Tiger Woods

Sally Jenkins of The Washington Post provides today's Tiger worshipping article. After speculating how a golfer could come to need four knee surgeries, she attributes it to his superhuman qualities. Personally, I'm hoping Tiger's one-fourth Negro background is responsible for accelerating health problems and a premature decline in abilities, as happens so often to black athletesin other sports.

<H1 itxtvisited="1">ACL won't be Tiger's long-term issue</H1>
<H2 itxtvisited="1">Stress fractures are the more puzzling, and troubling, problem</H2>
http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/25339174/site/21683474/page/2/Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
<H2 itxtvisited="1">Stress fractures are the more puzzling, and troubling, problem</H2>

My cynical nature causes me to suspect the highly driven and competitive Woods of using steroids. In the future we maybe toldthat he had been taking them for years. The explanation will be they wereprescribed by his doctors to mend his ailing body.Or perhaps the steroids were theinitial cause of the problem?

[url]http://www.buzzle.com/articles/stress-fractures-hairline-fra ctures.html[/url]

External Causes of Stress Fractures
<LI>Aggressive training program: Rapid increase in duration and intensity of workouts
<LI>Improper footwear: Shoes with faulty cushioning or worn-out shoes cause low shock absorbing capacity
<LI>Training surface: Hard and uneven surfaces
<LI>Medications : Long term use of steroids
<LI>Cigarette smoking</LI>[/list]

Intrinsic Reasons of Stress Fractures
Most of all stress fractures occur in the legs and foot as they are subjected to maximum weight bearing
<LI>Foot Structure: Instability and inappropriate weight bearing due to high arched foot increases pressure on leg bones leading to fractures
<LI>Bone density: Osteopenia and osteoporosis make the bones frail on account of the reduced mineral bone density
<LI>Muscle system: Weaker muscles or reduced flexibility of muscles increase stress on related bones. Women are more prone to stress fractures as they have lesser bulk of muscle mass compared to men. Lesser muscle girth means low shock absorption
<LI>Inadequate nutrition: Low intake of calcium and vitamin D. Abnormal eating habits like fasting, binge eating or use of laxatives
<LI>Medical conditions: Hyperparathyroidism, Osteosarcoma
<LI>Hormonal conditions: Oestrogen deficiency, menstrual dysfunction and amenorrhea
<LI>Any coinciding injury can cause reverse compensation by overloading the bones and joints leading to stress fractures
<LI>Adolescents : Developing bones in teenage is one of the risk factors</LI>[/list]
I've wondered about Woods and steroids for a long time. Seemingly every single reporter marvels constantly at his physique but none ever notice how dramatically it's changed. Like Barry Bonds, Woods has gone from skinny to very muscular.

We're always told what a workout warrior Woods is, but never presented with any evidence. We have to just take Tiger's word for it, like with everything else. As I noted above, the media never pursues Woods; his personal life remains untouchable with no questions asked. And the one question that will never be asked is the one about steroids. The pathetic establishment in this country has vaulted Woods to cartoonish god-like status and they have too much invested in him maintaining his aura. They must be praying that Woods' Asian and white blood will prevent him from following in the path of so many previous non-threateningblack athletes turned criminals.
I think it's perfectly legit to speculate about Woods and possible steroid use. The first thing that came to my mind after I heard the details of his injury was "too much muscle on not enough bone."

But of course the MSM will never speculate about their saint. Woods would have to be filmed shoving a syringe in his arse for the MSM to take notice. And I'm not too sure they'd care even then.
Very interesting. Tiger very well could be. Again, innocent until proven guilty but this is a pretty good piece of evidence. But in the end, I agree with Poacher. Even if they do catch him using roids, the only asterik by his name will be for his against "all odds" win in the U.S. Open instead of his possible roiding
.Edited by: mrjohnnynofear
Don Wassall said:
I've wondered about Woods and steroids for a long time. Seemingly every single reporter marvels constantly at his physique but none ever notice how dramatically it's changed. Like Barry Bonds, Woods has gone from skinny to very muscular.

