that threw with incredible accuracy, but who was torn apart by scouts for his "huge"Â issues of an unusual throwing motion and questionable arm strength. Not coincidentally, this quarterback was also White. His name was Philip Rivers.<O




For anyone who is wondering, he's turned out to be okay.<O




After honing his craft behind Drew Brees for a couple of years, Rivers was named the starter in 2006. By 2008, Rivers had the highest quarterback rating in the NFL with a league leading 34 Touchdown passes.<O




Like Rivers, ALL of Tebow's issues are readily correctable and improvable ifhe has a strong work ethic and good coaching from the people who are paid to improve quarterbacks' technique. They are called quarterback coaches. Tebow certainly has the work ethic, as we all know. And since his "issues" are correctable, he has tremendous potential to improve because of his upside. He has been incredibly dominant (88 career touchdown passes and 57 career touchdown runs in his record-setting collegiate career) while still having huge areas of improvement that can be tapped into ...which is what we're told time and again that "talent scouts" are looking for in a player.<O




And that's just the thing. Tebow has everything else the position needs, at leastwith regard tothe mental and physical aspects of the game. He has the arm. He has the speed. The strength. The toughness. The leadership skills. The desire to be THE BEST.


And while unfunny jokes like Pat White and Mike Vick and Vince Young and so forth are taking snaps on a weekly basis in the NFL, the "experts" want Tebow to be a linebacker or fullback or tight end. Yeah, that sounds like logic to me.


That's why "they" don't want him to have a chance. Because he would be what they've always wanted ... except that he'd do it while being White.<O


Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood