Tiger Woods - and the media connundrum


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I'm not proclaiming to be an "expert" on Tiger Wood's, but I can see what the media is implying and insinuating.

There is something bigger going on that trumps being able to hit a golf ball. Bear with me. It also speaks to the dumbing-down of White people, and it may be why many blacks can see right through Tiger Woods.

As for Obama being elected, Tiger Woods essentially hailed it as "a victory for a growing mixed race American population." Anyone surprised? I think black people already figured that Woods was more "globalist" compared to anything related to pro-blackness. Here's Part 1 of the issue:

If I'm not mistaken, the media portrays Tiger as the lone "black" fighting through a minefield of Whiteys and thriving. Essentially, Tiger is portrayed as the "humble, clever and proud black man." My point being, there's a disconnect between the actual Tiger and the media portrayal of him. I also think that EVEN KING Tiger is unwilling to confront the Zionist media.

You may say that he doesn't need to confront the media, but the media sure has implied and insinuated a lot about Tiger and the racial future of golf. ESPN airs a program called "Say it Loud" (or something like that) every Black History Month. One of the stories is about a black golfer trying to get his pro card I reckon. He has a black wife and a young child. So the man is away from home a lot, apparently, trying to advance his golf career. Guess what happens next? The wife cries all over the place which gives the distinct impression that the husband is a "shackled slave" -- because EVERYTHING isn't being handed to him. Whitey is to blame! I wouldn't want my wife to act like everything should be handed to me. Shouldn't golf and sports be a "meritocracy?"

It goes without saying, that before the cry-me-a-river segment aired, they talked about Tiger Woods' black achievements.

Part 2:

Considering the way Tiger Woods is portrayed by the media, his personal life is clearly worth probing. It is not tacky or gossipy. Will the media consider his kids and grandkids as "black?" I saw his daughter recently and she looked Whitish. I'm not exactly sure how she's going to look as an adult, but I digress. I wonder how Tiger will feel if she "goes White" (it would produce even Whiter grandchildren) -- which is a strong possibility? Will he be "aracial" then?

Can you imagine watching a "documentary" - some years in the future - about "proud black man" Woods and seeing a bunch of faces (of family members) that look WHITE?!!

Some people don't want to delve into the subject of miscegenation, maybe even some on this site, proclaiming "it's a personal choice." Tiger and his wife chose what they chose; That's not being disputed. Intelligent adults should be able to have an intelligent discussion.

Could you imagine the media portraying a White male -- who had a black wife -- as a lone "proud White man" fighting for more representation for his people? That's why the dumbing-down was so important.

There are black males who realize that, if they choose a non-black woman, they are putting those women on a higher pedestal than their own women, their own mothers. Also, there wouldn't be much of a black race eventually. Black "celebs" seem to be relatively racially homogenous.

"Usher" married a black broad.
An ugly black guy married Beyonce.
Shelden Williams is marrying Candace Parker.

With all the Mexi's and Asians (yes, some Asians have mixed with blacks) that have invaded America, black consciousness appears to be growing and that's great. There aren't many African Americans that are distinctly West African (ala Dwight Howard snd Shawn Marion) in appearance, but many of these types won't dilute their race because the distinctness would be lost forever. Most AA's have garbled Congoloid faces...

Is this pretty good writing? I might want to be a writer.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I don't think Woods has ever regarded himself as Black. As for his grand kids or great-grand kids they will most likely be White as very few Blacks run in the social elite circles that Woods and his family interact with.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
The media is able to take down Presidents. Could it really be that even Tiger Woods "knows his place?"

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Tiger is very shrewd. I'm sure he's aware he can be "taken down" just as all public figures are aware of it.

My guess is he doesn't regard himself as black, but he knows he has to express concern for the "lack of black golfers" and anything else the media asks him about. He seems perfectly at ease in the White world of golf and his choice of a wife reflects that.

I seeWoods more as an example of what is the real trend that mosthave yet to realizebecause of their fixation on the small (and decreasing) amount of White women who like black men -- Asian-White couples, particularly White men and Asian women. The explosion of Asian women in popular advertising in the past couple of years shows that the media is well aware of it and is pushing it for all it's worth.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
Don Wassall said:
The explosion of Asian women in popular advertising in the past couple of years shows that the media is well aware of it and is pushing it for all it's worth. 

I think Asian women have always been shown in advertising since at least the '60s but definitely not in serious relations with Whites until very recently. Anyone remember the Lowe's commercial with the White man/Asian woman couple? Here's one that really struck me as unusual. An Asian girl is kicked out of the apartment by her White boyfriend (I take it their relationship has ended) and while she is walking aimlessly she is suddenly under the throes of a globalist, multi-culti, shiny happy people fantasyland. Well wouldn't you know--it's a commercial for the United Methodist Church!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I'm not saying they weren't shown in advertising before, but if you haven't noticed the huge increase in numbers recently (of Asian women, men, children, etc.) you aren't paying attention. Having an Asian in a commercial is becoming almost as commonplace as that of the "mandatory Negro."