We're always told what a workout warrior Woods is, but never presented with any evidence. We have to just take Tiger's word for it, like with everything else. As I noted above, the media never pursues Woods; his personal life remains untouchable with no questions asked. And the one question that will never be asked is the one about steroids. The pathetic establishment in this country has vaulted Woods to cartoonish god-like status and they have too much invested in him maintaining his aura. They must be praying that Woods' Asian and white blood will prevent him from following in the path of so many previous non-threatening black athletes turned criminals.
Woods who was getting fat like most pro golfers, all of sudden had a physique similar to a baseball player. Steroid use is a possibility. When Gary Player was talking about steroids and golf he might as well said Tiger as he is the only world class player that remotely has a physique like a roider.
white is right said:
Woods who was getting fat like most pro golfers, all of sudden had a physique similar to a baseball player. Steroid use is a possibility. When Gary Player was talking about steroids and golf he might as well said Tiger as he is the only world class player that remotely has a physique like a roider.

When Player made his comments, Woods was quoted as saying golfers should be tested for steroids. Tiger's bulletproof when it comes to the media.
Care to guess as to who is on the cover of SI this week?

Edited by: Poacher
Don Wassall said:
I've wondered about Woods and steroids for a long time.  Seemingly every single reporter marvels constantly at his physique but none ever notice how dramatically it's changed.  Like Barry Bonds, Woods has gone from skinny to very muscular. 

We're always told what a workout warrior Woods is, but never presented with any evidence.  We have to just take Tiger's word for it, like with everything else.  As I noted above, the media never pursues Woods; his personal life remains untouchable with no questions asked.  And the one question that will never be asked is the one about steroids.  The pathetic establishment in this country has vaulted Woods to cartoonish god-like status and they have too much invested in him maintaining his aura.  They must be praying that Woods' Asian and white blood will prevent him from following in the path of so many previous non-threatening black athletes turned criminals.
Tiger gained maybe 10 pounds over the years .If you have a good training program and eat correctly you could gain that in a year of hard work.

And Tiger with the money to buy the best trainers and the time for it can not gain 10 pounds ?
His physique has changed quite a bit. Just watch any tournament he's in and you'll hear the white announcers oohing and aahing over it. I'm not saying he did or didn't use steroids, only that Woods is immune from scrutiny and criticism. He's much too important to the Caste System as a symbol of their crumbling myth ofblack supremacy (even though he's only one-fourth black). If one were to discuss possible steroids use in golf, who is the logical choice to bring into the discussion? But logic is often irrelevant when it comes to the Caste System and the differing standards, on and off the field of play,that white and black athletes are held to.
One reason they ohh and ahh is because he actually tries to win EVERY time. Thats what the sponsors love. His committment to excellence and giving his all everytime he tees it up. As a sponsor who wouldnt want that in golf. A player that almost NEVER misses the cut, consistent top 10 finishes, and HUGE number of wins. Great way to get your product on the TV.
michiganblkman said:
One reason they ohh and ahh is because he actually tries to win EVERY time. Thats what the sponsors love. His committment to excellence and giving his all everytime he tees it up. As a sponsor who wouldnt want that in golf. A player that almost NEVER misses the cut, consistent top 10 finishes, and HUGE number of wins. Great way to get your product on the TV.

Michigan: There`s some truth to what you say. He is quite a competitor, and there are some notable white golfers who need to get mentally tougher.

Just curious about your opinion on Tiger Woods and his physique, though. Do you think he is clean or is he using PEDs?

Also, when is that expected wave of black golfers going to inundate the PGA fairways? The MSM predicted it a decade ago. Is Tiger just not black enough with his Asian half to truly inspire young black kids to hit the links? What`s the problem, Michigan?
Van_Slyke_CF said:
michiganblkman said:
One reason they ohh and ahh is because he actually tries to win EVERY time. Thats what the sponsors love. His committment to excellence and giving his all everytime he tees it up. As a sponsor who wouldnt want that in golf. A player that almost NEVER misses the cut, consistent top 10 finishes, and HUGE number of wins. Great way to get your product on the TV.

