They Don't Even Look Like Men

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
They Don't Even Look Like Men

By Coach Dave Daubenmire
November 5, 2009
Is it ok if I vent a little today? I've built up a little frustration over the past couple of months and I just need a pressure release. Will you let me do it?
As you may be aware I have started a varsity football program at a local Christian High School. Although I vowed to myself that I would never return to prowling the sidelines when I walked away from public education in 2000, the opportunity to train young males to be men was something I could not, in good conscience, run from.
Not all males are men. I hope you understand that. Especially convincing is the evidence I have garnered recently that Christian males in particular are the least manly.
It is cultural, I guess. Someone, somewhere, determined that trading the old man for the new man meant losing your backbone. Heck, you can't even pass gas at a "men's fellowship"Â without being looked at as if you had just pee-peed on the Decalogue. Pastors are the worst. Any whiff of "Christian testosterone"Â sends them to their Joyce Meyer collection of sermons in an attempt to "soften"Â your rough edges.
Well, not for me. My new birth made me more manly, more courageous, and more willing to live life on the edge. I like guys with rough edges. In fact, I'd rather hang out with some of my "lost"Â buddies than some of the sissified males I meet in Christian circles. I even said "damn it"Â once when I was golfing. And that was after I was saved. It's like one acquaintance opined after playing a round of golf with me. He knew my "reputation"Â but had never had the opportunity to spend any time with me.
"I gotta tell you Coach, I really enjoyed playing with you. I hope you don't take this wrong, but you are not like most Christian guys I know. You're more"¦normal"¦I guess is the word. So many guys I know who go to church seem phony"¦too sweet for me, if you know what I mean. I could see myself hangin' out with you more often."Â
"Come on, Tim,"Â I barked back. "I'm just like Jesus. Jesus was studly. I got something to die for now. How many guys do you know who can say that?"Â
His look of bewilderment spoke volumes. "So Dude"¦Coach"¦where do you go to church?
Back to my venting. Our football team is driving me nuts. They are great young men, obedient and mannerly, the kind of kid you could trust with your daughter. But as my own high school football coach often said they need a little "piss and vinegar."Â They take the "turn the other cheek"Â attitude with them onto the field. Our Christian-culture has taught them that being "gracious in defeat"Â is Christ-like. I tell them being "gracious in victory"Â is more fun.
Maybe it is just me. I want them to be MEN. Our Christian-culture teaches them to be doormats. In Sunday school they are taught to be kind. I want them to be valiant!
Needless to say, I am swimming upstream on this one. All day long they are taught in school to "act like Christians."Â That is the problem, I tell them. Stop ACTING like a Christian and start BEING one.
But we don't even know what that means. WWJL"¦What Was Jesus Like? I promise you this. He was all MAN. He confronted evil, challenged the status quo, upset some apple-carts, and spoke what was on His mind. He was the original "Braveheart."Â
Come on now. Look around at the Christian role models our young men have to look up to. Most don't even look like men. What is the word that pop culture has given us"¦metrosexuals"¦? Modern Christian men are the ultimate metrosexuals.

What is a metrosexual? According to the Urban Dictionary it is a guy who uses mousse on his hair, cream on his skin, wears jewelry, and designer clothes? (Hey Honey"¦where are my boots and bibs?) Look at the Pastor your son sees every Sunday. Does he ooze testosterone or progesterone? Is he someone who appears to be steadfast and unmovable or someone who is more compromising and nice?
It matters, you know. What a young man thinks a Christian man looks like, matters. I was raising-Cain with our players last week and I told them "You guys make me want to cuss! The Bible says to be angry and sin not. I want you to know that I am angry enough to cuss"¦but I'm not going to. You guys would do well to get a little ticked off yourselves."Â
But, I suppose Christian men aren't permitted to get mad anymore. It's not very Christ-like.
(I'm gonna keep riding this stallion a bit farther.) Look at the "Christian-school your child attends. How many women are doing the teaching? How many women know how it feels to be a man"¦especially a young one? Who do the young men answer to? You got it"¦women. Who teaches them about Christianity? Bingo"¦women. Just where is it our young guys go to learn how to be a man?
Can I use myself as an example? I have always been the aggressive type. Arriving fourth out of five children, being small (5'7"Â) in stature (I was called Baby Dave by my cousins until I was 10), and a natural whipping boy for my older brothers and their friends, I learned early to stand up and fight back. It was that "spunky" attitude that enabled me to be a three sport star in high school, earn varsity letters in football, basketball, and baseball at Otterbein College, and lead the fraternity in weekend drinking binges. "Daubie" was the life of the party"¦the original "wild and crazy guy."Â
In 1987, at the age of 35, I met Jesus. Raised in church as a child, forced by my mother to watch Billy Graham crusades on television, I was religious enough to know right from wrong. Nothing more than a religious pagan, I ran to the altar with fear and trembling when the Gospel was clearly, and uncompromisingly, articulated to me. From that day forward my life has never been the same. Jesus did for me what a phone booth did for Clark Kent; changed me into a brand new man.
Overnight, I had gone from serving the King of Beers to serving the King of Kings and for the next 10 years "men of God" tried to turn me into a sissy"¦ to domesticate me"¦to conform me to their image of what a "Christian man" should be. Until the ACLU came knocking at my door.
I thank God for the ACLU"¦they dynamited my sissy hind-end out of the pew. I've been on a devil-hunt ever since.
I grew up on John Wayne and Combat, Have-Gun Will-Travel and Paladin. Who can ever forget Matt Dillon and Gunsmoke, Hoss Cartwright and Bonanza, Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry, and Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels in The Lone Ranger?
Has there ever been a greater line than the one uttered by Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke, "Calling it your job don't make it right."Â
Today our sons get weenies like Leonardo DiCaprio, Sean Penn, Clay Aiken, and Zac Efron. Our churches get Joel Osteen, Ed Young, and Ted Haggard.
When I was a young boy the good guys were men, they loved women, and they defended the weak. Today, our leaders "come to consensus,"Â "reach across the aisle,"Â and are "open-minded."Â Well, not me. I'm closed minded and proud of it. I know what I believe and not afraid to defend it. The prissy-pastors don't know what to do with me.

I wonder, was Jesus open-minded? Did He preach a message of "consensus building?"Â Did He use mousse, face cream, and wear designer jeans?"Â
I was reading this week (Matt 16) where folks had trouble differentiating between Jesus and John the Baptist"¦they were cousins, you know. The establishment wanted nothing to do with The Baptist"¦he wasn't polished enough"¦.locusts, camel hair, wild honey"¦wasn't in vogue, if you know what I mean.

Jesus flipped over tables, John's mouth cost him his head. Their paths took them down the same road.
Jesus wasn't relevant to the world; He overcame it. "Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist."Â
Keep your mousse and jewelry and pass me the locusts and the wild-honey.
Jesus was no sissy. It's time we stopped representing him as one.

Do you think like a Christian or a humanist? Did the Founders really separate Church and State? Is Judicial tyranny ruining America? Check out these great teachings by the Coach

© 2009 Dave Daubenmire - All Rights Reserved


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I identify with much of that article. Thanks for posting that. I think I will make some copies.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Great article Don, and I agree with the coach. Christianity has become too sissified and diluted. I don't care what church you go to, there is room for tons of improvement in this area. We need men, not males!
Jul 14, 2007
Great article. I would say the best example of the strong type-A personality Alpha male Christian would be Tim Tebow. But even with that, you will see the favorite pastime of many Christians, that being bashing other Christians for not being "true believers." I heard Christians say that you shouldn't spend so much time serving sports, but rather serving Christ. Many Christians don't like other Christians due to the lifestyle they live. Spending a sissy type existence is not for me. I love being strong in my beliefs, not starting fights but confronting people when necessary, and standing up even to authority when they do the wrong thing. On top of that I love playing and watching sports, I love the ladies, and I enjoy drinking and having fun. That does not sit well with 99.9% of Christian males. Oh well, they can live an unnatural neutered existence as a male why I will live the life God created for us the ability to live!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
This country died when Christians stopped kicking ass. The rest of the world went to hell for the same reason. That type of Christianity produced civilization as we know it and when it's gone so is civilization.
Nov 30, 2008
I was shocked when I first read the New Testament and discovered what a bad ass Jesus was. He was calling people out, getting in faces, flipping over tables. Then I did some research and discovered that the typical skinny hippy like Jesus he's always portrayed as is almost certainly false. He was likely a pretty rugged, tough guy considering his professions and the time he lived in.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Fightingtowin said:
I was shocked when I first read the New Testament and discovered what a bad ass Jesus was. He was calling people out, getting in faces, flipping over tables. Then I did some research and discovered that the typical skinny hippy like Jesus he's always portrayed as is almost certainly false. He was likely a pretty rugged, tough guy considering his professions and the time he lived in.

That might be the first time I have ever read of Jesus being called a "bad ass" dude. Not exactly how I would put it, but I appreciate where you are coming from. He was the suffering Messiah back then, he will be the conquering Messiah when he comes back. I always kinda thought that if Jesus came back as a athlete he would be the kinda guy who slid hard into second base(spikes first) to take out the double play, always hustled 100% and always look like he was enjoying himself whenever he played the game.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
This country died when Christians stopped kicking ass. The rest of the world went to hell for the same reason. That type of Christianity produced civilization as we know it and when it's gone so is civilization.

Christians and the rest of the White world have embraced the gospel of stupidity. They will gladly fight for Israel and labor dilligently to house, feed, educate and clothe Africans, importing as many of them as possible into our communities. As if we didn't have enough problems.

A family member attends the same church as the misguided man featured in the story below. He lost his life, his children lost their father, and his wife lost her husband. But it was all worth it, I guess.

The upside is that they were not racists. That's good - right?

Missionary Pilot's Widow Speaks
By Shelley Walcott
Story Created: Oct 30, 2009

Story Updated: Oct 31, 2009

OCONOMOWOC - Carrie West says even though this is a difficult time for her family, her faith is sustaining her.

Her husband, Adam, died in a plane crash in Tennessee last week. He was training to become a missionary pilot when the unthinkable happened. Adam's plane suffered engine failure.

"They can tell that the engine had sputtered and come to a stop," said Carrie.

Adam and his flight instructor were killed. The West family - including the couple's two small children - were just months away from realizing their dream of missions work in Africa.

"We sold our house, we pretty much got rid of our old life to be able to pursue what he knew God said to do," said Carrie.

Carrie and her children are now staying with friends in Oconomowoc. Members of the White Stone Community Church are trying to raise funds for the family.

And even though she is grieving Adam, Carrie says his life was not in vain.

"Thirty-eight years does not seem like a very long life. But every one of our days is numbered, and I believe that he lived them for the Lord all the way to the very end."

A memorial service for Adam West will be held next Saturday at 3 p.m. at Westbrook Church in Delafield.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
guest301 said:
That might be the first time I have ever read of Jesus being called a "bad ass" dude. Not exactly how I would put it, but I appreciate where you are coming from. He was the suffering Messiah back then, he will be the conquering Messiah when he comes back. I always kinda thought that if Jesus came back as a athlete he would be the kinda guy who slid hard into second base(spikes first) to take out the double play, always hustled 100% and always look like he was enjoying himself whenever he played the game.

Maybe we've all greatly underestimated Pete Rose.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Considering the spiritual state of America and Christianity, I am a firm believer in re-evangelizing our own people here first. Let's take care of our own place and people before all else.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Don Wassall said:
guest301 said:
That might be the first time I have ever read of Jesus being called a "bad ass" dude. Not exactly how I would put it, but I appreciate where you are coming from. He was the suffering Messiah back then, he will be the conquering Messiah when he comes back. I always kinda thought that if Jesus came back as a athlete he would be the kinda guy who slid hard into second base(spikes first) to take out the double play, always hustled 100% and always look like he was enjoying himself whenever he played the game.
<div> </div>
<div>Maybe we've all greatly underestimated Pete Rose. 



Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Colonel_Reb said:
Considering the spiritual state of America and Christianity, I am a firm believer in re-evangelizing our own people here first. Let's take care of our own place and people before all else. 

Amen CR!
I get sick of all this emphasis on Africa & "turd world" country evangelism. Also, the Christian-Zionists expect everyone to be milquetoast, except when sending our troops to die in the Middle East meat-grinder (serving the Z.O.G & empire building). We need more Christian patriots like Coach Dave & Pastor Baldwin.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Christianity has been afflicted with the same wretched disease as any other "white institution."Â￾ White Nationalists mercilessly loath islamic fundamentalists muslims (and with good reason), yet spare the rod for white Christians / Catholics who are force-fed the unyielding notion that they must become a selfless member of the "human race."

In today's materialism-driven world, this usually translates to handing out large sums of money to whatever non-white aspiration the church sees fit.

