They walk in chains to ask forgiveness


Sep 9, 2005


Jacob is white.

That's why he believes he should apologize to blacks for slavery. His race bought and sold slaves.

To this Camano Island farm boy, it's reason enough.

"How could we?" he cried out into the night. It's a moment caught on video by his father, Michael Lienau, a documentary filmmaker who is producing a television series about the marches.
Kid has been brainwashed.

I think his old man is using his kids to make a buck.
My grandparents came to the United States 50 years after the slaves were freed. We were not responsible for slavery and do not feel guilty about it.
However we are still pissed at the many of our countrymen who were kidnapped into slavery by the Turks, never to return. I demand an apology from Turkey and reparations!
When are these people going to understyand that slavery isnt just a white/Black thing.Slavery is still practiced in Africa today and the Africans have a culture of brutality that goes back hundreds of years.They enslave and murder their own people on a massive scale.Blacks dont talk about their treatment by the Arabs who pioneered the trade or the child slavery thats still practiced their today because it dosnt involve Whites.They just use slavery as an excuse to hate and beat up on whites.I have no doubt that if Whites were to disappear,and Asians/Arabs were to take over Western societies politically/economically,their treatment of Blacks would far excel anything Whites are supposed to be guilty of.('
What really irritates me about the slavery issue is that the discussion always starts around 1600 when the Porutgese starting buying black african slaves from the Muslim slave dealers in bulk lots and reselling them in North and South America. PEole as far back as the Phonecians sold European slaves in Africa and African Slaves in Europe. Their is also almost a toltal absence of comment about the Muslims occupation of the Iberian Penisula they sold both their conquered colonist and slaves taken in raids and battles with their European neighbors in African markets until Rodrigo Diaz distracted them somewhat with the military concerns of his driving them form Spain and Charles Martel organized Western Europe politically and it became difficult to obtain European slaves for he African market. The coupe de grace was the European development of firearms small enought for a lone soldier to carry and operate ( Engineering and invention is an area where the Nords, Germanics and Celts have long exceled in ). with this superior military technology the Porugese were able to revenge all their realtives who had been sold into slvarey in Africa by selling African into slavery in the New World. SO if we owe the blacks an apology they also ow those of us of European descent and even bigger one. They started the fight we just won it.

Secondly, If your father was murderer I do not believe we should hang you even if he got away.
American Freedom News