Michigan: There`s some truth to what you say. He is quite a competitor, and there are some notable white golfers who need to get mentally tougher.

Just curious about your opinion on Tiger Woods and his physique, though. Do you think he is clean or is he using PEDs?

Also, when is that expected wave of black golfers going to inundate the PGA fairways? The MSM predicted it a decade ago. Is Tiger just not black enough with his Asian half to truly inspire young black kids to hit the links? What`s the problem, Michigan?

To answer your first question about PEDs.
As for Tiger, I am 95% sure he is clean. Why am I not 100% sure?
Lets look at the list of types that have used or have rumoured to have used HGH/PEDs recently.
1. Track and Field athletes- understandable
2. Weight lifters- understandable
3. Tour de France competitors- understandable
4. Baseball players- This sort of surprised me in the beginning.
5. Roger Clemens wife in preparation for a photo shoot. HGH- This one caught me TOTALLY off guard
6. Rumoured that other hollywood types and enteratainers have used HGH- Caught me off guard also.
With this comparison, thats why I have the 5% unsure factor. It seems like a lot of people are jumping on the HGH/PED bandwagon as of late.
In Tigers defense, I personally know several people that have transformed their looks just by diet and exercise alone.
A few of these people are listed on my MYSPACE page if you want to check them out. I country western dance with these people on a regular basis so i have seen their physical metamorphosis appear gradually.
Just so you can check them out,and you are more than welcomed too (same ID as this one), they are listed on my page as SUPERMAN, Robin Zamp, and ZACH.
These are some of the most disciplined people i know when it comes to diet and exercise regimen.
If they can do it on a limited budget, could Tiger do it with unlimited professional advice resources? I think yes.
To play devils advocate, could all three of my friends be deceiving me? Unfortunately the answer to that is yes also. I would like to think that scenario is unlikely because they are all good friend of mine.
This may or may not be off topic, but a few years back I was dating a woman, an M.D.
,that was giving botox parties for middle aged women out of her house weekly to make extra money on the side.
I felt really let down when she revealed this to me and we broke up soon after that.
In my mind Botox=HGH=PEDs,and in my opinion was she capable of ALL of this? Yes.
I only mentioned this as a testament that we can be fooled by even people that we think we are close too.
So my answer to the first question is I am 95% sure Tiger is clean, 5% unsure.

To answer your second question. "when is that expected wave of black golfers going to inundate the PGA fairways?"
My short is answer is "I dont know", but those types of answers are never fun to give in a discussion forum.
Here is my take on it. I live in Pontiac, Michigan, of the blackest areas in the Oakland Country area of Michigan.
I golf at Pontiac Municipal Golf Course, the local public course here on a semi regular basis and i rarely see younger black people out golfing.
I had and experience while at that golf course a few weeks back. while playing my round on a Sunday morning I ran into a white teenager that played
for one of the on of the local High Schools, Royal Oak HS. Royal Oak is a predominately white suburb of the greater detroit area.
He was out "scouting out the course" because his HS team has a match there the following day, Monday.
Smart of him to recon the course. whilst playing we were engaged in idle chatter when the subject of how is HS team was doing that year.
He went on to mention some of the schools they had on the schedule and what the team strengths of those schools were.
I am vaguely familiar with what schools in the area are "white" and which ones are "black".
When he mentioned the "black" schools, he basically said they werent a threat to win. Further confirmation that there is not much young black golfing talent in my area.
When I go out to the golf ranges, Carl's Golfland on telegraph road, I rarely see young blacks on the range hitting balls as well.
In contrast, I have a few friends that are involved in with local youth in other sports such as football, basketball, etc and those
programs are filled with black youth. So from where i live, in a area of a high concentration of blacks, i dont see where the interests in golf has really taken hold.
You brought up an interesting issue in your question "Is Tiger just not black enough with his Asian half to truly inspire young black kids to hit the links?", I have heard this from both blacks and whites and there maybe some truth to it. My take on it is, most youth dont see golf/tennis/soccer, to lump these sports together, as an exciting enough sport.
to get involved wholeheartedly. Freddy Adu didnt pull young black youth into soccer. The Williams sisters didnt pull black youth into tennis(or Arthur Ashe for that matter). The same is with Tiger, from my view, he didnt pull black youth into golf in the massive numbers as originally predicted.
michiganblkman said:
To answer your first question about PEDs.
As for Tiger, I am 95% sure he is clean.