I went to a Methodist church my entire life. Once every few months, like clockwork, the church PTB would gouge / guilt the church members (100% white) into handing large sums of money to be sent directly to Africa, South America, the Middle East, etc. This goal would be achieved beneath the disguise of a "mission trip."Â￾ Even at a young age, I felt strange about helping non-white nations. Needless to say, the "men"Â￾ attending the church welcomed this with open arms and open wallets. The church also encouraged church members to live amongst the people they were "helping"Â￾ in foreign countries. Naturally, the "men"Â￾ would gladly allow their young daughters to live amongst the vermin in the name of "the cause."Â￾

The article Bart posted shows how dim-witted and "worldly"Â￾ today's Christians have become. Selling your home and moving your wife and children to the most disgusting corner of hell on planet earth? Maybe he died in that plane crash for a reason"¦.maybe now his wife won't be raped and kids won't be tortured and killed by the evil thugs in DogEatDog Africa? The lord works in mysterious ways, I suppose. Modern Christianity is yet another tool founded for the sole purpose of forcing white men to slowly evolve into sissified women, incapable of defending themselves or their family.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
With all due respect, when God calls an evangelical Christian to the mission field, whether it's here in the US or to Zimbabwe, it's God's mission. Jesus said to go to every corner of the earth and tell them the truth of the Gospel, whether they like it or not. We're not done until everyone has had the chance to accept or reject.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
FootballDad said:
With all due respect, when God calls an evangelical Christian to the mission field, whether it's here in the US or to Zimbabwe, it's God's mission.  Jesus said to go to every corner of the earth and tell them the truth of the Gospel, whether they like it or not.  We're not done until everyone has had the chance to accept or reject.

How do you know it's God calling them? Maybe the devil has taken over that church and they are doing the work of evil. What proof of Godliness do these churches have?


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
FootballDad said:
With all due respect, when God calls an evangelical Christian to the mission field, whether it's here in the US or to Zimbabwe, it's God's mission.  Jesus said to go to every corner of the earth and tell them the truth of the Gospel, whether they like it or not.  We're not done until everyone has had the chance to accept or reject.

Amen brother.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
jaxvid said:
How do you know it's God calling them? Maybe the devil has taken over that church and they are doing the work of evil. What proof of Godliness do these churches have?
It's a personal calling that only the individual can ascertain. However, it is easy to check to see if it is from God or from Satan, just verify if the calling is scripturally valid, which the missionary field is (thankfully, International mission work is not my calling). I doubt that Satan would desire an on-fire evangelical to win people for Christ.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
FootballDad said:
jaxvid said:
How do you know it's God calling them? Maybe the devil has taken over that church and they are doing the work of evil. What proof of Godliness do these churches have?
<div></div>It's a personal calling that only the individual can ascertain.  However, it is easy to check to see if it is from God or from Satan, just verify if the calling is scripturally valid, which the missionary field is (thankfully, International mission work is not my calling).  I doubt that Satan would desire an on-fire evangelical to win people for Christ.

Why wouldn't the devil use scripturally valid reasons to scam people into doing his work? Can't the devil be clever? International mission work isn't always "on-fire evangelicals" but naive young kids, perfect targets for the devil's tricks. Look at the discord and sin that is transferred to Christian countries when the pagans are "converted" and brought over. To me the scripture says those people are the children of Ham and cursed anyway.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Thrashen said:
Christianity has been afflicted with the same wretched disease as any other "white institution."Â￾ White Nationalists mercilessly loath islamic fundamentalists muslims (and with good reason), yet spare the rod for white Christians / Catholics who are force-fed the unyielding notion that they must become a selfless member of the "human race."

In today's materialism-driven world, this usually translates to handing out large sums of money to whatever non-white aspiration the church sees fit.

I went to a Methodist church my entire life. Once every few months, like clockwork, the church PTB would gouge / guilt the church members (100% white) into handing large sums of money to be sent directly to Africa, South America, the Middle East, etc. This goal would be achieved beneath the disguise of a "mission trip."Â￾ Even at a young age, I felt strange about helping non-white nations. Needless to say, the "men"Â￾ attending the church welcomed this with open arms and open wallets. The church also encouraged church members to live amongst the people they were "helping"Â￾ in foreign countries. Naturally, the "men"Â￾ would gladly allow their young daughters to live amongst the vermin in the name of "the cause."Â￾

The article Bart posted shows how dim-witted and "worldly"Â￾ today's Christians have become. Selling your home and moving your wife and children to the most disgusting corner of hell on planet earth? Maybe he died in that plane crash for a reason"¦.maybe now his wife won't be raped and kids won't be tortured and killed by the evil thugs in DogEatDog Africa? The lord works in mysterious ways, I suppose. Modern Christianity is yet another tool founded for the sole purpose of forcing white men to slowly evolve into sissified women, incapable of defending themselves or their family.