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
I've noticed that on TV it's never okay to make fun of the "blackness" of blacks -- either male or female -- but it is okay to poke fun at whites (usually males), and various stereotypically humorous things about white people. Asian women are usually on TV as romantic interests to white or black males, and are usually whitewashed.

Asian or Middle Eastern men and to a lesser extent Native Americans are usually on TV for racially comedic purposes, when they are on TV at all.

Basically the Television is a skewed and totally inaccurate depiction of reality, but people are so dumb they will bend reality to suit the artificiality that is TV, until they meet in the middle in a future where black ghetto children really are the greatest violin and spelling and chess prodigies, and the white or Indian or asian kids who do this stuff in real life are holding you up behind a liquor store to get the twenty dollars and expired Bed Bath & Beyond coupon from your wallet.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Watch the movie Gran Turino. Lots of Asians in major roles.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Don Wassall said:
I'm not saying they weren't shown in advertising before, but if you haven't noticed the huge increase in numbers recently (of Asian women, men, children, etc.) you aren't paying attention.  Having an Asian in a commercial is becoming almost as commonplace as that of the "mandatory Negro." 
If anybody remembers the Calgon(not sure on the spelling) soap commercials of the 70's. They always had a Chinese couple with thick accents who were one stereotype from SNL skits. Asians are no longer portrayed like this. Now they are similar to "yuppie" Whites, but not the brunt of jokes(or virtually never).

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
What's interesting also is that there has not been a corresponding huge increase in the appearance of "hispanics" in the media like there has been with Asians, though the hispanic population of the U.S. according to the Census Bureau is 15% and that of Asians 5% (blacks are 12%).
Jul 14, 2007
White Shogun said:
Watch the movie Gran Turino. Lots of Asians in major roles.

Shogun, I personally thought it was a good movie. When you think of it from a politically-correct standpoint, it went in the completely opposite direction of all the rest of the garbage Hollywood puts out. Eastwood's character freely uses ethnic slurs, and in one scene they correctly show three black thugs threatening the Asian girl and white male. Eastwood correctly criticizes the white male for being a pussy to the black males. Other than having many Asians in the movie, I really don't see the problem with this movie!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Electric Slide said:
White Shogun said:
Watch the movie Gran Turino. Lots of Asians in major roles.

Shogun, I personally thought it was a good movie. When you think of it from a politically-correct standpoint, it went in the completely opposite direction of all the rest of the garbage Hollywood puts out. Eastwood's character freely uses ethnic slurs, and in one scene they correctly show three black thugs threatening the Asian girl and white male. Eastwood correctly criticizes the white male for being a pussy to the black males. Other than having many Asians in the movie, I really don't see the problem with this movie!

Me either. I loved it. I can see though that some here might have a problem with it because of the mixed race friendships that develop in the movie.


Nov 15, 2007
Don Wassall said:
Tiger is very shrewd.  I'm sure he's aware he can be "taken down" just as all public figures are aware of it. 

My guess is he doesn't regard himself as black, but he knows he has to express concern for the "lack of black golfers" and anything else the media asks him about.  He seems perfectly at ease in the White world of golf and his choice of a wife reflects that. 

I see Woods more as an example of what is the real trend that most have yet to realize because of their fixation on the small (and decreasing) amount of White women who like black men -- Asian-White couples, particularly White men and Asian women.  The explosion of Asian women in popular advertising in the past couple of years shows that the media is well aware of it and is pushing it for all it's worth. 

Hi Don,
just wanted to say that i agree with you about the decline of white women who date black men. i am seeing a downward trend (albeit not a drastic one) in the amount of white women i meet or know that are willing to date a black. i have a good friend that i called out for her fixation on football players (usually black)during highschool and frosh year of college and now its funny but if you look at her dating pool, it could pass for the team photo for some college hockey team. i am seeing more and more of that from girls that used to like the black guy mystique.

myself, i think that in the part of CA where i live, the rise of the UFC and its white athletes/combatants has fueled the emergence of a new predominantly white young male social caste that have become known as "bros". "bros" seem to emulate a lot of the characteristics of the black "thugs", except their values are white-centric as opposed to black. they have the same "swagger" as the blacks, but without the same inclination for criminal enterprise. i think the UFC and the "bros" it has created are slowly but surely putting the "swagger" back in the young males of white communities in S. California, namely Orange County. you don't see blacks try and intimidate these guys like they do other nonblack kids. these guys are willing to fight at the bar, club, parking lot, whereevr if they feel they are being disrespected. i think girls see that, and are drawn to it.

what do you think are some of the reasons for the drop in white girl-blk guy relationships?
Apr 22, 2005
I see the opposite in black male/white female miscegenation. Got to an AAU basketball tournament and check out the progeny of black college ballplayers. Tons and tons of mixed kids.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
GLS certainly has a point...

many, if not most, of the "black" hoopsters that play in both college and the NBA have a white momma. and not only that, the white momma raised the mongrel on her own (or with the help of her parents) because the negro pappy split when her tummy started bulging a couple of months after he poked her white tail.

it's very sickening and more than a little sad.
Jul 14, 2007
GreatLakeState said:
I see the opposite in black male/white female miscegenation. Got to an AAU basketball tournament and check out the progeny of black college ballplayers. Tons and tons of mixed kids.