Well, if you are 95% sure that he is clean,thenI am 100% sure you are naive or disingenuous. Edited by: Bart
Mr. Generous:
<H2>Tiger Woods' bad tip </H2>

Waitstaff of the world, be warned: When Tiger Woods walks into your eatery, don't expect a gratuity after the meal is over. While he may have a golden grip on his golf clubs, he has a pretty firm grasp on his wallet, too. "Whenever Tiger was in Las Vegas, there was a woman who would hang out with his group, sort of as a local guide," says our source. "They would have a great time but Tiger never tips. Ever. She had to stop going out with him because it would cost her three or four hundred bucks every time they went out, since she had to keep tipping for him. Even though he paid the bill, people knew her, so [to not leave a gratuity] would reflect badly on her." Here's a tip for Tiger: Even 10 percent is better than nothing!

Here's Tiger's newborn son. Tiger is one-fourth black but the media treats him as a full-blooded Negro; will his son also be "black"?

Here are the current headlines on ESPN's golf page:

"Foil for Tiger More Important Than Ever" from which we learn: "Golf got a glimpse it did not want to see, a brief view into the future. Tiger Woods left the game for nearly nine months and the general reaction was you might as well take down the flagsticks and cover up the holes. No point in even growing grass, really."

"Tiger Tracker"

"Tiger's Return Full of Uncertainty"

"Tiger's In It to Win It at Match Play"

"Tiger Explains His Decision on Comeback"

"Sportsnation: How Many Tiger Majors in '09"

"McCarron Takes Two Shot Lead at Riviera"

If at some point tomorrow morning or afternoon, the entire earth shakes for a bit, or the poles switch, or the sun burns extra brightly, or if trumpets can be heard blowing from the heavens, it will be the heralding of the most anticipated event in human history -- Tiger Woods teeing off at the Match Play Championship, his first competitive round since the U.S. Open last June.

At the course in Marana, Arizona where the event is taking place, several hundred middle aged white men posing as journalists will simultaneously yell with delight and shed tears of pure blissful joy andthen hold hands andengage in a mass circle jerk as their heroand his manly physique strides to the first tee and commences his round. Few will be able to sleep tonight as the anticipation builds. . .
Who gives a sh*t about Woods new baby? Why the hell does the media even cover it. Athletes have kids all the time, what's so special about his half-breed rug rat?? Oh, I get it, it's a chance to show the destruction of another line of white DNA. Makes sense now.
jaxvid said:
Who gives a sh*t about Woods new baby? Why the hell does the media even cover it. Athletes have kids all the time, what's so special about his half-breed rug rat?? Oh, I get it, it's a chance to show the destruction of another line of white DNA. Makes sense now.

Agreed. Little freaks of nature including Tiger.
I have no problem with interracial romances and marriages, as long as they really love each other. But when the media goes nuts over something like this, then to sh*t with them all!!!

If Michael Phelps or Dirk Nowitzki ever got married and had a family, it will be the snooze for the media. By the way, I'm amazed how people make a big deal over something like this, marriages like this (interracial) seem really boring to me nowadays. I find it a sight to see when two blonds get married, it's as rare as spotting an endangered species.
Woods is NOT even black, he's HALF-Asian!!!!

The baby is actually 50% WHITE, 25% black, and 25% Asian.

So in technical terms, the baby is actually WHITE!!!!!

But many stinking wiggers don't see it that way!
American Freedom News