I have to agree with most of what you said. I was raised Lutheran and attended church til I was a teen. I no longer go. I recall many of the "men" at my church being nerdy, weak, wimpy types. Many of these "men" were actually in their late 30's and 40's still single and living with their mothers. Trust me, this was not because they were still "playing the field". These are not metrosexual men like Don's posted article mentions but equally pathetic individuals. Another thing that struck me was the churches attempts to "reach out into the neighborhood" for new members. See, the congregations numbers were dwindling so they started pandering to hispanics, blacks and other minorities in the neighborhood.

Religion has been used for centuries as a way to brainwash the masses. In many ways it is like the media. When the message being preached is good there are no problems but when the message is evil/ corrupt/ etc you simply have DWFs or I should say drunk white Christians. I don't want to rip Christianity, for it is the purest of all religions, and I do appreciate the western culture that has grown from Christian values but until churches changes I can't see any use for it personally. The church has done nothing to speak out against the endless Islamic invasion of America, the increased perversion of homosexuality and the demise of White Christian values, so why should I support it?

I'll instead add it to the ever increasing list of institutions that need a radically overhaul.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
FootballDad said:
With all due respect, when God calls an evangelical Christian to the mission field, whether it's here in the US or to Zimbabwe, it's God's mission.  Jesus said to go to every corner of the earth and tell them the truth of the Gospel, whether they like it or not.  We're not done until everyone has had the chance to accept or reject.

How do you know it's God calling them? Maybe the devil has taken over that church and they are doing the work of evil. What proof of Godliness do these churches have?

They don't know. Every religious group on earth thinks they hear from Gaaawd. Many good hearted Christians are swayed by constant harping on missions work, saving the lost. Week after week, year after year.

How can you sit on your comfy couches eating burgers and fries while countless numbers of Africans, Haitians, Hmong, Mexicans, etc. have empty stomachs and are destined for hell?

"Yes honey, I believe God called us to sell what we own and go to Africa."
"We have so much, they have so little, it's just not fair."

"Yes dear, and then we can bring them back to our lilly white suburb to share their culture, innate wisdom and goodness with our evil white racist neighbors - lke that **ick Bart."

Of course, when tragedy ensues, they can't admit something went wrong somewhere. Oh no, it was the Lord's will to go through all that tragedy.

And Why is it that 99.9% of missionaries are Whites? You would think God would have sense enough to speak to some of the millions of Negroes in this country, sending them to Nigeria. But no, somehow, they are always called to be prosperity preachers in Atlanta or LA.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Bart said:
And Why is it that 99.9% of missionaries are Whites? You would think God would have sense enough to speak to some of the millions of Negroes in this country, sending them to Nigeria. But no, somehow, they are always called to be prosperity preachers in Atlanta or LA.

Right on brother

I have never like the idea of missionary work. You could even argue this is the earliest form of white guilt dating back to European missions to Africa and to parts of Asia as well as India. Why do whites always feel the need to better the lives of "poor, helpless" non-whites? This attitude that "our way of life is better than yours" comes off as arrogant and naive. Even if this is true, leave the Africans alone and let them believe and worship any person, animal, rock, etc they want. If they were meant to find God they will find him without our help.

One of the main problems with the world today is that we have taken third world people and placed them in a Western Christian society and expected them to belong. Their primal and savage cultures that they have lived in for thousands of years make this assimilation difficult at best. This is why I'm am never shocked to see a black player do a "rain dance" after making a tackle. Some instincts die hard. History has shown us that whites are the only race (maybe some Asians) who are capable of living in civilized societies so lets quit "helping" 3rd worlders and focus some attention on our white brothers around the world who need our help. Hell, there are alot in Africa that we could start with.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
FootballDad said:
With all due respect, when God calls an evangelical Christian to the mission field, whether it's here in the US or to Zimbabwe, it's God's mission.  Jesus said to go to every corner of the earth and tell them the truth of the Gospel, whether they like it or not.  We're not done until everyone has had the chance to accept or reject.

Yes, Jesus gave us the Great Commission, and that includes all Christians. This also means that native Africans (who've been converted) need to carry the torch (as do the South Americans, etc.) and save their heathen countrymen. I think Col.Reb and I are saying that White Christians should focus on converting our fellow White Americans (first...not "only"). I'd like to see more mission work to the impoverish Appalachians or South Africa (where Whites are often a persecuted minority). In the contemporary, PC modern churches, the emphasis always seems to be (only) on the blacks & browns, when there are plenty of White heathens that need Jesus as Savior. I say save as many Whites first & then train the others to go evangelize their home/native countries.