I think most of those girls unfortunately came from poor and/or majority black areas, or came from broken households where the father was not around very much. I know there's always going to be a case where a well educated well raised white girl from a nice family dates a black boy, but I would say at least 9/10 white female/black male relationships are girls that came from the lower end of the economic spectrum and/or broken households. I really do feel bad for those girls, because they have to live in an environment where they are exposed to no-good black and white boys from an early age, have to live in a trashy neighborhood, be exposed to violence and other anti-social behavior, and are the most likely to get raped and hooked on drugs/alcohol. As much as we want to blame black fathers for abandoning their children, we certainly have plenty of pathetic white fathers as well.

Most of the well-raised white girls I have encountered cannot stand black boys. They have told me they cannot stand the annoying way they hit on them and try to pick them up. They say they that black boys do not pick up on the normal clues that a girl isn't interested, and will keep persisting until they can start an altercation with some of her male friends. They won't say anything about this in the wrong company, because they don't want to be viewed as racist. Many black maleathletes on college campuses are considered "creeps" for their strange ways of acting around females.

I would even venture to say that I've had more white females than white males say things against black-males, because of the experiences they have had interacting with them.

Another thing is that for some reason things chance between generations. From my parent's generation it seems like many white men wouldn't mind (or pretend not to) if their daughter dated/married a black man. Though from guys my age I hear all the time that they would absolutely forbid their daughter dating a black man, even ones that consider themself liberal or tolerant.

Like any other social factor, I think there's many things that are going on in interracial relationships. I don't think the total percentage has changed much over the last 20 years, but I think it has gone up among the lower rungs of the white community, but that interracial dating is not considered "glamerous" among white women. Just look at the celebrities, I know there's a few exceptions, but even the uber-tolerant Angelina Jolie who adopted colored children decided to have kids with a white man. Look at all the other celebrity women either marrying or having children with white men, and this stuff makes front page tabloid news, as for a number of years they have been talking about a "baby boom" in Hollywood, which has been nearly exclusively white women having children with white men.

And, as I had mentioned previously, despite the fact that female models and college/pro cheerleaders are constantly being shown with or cheering on black males, they almost exclusively date white men. That's something I know first hand, because these are high status girls who feel like they are going somewhere with their life, unlike the unfortunate poor white girls in the urban/trailer environment that feel like their prospects are dim. I really do feel sorry for those girls, because nobody really cares for them except maybe their overstressed mom, and it just shows you how white men can sometimes be their own worst enemy in a variety of ways.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
GreatLakeState said:
I see the opposite in black male/white female miscegenation. Got to an AAU basketball tournament and check out the progeny of black college ballplayers. Tons and tons of mixed kids.

If you saw Will Smith's kids all alone, you might guess that they had a White parent, but in reality both of their parents are mixed blacks.

The fat, coal black judge from American Idol has kids that look like mulattoes but his wife is black.

It's well known that black males are attracted to light-skinned black females. That's a common pairing. Ever watch "Maury" - who beez the "baby daddy?"

Aside from the coal burning, drugged-out, Syphillis-infected White hoes featured -- there's a lot of light-skinned black females featured with darker bruvahs. Look at some of the Hollywood blacks that have VERY light-skinned females by their side; It sometimes takes a second look to notice that the broads have black blood!!

Also, keep in mind that quite a few blacks have knocked-up light-skinned mestizas, which is fine by me as they aren't my people. Just more offspring to be relegated to the mud gene pool.
Apr 22, 2005
Well, that's the problem --

These don't fit the stereotype of the "white trash" baby mamas. These are largely white women who met these players in college, where it's open season on the jersey jumpers. And, a larger percentage than you would think are still intact, married couples.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I've heard the miscegenation is bad in Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio -- so I won't dispute what you've said IF you've seen the mixed kids mothers...

In your original post, you didn't exactly state that you saw their mothers. When you say "college ball players" -- are you talking about people who are now in their 30's and watching their kids on the AAU circuit?
Apr 22, 2005
Correct -- the fathers and mothers, watching their kids.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
just take for example one of the basketball teams we talk about quite a bit: Gonzaga.

all three members of Gonzaga's sophomore class are mulattoes.


Apr 14, 2005
Deadlift said:
I've heard the miscegenation is bad in Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio

Dude I do not know where in the heck you heard that from. I've lived in Ohio my whole entire life and its no worse here than in North Carolina, the south in general, or any where in the country for that matter. So actually no its not bad in Ohio I've been to practically every county and been in every major city in the state. Not that much different than any other state I've visited.